Minuters are in reverse chronological order
Draft Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 4th December 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman)(wee bitty late) A. Meldrum, C. Birrell (assumed Chair for Chairman who was a wee bitty late), S. Blaney, ( a wee bitty late) G. Johnston , S. Bingham, G. Cowan, G. Dickson, L. Rennie. and Councillor Porteous -
Apologies: were received from Councillor Docherty and Councillor Holt
Minutes of the previous meeting. Were approved proposed by G. Cowan and S.Bingham
Matters arising from the Minutes:
Goal posts investigation showed £870 would be the cost of replacing them to the standard required by Fife council. It was discussed how to pay for this – it was thought that the interest from the common good fund might be a possibility. They were removed by the council and lost - Councillor Porteous indicated he would look at this via the Council. The Chairman and Vice Chairman arrived to a fanfare of trumpets……
a/ Cycle Path –It was the view of the council that we should follow up the initiative proposed by Councillor Riches and after discussion and a few names mentioned it was left to the secretary to make contact with a keen cyclist to see if he would be interested in taking it forward. It was thought that it might be better to have a path running parallel to the road obviating the fencing off to make it stock proof. A. Meldrum said he would be prepared to be involved once he had come back from his winter sojourn.
b/ Second Homes the secretary had prepared a briefing paper for the councillors and there was an enthusiastic and vigorous debate. Some ways of improving the situation were discussed but most were collaterally problematic. It seems that it might be a Scottish government imposed problem in relation to the rates relief position. Some property owners were incorporating limited companies to rent out their property thereby avoid business rate. It was thought it was worth putting to Fife Council that any new development should have some way of making it owner occupied rather than potentially holiday/secondhomes/rentals. It was agreed that there should be a community wide debate about this. We should be looking at new developments being restricted to owner occupation. Does the village want more houses for holiday houses ? Is there a feeling that something should be done about limiting the number of homes being used as rental or holiday homes ? We should decide upon say four basic principles which might be controversial and then put them out for discussion and a public meeting. We are going to hold a public meeting with a suitable agenda for it. Propositions will be formulated to see what could be the subject of the meeting. The council members were to consider this at the next meeting and to draw up a set of questions or propositions that could be put to a public meeting in the early spring.
c/ Mast the Secretary reported that he had attempted to indicate support for the mast proposals but found he was too early. (post hoc discovered that Fife Council, have rejected the PAN put forward for the mast – which is highly disappointing and we should take this up next month.)
d/ Earlsferry town hall The steering group has submitted applications for grants to The Scottish Land Fund, Fife Council and Architectural Heritage Fund. These grants are to fund a Feasibility Study into a possible Community Asset Transfer and Technical report on the structural condition of the hall, identifying the costs to bring it up to standard for use as a community hub.
We have tendered both the feasibility study and the technical report and interviewed the firms who have submitted tenders. If the applications for grants are successful, the feasibility study and technical report will start in January.
e/ Camper Vans Carol Birrell reported that 80% of the responders (46) which had been received to the questionnaire wanted a complete ban in camper vans. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the secretary should construct a letter to Fife Council setting out the history and asking the council to put in place the wishes of the community. The letter in draft would be circulated to the council members.
Flags – the secretary advised that he had made further investigations in relation to the costs of a flag and he had two estimates. The first from a company in Glasgow who quoted a printed flag at 9 ft x 4 ft 6 inches which is the large standard coming in at £95 ex vat and one from a company called flying colours which quoted for a 7ft flag at 115 ex vat. After some discussion it was agreed to proceed to order one only from the Glasgow Firm. The secretary thanked S. Blaney for his work in making the logo a better resolution. The flag is currently flown from the stay rather than the top of the pole and the secretary asked if it could be flown from the pole. (post hoc discovered that there had been complaints about the rope clanging against the pole by local residents – thought this was too bad)
Graffiti This has now been reported to Forth Ports authority which now deals with the lighthouse and we have been advised that their contractors will take steps to clean the graffiti off the lighthouse.
Beach Festival -There had been no apparent support for the secretary’s idea so it will be dropped.
VIPER –Steve Blaney said it would be nice if someone could add something. C. Birrell advised that her husband had a generator – G. Cowan said she had a horse box. Ronnie Black had been agreed to the fourth co -ordinator.
Christmas arrangements – since the next scheduled meeting was for Monday 1st January it was agreed to make it the following Monday 8th January.
Questions from the public
A.Meldrum noted that he had signed up to fibre broadband but he was getting slower speeds but he was advised that it would take timer to settle down. (post hoc just done a broadband speed check whereas before fibre was getting 12 mbs now getting at 906 pm 27 mbs)
He also advised that the parents of children at the primary school were having difficulties with staffing of the school. The headmistress is being shared with St. Monans but there is only a probationary teacher P 4,5,6 and 7 who is not being mentored enough and getting the support she needs. They had had a meeting with the education authority which had not been sympathetic. He was merely advising to see if anything could be done. The council were appalled that there had been no reaction to this and that the school roll was in danger of falling and if so it is likely that it would be closed. The council expressed their anxiety and urged the Education Department to do something about this.
Chairman’s Report He advised that they were digging holes outside the school and they are installing the crossing. Dumbarnie plans were further discussed and the chairman having thought more about it he did not see any problems other than the traffic problems but it was thought that this would be attended to by the road department.
Councillors Reports – Councillor Porteous indicated that there would be double lines outside Ship Inn soon. John Docherty had told the secretary that east neuk tourist association are currently looking at a tourist pass and the plan was from V and A in Dundee to St. Andrews and he had said that he thought it should include the east neuk. The Scottish tourist board indicated they would talk to the board on 9th January – it was agreed that the secretary would go to the meeting.
Projects – none
Secretary Report silence
Treasurer - he was going off for 4 months and was passing over the books to the secretary. Latterly discovered that the contribution from Fife Council was actually in the bank account but of course fife council did not earmark what it was for. The secretary said he would attend to its payment and confirm the receipt.
Planning secretary reported that outline planning had been granted for the Stables in Liberty. Hot tub for the Terrace has been granted.
AOCB Mentioned the closing of Peat Inn Radernie road from 3rd to 10th January. But before the gavel could clatter down on the table the meeting broke up in disarray with lots of chit chat which the secretary could not cope with. This time 1 hour 37 mins and a handful of seconds…..we are getting quicker !
Draft Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 6th November 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) A. Meldrum, C. Birrell , S. Blaney, G. Johnston , S. Bingham, G. Cowan, G. Dickson. And Councillors Holt, and Porteous - Present Gill Tetlow of Police Scotland and Elizabeth Riches.
Apologies: were received from Councillor Docherty
The Chairman commenced the meeting by introducing Elizabeth Riches former councillor who gave an address on the Cycle Paths project in Fife. It was the plan to create a multi purpose pathway from St. Andrews right round the coast to Leven. She explained that St. Andrews University were in the process of negotiating with local land owners to secure access perhaps as far as Kingsbarns, that Crail were looking at extending the path to Anstruther. Pittenweem were hoping that there will be action soon and working up a feasibility study to get to Crail. They are really handing a baton to community councils and currently asking them to look at it also and Anstruther has already created a path. The idea is that tourism with children is big plus. Safety is the first imperative. We have started from Anstruther to Pittenweem and to Kilrenny. We hope to have an inland cycle route to help children to bike more safely but it is a shared use path many more with mobility scooters also joggers dog walkers and maybe horses. It will be a tarred surface. We could do this - steps that we reckon you will need to do to create these paths. Perhaps could be community council or a sub group so that you can receive grants but need enthusiastic people to work under the umbrella. Have to think are we doing this on our own or in partnership. Suggest that we work with Fife Council and have had good support. In effect the government are trying to promote cycling. You will need feasibility study and discussion with landowners. Work out the routes you want and try for funding. We are going to put solar studs on our path to light the way. You might get Fife Council to adopt it and maintain it. It will and can be match funded. There will be lots of support. It would not be on the Fife coastal path. It would be good if you created your own path either back to St Monans or forward to Kilconquhar. Trying to provide somewhere safe for people and it maybe that some might require to be on public road but it would be safety paramount. It was thought that we would need the reaction of Alex Nairn as the local landowner. The chairman thanked Elizabeth and it was left to the council to mull over what she said. The secretary will put it on the agenda for discussion next meeting. The Chairman thanks Elizabeth for her imput and invited her to stay to enjoy the rest of the council meeting which sinced she relinquished her Council Status she was obviously missing. She withdrew with what seemed like undue haste but maybe not.
Gill Tetlow of the police had arrived and gave a report. No crimes in the last 6 weeks. But the summer had been a bit quieter than the previous years. Some members wondered about this because there had been a few incidents on the harbour beach which resulted in some assault. Gill explained that she had been off for some of the summer and had not back checked the files. Beach parties had been an irritation but not serious. She also wanted to advise about fraud cases on line where someone with a new bt router had a call purporting to be from BT and got him to log into his computer and had accessed his savings so please could we warn people about this and she would be happy to talk to people about it. We considered in Isaac Mackie house should be included. Pop in café on Thursday in toll green hall. None seemed to have reported the graffiti at the lighthouse to the police. [post hoc discovered that I did on 1st August and have now to Forth Ports authority- should also say that the assault case we mentioned has been the subject of a report to the fiscal]. It seems that something was reported about the assault and Gill said she would look at the back files.
Minutes of the previous meeting. Armistice day - there was confusion about the wreath laying ceremony. Councillor Porteous asked for the time of the ceremony of laying the wreath since he was going to the St. Monans one at 11. When told, he said he would be able to make the 1210 one in Elie and he asked about the Fife Council Wreath which he explained he had handed into the newsagents to be handed to the secretary. The secretary explained that he had collected it, and in turn he had given it to the chairman who would then in turn hand it back to the councillor to lay. Proposed by Carol Birrell and seconded Steve Blaney.
Matters arising from the Minutes:
a/ Mast progress –We had received intimation of application to put it up at the golf course. The secretary presented the plans and proposals of where it would be sited. And along with it came five sheets of explanation of how it worked and would be happy to hand it on to anyone else who might be interest. We should when the occasion arises indicate support for the project.
b/ Earlsferry town hall Lynda Rennie was absent. But the chairman reported on a well attended coffee morning. The secretary explained that the information he had received that the crèche had stopped and the Fife Council had tried to increase the rate from £46 per day to £40 per hour and she could not go with that. Councillor Holt explained that her researches had shown that the council were deciding to charge a commercial rent for council owned premises but that at a level which could seriously be at odds with the use by the community of these community assets. She expressed the view, which was endorsed by all, that whilst it is appreciated that the council require to cut resources they cannot at the same time except to encourage community use and community involvement in these halls if they price us out of the market. Councillor Porteous indicated he would circulate the pricing strata for the hire of the hall.
Camper Vans Steve Blaney explained that FCCT were looking at use of car park area they may well designate the lower part as caravan park next year and put back the wooden hut and would take money for it. It’s not high on the agenda at the moment. The secretary reported having received a letter from constituent and the information on the street that we should consider the possibility of banning caravans/campervans from the car park. There was heated debate on this. The holiday makers who pay large amounts of money to rent houses and the campervans come along and pay nothing. We are to consult the community and we should do a survey to gauge the views of the community and it was agreed to make a questionnaire and put it round the shops. Carol and the secretary would prepare something.
Street Signs and streets So far as anyone knew this was not moved yet.
Flags – the secretary read the quotation for a 6 X 4 printed flag as a printed one at £80 and embroidered £300. We are to get a further estimate for a larger flag but the council were very much in favour of a flag and it was thought that it would be appropriate to fly it during the holiday season, Christmas and new year. We agreed that we should get a flag but the impression was that the white background was best despite it getting dirty quickly. The secretary indicated he would advance the matter further.
Graffiti did we report this to fife council Secretary reported it to councillors in email. Perhaps NLB should be told about it.
Beach Festival the secretary advised of his idea. We thought we would consider it and since the History society were doing exhibition on Saturday and on Thursday or friday of that week we could have events on beach and on sunday a village barbeque.
VIPER -Steve Blaney talked about the chairman and his plans for the emergency. S Blaney said he had sent the details of Viper to the community Council and he would be surprised if anyone had done anything about it. Village Initiative Preparing Emergency Reaction and the idea is we have people in place and strategies in place to deal with emergencies etc. Three co –ordinators Angus Meldrum and Graham Meacher we would contact the emergency services in the first instance. He explained the ideas behind it and what needed to be done to implement it. The council were unanimous in agreeing that this was an excellent idea and offered all assistance to the sub committee to do this immediately. He was looking for looking to the members for names and details for useful. We are to fill in the sheet for people who could be of assistance.
Questions from the public
Steve Blaney said that a resident had contacted him asking if the notice board middle sheet would be shifted off centre to make it more legible. Sandy Bingham mentioned the goal posts which had not appeared. Angus was asked to look at the internet and see if there are goalposts. We are all to google it. Skiff - a few years ago were looking for interested people Sandy had put her name down and asked if anything was happening. She was advised that there was notice of the sailing club notice board. The container is back in the upper car park instead of the lower one. Councillor Holt said she would look into this for us.
Shouts of come on come on
Chairman’s Report
Proposed golf course development he had attended the meeting. They were going to send copies of the presentation and we were issued with this form. There were two items which caught is attention -he was concerned about the traffic which is intended to enter at the t junction onto the corner of the road which was dangerous. There was to be a bus stop there too. They estimated 110 cars coming in and out per day. He noticed that the list of interested parties were mostly American. He was also concerned about the boundary between golf course and sssi.
Councillors reports
Councillor Holt mentioned that she had no fibre broadband and she had been at the opening of the BT but the cc had not been advised or even invited. They had put the box up before the school they ripped the paper off and on making inquiries she found that her line at Arncroach was fibre enabled and she did not know but you have to go to digital Scotland website and phone up and they will hook you up.
Councillor Porteous mentioned that Abbeyford were seeking more sites for caravans at shell bay but we did not think that it was our constituency and if it was we were not concerned about it. Do we know of anyone getting to St Monans for nursery and having difficulty because if you are school age you get free transport but nursery no. We will ask. He also mentioned a number of people have contacted us about second home issue which we should discussed in due course at another meeting and it was to be put on December agenda.
Projects Nothing of significance it was the dormant period for growing.
Secretary’s report none
Treasurers report had nothing to report.
Planning nothing to report.
AOCB “there was a dreadful hush in the close tonight …..someone was snoring and the Secretary was tight…No he wasn’t. and none said anything
The gavel banged at 2 hours 4 mins and 40 seconds Two mumbled thanks were intoned to the chairman for his conduct of the meeting but none heard…plus ca change…..but they may have been the residual echos from the last meeting last month.
Draft Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 2th October 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell , G. Johnston , S. Bingham, G. Cowan and L. Rennie, G. Dickson. And Councillor Docherty
Apologies: were received from A. Meldrum, S. Blaney, Councillors Holt, and Porteous
Minutes of the previous meeting. G Dickson noticed that contrary to his impression he had been present at the last meeting and asked for the minutes to reflect this. That having been done the adoption of the minutes was proposed by Lynda Rennie and seconded by Sandy Bingham.
Matters arising from the Minutes:
a/ Mast progress – the secretary reported that the company which had sought permission for a mast for mobile telephone had recently advised that they had been negotiating with the Sports club and a pre planning application would be lodged soon to site the mast behind the telephone exchange beside the third green of Baird Course. The council were pleased that some progress had been made.
b/ Earlsferry town hall Lynda Rennie reported the Steering Group is preparing application forms for funding and moving forward with organising activities in the hall at weekends. Tenders for the feasibility study have been issued and it was hoped that by encouraging the use of the hall the study would show that there was long term benefit in retaining it. They were thinking about line dancing for Friday 20th and kids club for families in the area and looking into long term health problem classes run by Fife Council .There was a suggestion on facebook that the nursery is closing down (post hoc clarification has been obtained from Sarah that she is closing date as yet uncertain)
Camper Vans in the absence of Steve Blaney it would be deferred. The secretary asked to be reminded to talk about chemical toilets. Nobody did as it happened so he will keep his powder dry til the next time.!
Common Good fund Secretary reported that he had well and truly made a dogs’ breakfast of this…..like the match funding from Fife council once we had been told that we had been granted the funds he thought all that was necessary was for the money to be put into the bank account. But he reported that he had not read the small print and that in fact we had to spend the money before we could get it back. The council were concerned about this because the whole purpose of the application was to make use of what seemed like a good deal on some benches BOGOF seemed to have applied but it was too late now. The council thought that this restriction made it impossible for the council to order goods since they did not have sufficient funds available to meet the £2500 cost of the benches and planters. The view was taken that this was unfortunate but that we would just have to find some way of spending the money before we could get it back. It was thought, indeed hoped, that if Fife Council were sent the invoice they would pay it direct to the supplier so it was agreed to proceed on the basis that the benches and planters should be bought and provided the supplied did not ask for a pro forma invoice or cash up front we would send the invoice to Fife council and S. Blaney was invited to proceed on that basis.
Street Signs and streets Councillor Docherty advised that he had had a meeting with the roads department and had presented the details prepared by Carol Birrell. Street lighting – we registered with councillors about the tar pavements. The secretary could not find the copy email so that put paid to that discussion but it precipitated, as usual, considerable deviation from the agenda and chat about pavements and lots of other things.
Puffin crossing – the same applied to this aspect he still could not find the email he sent and much fluttering of papers etc. He will re email the councillors thereanent. We thought that it was unlikely that we could get a raised crossing.
Flags – the secretary read the quotation for a 6 X 4 printed flag as a printed one at £80 and embroidered £300. We are to get a further estimate for a larger flag but the council were very much in favour of a flag and it was thought that it would be appropriate to fly it during the holiday season, Christmas and new year. We then discussed the layout in detail and minutiae and the secretary indicated he would email the council with various designs of background.
Graffiti on lighthouse bridge on two or three of tank traps and the rocks. NLB should be responsible for lighthouse and does anyone know about the FCCT know about it. No response yet from any of the councillors but they have only recently had the paperwork.
Beach Festival the secretary advised of his idea of having a Beach festival in the summer for all sorts of events on the beach. Various kites were flown, some crashed to earth some stayed up but it was left that the councillors would think about it but it was thought that we needed younger people than us. No person demurred at that. Anarchy then broke out with various ideas being discussed sotta voce and fortissimo - not a lot changed.
PAN Dumbarnie links The Chairman enthused about attending the meeting of the Dumbarnie. Chairman said he would attend the meeting with a suitable brief from the council.
Herald We would like to see it continued…………… and eventually the secretary caved in and said he would do another one and everyone could see it before publication.
Armistice Day – The secretary reported that the church had applied for a street license for 1210 am on Armistice Sunday and that in his view this semi feud between the CC and the church about when the ceremony should take place should be put to rest and we should go along with the church. There were resource implications for the police having to be present from 1045 until 1245. However after much angst it was agreed that so many people would be hugely disappointed if it was not at 11 am. No one had turned up from the police last year and there seemed little purpose in applying for licence. Apparently a lot of the community want a ceremony at 11 am irrespective of the church position. If it was to be changed there would be a lot of protests from Elie and Earlsferry. Eventually after much discussion it was decided that the community council would hold a ceremony at 11 am. since it had been intimated to those who are interested that it would be at 11 am. but that the wreaths would be laid at the same time as the church ceremony. A vote was taken – notwithstanding the vote in which the result was not clear the compromise was arrived at of having the ceremony at 11 am and laying the wreath at the same time as the church ceremony.. and almost everyone was relatively happy and confused.
Questions from the public
A long pause – there has been pavement dug up and barriers for months outside the toilets at Stenton Row. Job for councillors we think.
There are still bus stops in Earlsferry seemingly operational and they should be made clear the buses do not pass far less stop. Councillors list ------
Chairman’s Report
Very successful food and drink festival held on Toll Green and the chairman was very pleased that Toll Green was used and people were mingling (for as change instead of minging) on toll Green - no havoc resulted and everyone had a very jolly time. The Joint Cc forum discussed - Encap has run out of money but the gist of it was it would relaunch with a press release. The only way they will get more is to get more community action plans to be drawn up and thence more money. We were not really enthused to be part of this. East Neuk first responders reported and Gillian has offered services to develop emergency planning plans. It was agreed that Steve Blaney and Chairman would be the emergency committee with suitable powers to arrange for the community council to meet in the Secret Bunker if necessary. Cycle path update now called a shared path dogs, walkers and wheelchairs included and was expected to run right round to Leven and we are asked for potential route through Elie – we might not have room. One of their officials should be invited to the next meeting if possible. The chairman said he would look it out.
Councillors reports
John Docherty has organised for St Monans and Crail more traffic wardens on the street and wondered if we wanted their services. There was an outcry about the enforcement of the regulations. We should certainly ask for more warden visits in the summer time.
He gave flowers on 60th wedding anniversary of the Bells North Street (former provost).
Projects Bulb planting took place on Saturday when 7 dwarfs (that’s what the chairman said but he may have meant snow white)turned up - the money that bought the bulbs came from the pink piggy bank in Carols shop and it raised £20 spent on bulbs – thank you . Beautiful Fife competition - we got silver gilt again. The residents of Earlsferry had contributed much by putting out window boxes and flower planters. The EAG is meeting on Thursday 19th. A list of things requiring action was given by Carol Birrell to John Docherty.
Secretary’s report He advised that with the absence of many of the councillors to our meetings there might be a proposition to change the dates and times of our meetings however it was decided that occasionally there was a clash with Kingsbarns but it was not crucial. We decided not to change. The chairman mentioned the forum where only two of the councils of 11 turned up and it was losing its impetus.
Treasurers report he was not here.
Planning the council approved of the draft protocols for planning applications.
AOCB another idea for thought is whether the East Neuk Forum should change its emphasis for tourist business rather than just the things it dealt with. We might ask for presentation by East Neuk tourist board.
The gavel banged at one hour forty two minutes and 41 seconds and conversation continued unabated. Two mumbled thanks were intoned to the chairman for his conduct of the meeting but none heard…plus ca change…..
Draft Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7.30 pm on Monday 4th September 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) A. Meldrum C. Birrell , G. Johnston , S. Blaney, S. Bingham, G. Cowan and L. Rennie. and 4 members of the public
Apologies: were received from Councillors Holt, Docherty and Porteous The Chairman apologised for the length of the agenda and forecast that we would probably be there until midnight although he did not say which midnight.
Minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary advised that he had forgotten to minute the commencement time of the meetings for this year as 7.30 so sought leave to amend under aocb a note to that effect. This was not objected to or perhaps even noticed by anyone so adoption of the minutes was proposed by S. Blaney and seconded by Carol Birrell.
Matters arising from the Minutes:
a/ Mast progress – the secretary reported that the company which had sought permission for a mast for mobile telephone and to whom we had suggested that the site would be at BT exchange reported that negotiations had broken down and they were looking for a further site.
The chairman agreed to bring the review of planning of Park Place, Erskine House up the agenda since the proprietors had attended this meeting. The proprietors and applicants for planning permission then addressed the council. The gist of this report was that our objections were factually unfounded, unfair and inaccurate. It was explained to them that we had been given this information from the adjoining proprietors who had brought it to the attention of the Council. Much of what was said was of course subjective. It was pointed out to the applicants that the council were not the only objectors and that the matter would have been referred to the council committee despite the community council’s objections. The applicants advised that they had been told by the planning department that what the community council said in such applications was taken very seriously. This came as a surprise to the council since they had not noticed any such effect previously but accepted that. It was further accepted that the East Neuk Preservation Society had also lodged objections. The point made by the applicants apart from the inaccuracy of the council’s observations was that they had not been given an opportunity to refute what had been said. The council accepted that its procedures in relation to planning permission objections was not properly formulated and the members were grateful to these applicants for highlighting what was clearly a deficiency in the protocols of the council. In that regard the council agreed to take the matter of planning applications into consideration and to consider promulgating some protocols as to how these matters should be dealt with in the future but since the current application was before the council committee in any event the council could not modify their position of objecting to it.
Earlsferry town hall Lynda Rennie reported that a steering group has been set up and was presently researching to get a grant from Scottish Land fund. An application to that fund was being submitted by 9th November and perhaps by the beginning of the year the group would be able to commission a feasibility study. Meanwhile the current tenant would be free to carry on her crèche and there were no plans to interfere with that. The council expressed pleasure that the venerable old building was being used at long last and expressed thanks to Lynda for her hard work.
Camper Vans The secretary reported that Shona Jones had highlighted the emptying of chemical toilets into the toilet at Ruby Bay. It was her information that this was a septic tank but we were not certain whether it was on the mains or not. It was remitted to the secretary to find out whether it was a septic tank {post hoc confirmed} and whose responsibility this was - a start would be FCCT who would be able to advise. Steve Blaney advised that he had spoken to a number of people and Fife Council and FCCT have agreed to put a sign up advising camper vans to stick to the lower level and despite that it seems odd ones ignore it. Robbie Blyth did not realised how many were using that site so he is now considering making it more of an official site and bringing back the little hut at the entrance that would double up a hut for life guards and car park attendants and charge for overnight stay. He is considering this for next year. We also had to discuss the frogyog van which was using up parking spaces and we have adjusted the site to make more site available.
Sand – we have found out that the Golf club were a seeking licence to take sand from the beach. They had not yet lodged the application for removal of sand and David Bell of the beach report said that there should be a systematic removal of the sand. The Secretary had a meeting with the Secretary of the golf club advising that we would like them to get a licence and then take the sand as directed by the beach group. It may well be that we will have to speak to the beach side proprietors further along from Little Court and with luck we might be able to reduce the amount of sand being blown up to the houses to the east of Telfer Wynd. S Blaney advised that the disabled access to Harbour Beach has too much sand in it and would be a good place to take it from to keep the access open. Harbour trust are considering having to remove a lot of sand within the next few years.
Traffic Management at Ship and elsewhere. There was a meeting with Gordon Hughes of Fife Council and we raised a number of points with him. The various suggestions were refuted but we will be able to get double yellow lines outside Ship Inn where the long white H signs are. The Ship Inn should like the double yellow lines to be in front of the hotel also. He then brought up the sand question he was happy to clear it back to the edge of the road . We had asked him to cut back the dunes to widen the road but the problem is that the Overnstones who own the adjacent property objected to any action. Angus Meldrum pointed out there was a wall under that sand dune which was not the Ovenstones. It was thought that if the Ovenstones were not prepared to co operate in clearing that sand they should be asked to do so themselves. Puffin crossing is intended to be installed in Park Place except that we suggested that it be raised and go across from east side of park place to school gates and we were told we could not have a raised crossing within 25 metres of a road junction. In Lundin Links however it was noted that the raised crossing was well within ten feet of the junction. We should still ask it to be raised as a speed control. He said no, the average speed is less than 20. Does Kevin Smith know that the street signs are needing attention and that Cadgers Wynd sign is still not attached to the wall. Carol Birrell had done a survey of the signs and what needed to be done and handed it to Councillor Docherty. Keven Smith said he knew nothing about it. We are to find out if John has managed to get anything going.
James Braid – signs are up not in the position we wanted and we may have to adjust the site. We thought they should be on the actual sign showing the name of the villages. The account was in and the Council thanked Golf House Club for their donation of £110 and the Thistle Club of £50. The balance was being funded by the common good fund. This leaves a small balance from the common good fund contribution in credit and we would decide what to do about it.
Beach Group are about to tackle the ivy outside care home, Weavers Cottage, Windsor Cottage and Ruddon Grange.
It was noted the retirement of Fiona Mitchell from the Council and our appreciation was noted for her invaluable work with the council in liaising with the local communities.
Street Lighting and Rankeillor street to be closed from 25th Sept and 10th November 7 to 6.30. Includes the pavements there. It was the intention to replace with tarmac and chips except outside Wynd House. We are to ask about this with councillors. {planning is not required to repair the pavements }
Flags The secretary read a list of dates which the Scottish Parliament required flags to be flown on public buildings. The majority of these dates in the view of the council were not appropriate but it was decided that the following days would be those on which flags would be flown from the mast at toll green.
21st April -The Queen’s Birthday, actual
17th June ditto official
24th June armed forces day,
3rd September Merchant Navy day. Red Ensign
Armistice Day
30th November St Andrews day (Saltire)
Fayre day and Scarecrow Festival.
Union Jack on all days except St Andrews day and the secretary was asked to get a list.
We considered whether to arrange the purchase of a new flag and it was agreed that this would be dealt with at next meeting.
Graffiti on lighthouse bridge on two or three of tank traps and the rocks. NLB should be responsible for lighthouse and does anyone know about the FCCT know about it. Ask one of the councillors to deal with it.
Bottle bank overspill at church – it seems to be a usual problem with East Neuk during the holiday season.
Mars Boys have made application to community planning fund and they have donated £500 and we have £500 from Harbour trust and balance will be from the History Society.
Christmas tree competition run by church to make Christmas tree - details can be obtained from Elizabeth Meacher.
PAN Dumbarnie links had re-applied for planning for Dumbarnie golf course and they want to know whether we want a presentation from them. The view was that one of us would attend other presentations nearby and the Secretary was asked to advise the promoters accordingly.
Herald We would like to see it continued…………… And after much hilarity, discussion and disagreement and thought about the websites which we could use. The problem is that everything put on the web requires to be vetted by the committee. The secretary thought that this was excessive and it was agreed to talk about this amongst ourselves and hopefully have formed a view for next meeting.
Questions from the public
What was happening with the broken sea wall at bottom of the toft. ? Council are well aware of it and still waiting to hear whether it is coming from insurance or not.
The secretary reported on a letter from a constituent which in essence suggested that the intrusion by visitors during the summer and complained about the attitude of some part time users of houses. He wanted to know why the permanent residents of this beautiful village have to put up with skips improperly lit, speeding drivers, inconsiderate parking, permanent seemingly reduction in breadth of roads by scaffolding and badly parked cars, and general mayhem on the streets without any compensation. The Deli has gone on for so long and should not result in a block on both sides of road. Asked if councillors would look into this. There was much sympathy from the council to these sentiments but it was felt that there was little we could do although it was thought that the obstruction of the roadway has probably led to a payment to fife council and not passed on the benefits to the community. We still thought there should be a ban on outside skips etc being parked on the roadway during the summer period.
Chairman’s Report
He indicated he has a large agenda but would reduce it to a precis. Encap has run out of money. The only way they will get more is to get more community action plans to be drawn up and thence more money. We are asked if we are ready to community action plan. A request was made for vote to be taken and we resoundingly said we did not.
Development up at the water garden priests field three new houses being built. There were problems in relation to the removal of surface water there having been an application made for such a system. This is of concern when considering what might happen at Wadeslea although the council were not sure of the connection- water or otherwise. We are going to have two public meetings to seek our views for the planning application. Until such times as the application is lodged it was agreed that we should not express a view one way or another.
The window box competition won by Stevensons of High Street Earlsferry but the Chairman could not give garden winner’s name since Bob has gone off on holiday. We will present trophies in October.
There was a claim it was nearly bed time.
Projects Beautiful Fife competition - we will get result on Wednesday. The EAG is meeting on Thursday. The residents of Earlsferry had contributed much by putting out window boxes and flower planters. What we have tried to do in Elie was to spread the display out throughout the village rather than the immediate public areas.
Secretary’s report he was dared to raise anything but nothing daunted he reported that John Docherty had told him that he (John Docherty) will arrange the wreaths and was then subjected to a barrage of questions and comments to which he responded that he was merely the messenger and that shooting him would be unproductive and at the next meeting we will need to discuss armistice day ceremonials.
Treasurers’ report there was nothing to say so S. Blaney said the benches were coming from common good fund.
Planning Matters – after tonight’s meeting we should draw up some protocols for dealing with planning applications.
Carol Birrell advised that Elie Sports club have changed the system and now we have half a vote and we share a vote with Fayre Day and have alternate memberships. Cath McIntosh is now stepping down as the Fayre Day rep and we have to have a rep on Sports club. After much discussion and lack of volunteers Angus Meldrum shut his eyes and was immediately voted to be on the committee and invited to half attend half the meetings.
Thereafter on the shout of any other competent business the ensuing silence was interrupted by ecstatic and simultaneous applause and cheering that the meetings’ length was a European All Comers record of 2 hours 25 mins and 26 seconds which would have been substantially reduced had there not been frequent interruptions from the members of the committee shouting “Next Business…. Let’s move on – I haven’t had my tea yet” and similar notes of frustration. The secretary blushed and by the time he proposed a vote of thanks to the chair the lights had been put out and the door locked.
A planning question was raised initially to enable the members of the public who had attended for this item to escape the rest of the meeting. An application had been lodged for substantial alterations of Erskine Cottage in 27 Park Place. The plans as lodged showed the addition of a storey at the front of the house and substantial alteration at the rear to increase the height of the building. The Council looked at the plans and discussed with the members of the public who had attended the proposed alterations to the house which were in the council’s view not in keeping with the neighbourhood. Various points were made about its unsuitability and the Council was invited to contact the planners to lodge an objection to the plans as presently presented. That was agreed and the secretary was instructed to write to the planning department expressing the council’s anxiety about the development.
Phone Mast: The Secretary advised that he had contacted the people with whom a meeting had been held about the proposal and he was told that at the moment negotiations are on going with Bt in relation to the location of the mast but that it would take some time. They were in effect making progress but no more than that. It was noticed that there had been a minor panic in the High Street on Friday because some workmen arrived and proceeded to cone off the part of the High Street – It was noticed by the eagle eyed that it was the same contractors who had dug a hole to investigate the provision of electricity for the mast. Two and two were put together and the resulting product of twenty suggested that work was about to start to build the mast without planning permission etc. After much tooing and froing principally by the Chairman on Monday it was discovered that it was to repair the BT cable beside that wall. The National Guard was stood down and people breathed again. The council paid tribute to the indefatigable work the chairman had done in tooing and froing on Friday and Monday.
Earlsferry town hall In Lynda’s absence it was reported that the first meeting of the steering group would take place on 14th June. It was noticed that the town hall had been let to a crèche on a five days a week basis and that it was hoped that the committee would bear this in mind that this was the first substantial let of the building for many years.
Camper Vans S. Blaney reported that a notice will be put up just before the upper level making it clear that the vans should be restricted to the lower level and Fife Council would produce a proper notice. It was noticed that the car park at Ruby Bay was on a social media site used by 50,000 plus members extolling its merits. A member of the public had indicated that the content of chemical toilets had been emptied into the public toilets and that the effluent should not be placed there. Anxiety was expressed that the notices whatever they said would not be adhered to by the majority however it was felt that nothing could be done about those not reading and abiding by the terms of the notices. Councillor Porteous wondered about a height restriction but he was advised that this was considered by and rejected by the council because the Fife council bin lorries had to get access to the recycling. He suggested that there might be a key pad that lifted the barrier or a wireless device which lifted the barrier when activated.
Beach sand removal – Nothing had been heard about the license that the golf club were obtaining to remove sand from the beach but that the beach group having received advice were of the view that the removal of lots of sand from the bottom of Telfer Wynd would be a service to the beach if done on a regular basis. The secretary was invited to contact Michael Bland and ask him about the position. The beach group were also interested in discussing the position with the Harbour and wanted to know if the Harbour trust wanted to reduce the height of the dunes. Angus Meldrum agreed to consider the matter with the trust at their next meeting. The Beach group have about £300 left.
Road signs etc S. Blaney advised that he has a meeting with Fife council Gordon Hughes on Friday to discuss the road signs and layout position. He was going to show him the areas of concern and find out what the council can and are able to do – Names of roads covered up – also to turn white line outside ship inn to double yellow to prevent vehicles parking there - roundabout at bottom of Park Place was proposed but never happened – two raised crossings one is at school gates at top of Park Place – raise it by a few inches to control the speed of cars passing the school – and a similar crossing at Sauchar house just over the railway bridge - these are suggestions to Fife council but it will open up the discussion – another thing we are hoping on a wish list - the crossing at top of Wadeslea was a new idea according to S. Bingham and the view was that it should be further nearer St Monans – it would be a traffic calming measure – slow down signs – but that if there were signs that gave the speed which seem to be the most effective way of slowing down the traffic – and it was suggested that two such signs at the entrances to the village should be added to the wish list – Councillor Porteous personally noted that the speed bump in Lundin Links outside Stuart Barton’s premises was most effective although it was accepted that this was a 20 mph. It would also help to remove more sand from the area in front of the Ovenstones and that would enable two cars to pass. There is a wall in that dune and it would help if the road was taken back to it.
James Braid sign is going to be erected soon and Earlsferry Thistle had offered £50 towards the cost but the Golf House Club had not responded –the secretary was asked to repeat the request to GHC.
Beach Clean The Secretary referred to the previous meeting about Beach Cleaning he reported that he had a meeting with FCCT and he had discussed beach cleaning – we could get a cage to put bags for people to voluntary clean the beach with 2 minute clean up (see https://beachclean.net/) We thought about Ruby Bay car park but we thought that the best would be alongside the shower block at the harbour. The Ship inn side. There is a company that produces beach cleaning signs and hardware and the cost is about £300 and it might be that sponsorship could be got for this. It was suggested by C. Birrell that a number of residents collected rubbish from the main beach on a regular basis. The Secretary reported that the machine could produce a bag to collect rubbish. FCCT said that they would empty these bins and the secretary was asked to proceed to investigate. We should start with one at the harbour and see what is feasible. Agreed to investigate in more depth and report back.
Common Good fund – Secretary reported that he had not received an acknowledgement of the application. He had emailed and told it was in the pipeline. Councillor Porteous was invited and agreed to find out what was going on.
Street Signs we had dealt with this earlier and apparently the traffic people were looking at it.
Questions from the public
C. Birrell reported that on Saturday night early am some youngster had taken the traffic barriers and had blocked off Elie High Street. It is the suspicion that it was the same people from last year but it had not been reported to the police and the secretary was invited to email the police to add it to the computer.
The secretary had a question from someone about the authorisation to remove seaweed from the beach. Mara had a licence so that if anyone asked they have a licence. A complaint had been received about para gliders at Ruby bay who used the updraft of the beach to launch their gliders - it was suggested there was a danger from them using this beach. Angus Meldrum told the council that it was only once per year and it was always the same day each year although he had no idea why. The feeling was that one isolated day was not likely to be a problem and the gliders were responsible exponents of the hobby. She also complained that the jet skis noise was obtrusive. He had explained to her that there was very little we could do about it. The harbour have tried to control them and there is a speed limit in the bay and when they get out and they are supposed to go south and not within a line chapel green to harbour but there is no way it can be policed. Banning the launching of them from the harbour or the beach would just result in them being launched elsewhere and coming to Elie Bay. It was agreed that the noise at times was excessive and that it would be monitored by the harbour trust. Reported that he had received a card of thanks from Elizabeth Riches thanking for the picture presentation.
Chairman’s report – Merchant navy have requested flying the red ensign on Merchant Navy day on 3rd September. There was a view that there was no problem provided the flag was provided by them. But where do you draw the line. The union jack was flown at half mast at the Manchester disaster – The secretary said that he had received a note from Ian Kenny asking whether the flag should be flown since other public buildings were flying it. He had given an executive order authorising it although he had not bothered to take on board the huge disparity of views that were likely to be given by the community council members. Half mast flags should be one depth below the mast top. Someone might donate a flag – the secretary explained that he thought he had given a list of official flag days to Ian Kenny. The council asked that the list be made available to the council. (post hoc he cannot find it which suggests either he did or didn’t but Remembrance day, Fayre day and St Andrews days were expected to be the norm) We would fly the red ensign if it was presented to us but not by a donor
Projects: S. Blaney said he had said enough to howls of silent protest
Secretary report – an MSP had sent details of his proposed legislation to make 20 mph to be the default position and that everything else would have to be an order to make it 30 mph. Councillor Porteous indicated that in St. Monans they had permission to remove the 30 mph sign nearer the caravan park. The secretary explained that we had been told that the street lighting does not appear until the 30 mph limit and the street lighting would have to be extended at the entrance to Elie from St. Monans.
Defibrillators - the secretary had received a communication inviting more of these machines but the view was we had enough.
Royal bank ATM - complaints not working – seems to be fixed and they are putting in a new one. There is now one at Colinsburgh filling station.
Treasurers report There was nothing to report
Planning There had already been a discussion about a planning matter.
AOCB S. Blaney said that last year in light of disasters we talking about forming our own emergency group known as VIPER to go along side COBRA. We need to put names against people who would react in an emergency and for those who had not had the template he would email it to us.
The meeting closed with the dictating machine showing that the meeting together with the AGM had lasted 1 hour, fifty four minutes and 26 seconds - there was therefore no time to propose a vote of thanks to the chairman. But if there had have been there would have been
June 2017
Draft Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7 pm on Monday 5th June 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) A. Meldrum C. Birrell , G. Johnston , S. Blaney, S. Bingham, and Councillor Bill Porteous and 2 members of the public
Apologies: were received from Councillors Holt and Docherty and from G. Cowan and L. Rennie.
Minutes of the previous meeting. Adoption of the minutes was proposed by S. Blaney and seconded by Carol Birrell
Matters arising from the Minutes:
A planning question was raised initially to enable the members of the public who had attended for this item to escape the rest of the meeting. An application had been lodged for substantial alterations of Erskine Cottage in 27 Park Place. The plans as lodged showed the addition of a storey at the front of the house and substantial alteration at the rear to increase the height of the building. The Council looked at the plans and discussed with the members of the public who had attended the proposed alterations to the house which were in the council’s view not in keeping with the neighbourhood. Various points were made about its unsuitability and the Council was invited to contact the planners to lodge an objection to the plans as presently presented. That was agreed and the secretary was instructed to write to the planning department expressing the council’s anxiety about the development.
Phone Mast: The Secretary advised that he had contacted the people with whom a meeting had been held about the proposal and he was told that at the moment negotiations are on going with Bt in relation to the location of the mast but that it would take some time. They were in effect making progress but no more than that. It was noticed that there had been a minor panic in the High Street on Friday because some workmen arrived and proceeded to cone off the part of the High Street – It was noticed by the eagle eyed that it was the same contractors who had dug a hole to investigate the provision of electricity for the mast. Two and two were put together and the resulting product of twenty suggested that work was about to start to build the mast without planning permission etc. After much tooing and froing on Monday it was discovered that it was to repair the BT cable beside that wall. The national guard was stood down and people breathed again. The council paid tribute to the indefatigable work the chairman had done in tooing and froing on Friday and Monday.
Earlsferry town hall In Lynda’s absence it was reported that the first meeting of the steering group would take place on 14th June. It was noticed that the town hall had been let to a crèche on a five days a week basis and that it was hoped that the committee would bear this in mind that this was the first substantial let of the building for many years.
Camper Vans S. Blaney reported that a notice will be put up just before the upper level making it clear that the vans should be restricted to the lower level and Fife Council would produce a proper notice. It was noticed that the car park at Ruby Bay was on a social media site used by 50,000 plus members extolling its merits. A member of the public had indicated that the content of chemical toilets had been emptied into the public toilets and that the effluent should not be placed there. Anxiety was expressed that the notices whatever they said would not be adhered to by the majority however it was felt that nothing could be done about those not reading and abiding by the terms of the notices. Councillor Porteous wondered about a height restriction but he was advised that this was considered by rejected by the council because the council bin lorries had to get access to the recycling. He suggested that there might be a key pad that lifted the barrier or a wireless device which lifted the barrier when activated.
Beach sand removal – Nothing had been heard about the license that the golf club were obtaining to remove sand from the beach but that the beach group having received advice were of the view that the removal of lots of sand from the bottom of Telfer Wynd would be a service to the beach if done on a regular basis. The secretary was invited to contact Michael Bland and ask him about the position. The beach group were also interested in discussing the position with the Harbour and wanted to know if the Harbour trust wanted to reduce the height of the dunes. Angus Meldrum agreed to consider the matter with the trust at their next meeting. The Beach group have about £300 left.
Road signs etc S. Blaney advised that he has a meeting with Fife council Gordon Hughes on Friday to discuss the road signs and layout position. He was going to show his the areas of concern and find out what the council can and are able to do – Names of roads covered up – also to turn white line outside ship inn to double yellow to prevent vehicles parking there - roundabout at bottom of Park Place was proposed but never happened – two raised crossings one is at school gates at top of Park Place – raise it by a few inches to control the speed of cars passing the school – and a similar crossing at Sauchar house just over the railway bridge - these are suggestions to Fife council but it will open up the discussion – another thing we are hoping on a wish list - the crossing at top of Wadeslea was a new idea according to S. Bingham and the view was that it should be further nearer St Monans – it would be a traffic calming measure – slow down signs – but that if there were signs that gave the speed which seem to be the most effective way of slowing down the traffic – and it was suggested that two such signs at the entrances to the village should be added to the wish list – Councillor Porteous personally noted that the speed bump in Lundin Links outside Stuart Barton’s premises was most effective although it was accepted that this was a 20 mph. It would also help to remove more sand from the area in front of the Ovenstones and that would enable two cars to pass. There is a wall in that dune and it would help if the road was taken back to it.
James Braid sign is going to be erected soon and Earlsferry Thistle had offered £50 towards the cost but the Golf House Club had not responded –the secretary was asked to repeat the request to GHC.
Beach Clean The Secretary referred to the previous meeting about Beach Cleaning he reported that he had a meeting with FCCT and he had discussed beach cleaning – we could get a cage to put bags for people to voluntary clean the beach with 2 minute clean up (see https://beachclean.net/) We thought about Ruby Bay car park but we thought that the best would be alongside the shower block at the harbour. The Ship inn side. There is a company that produces beach cleaning signs and hardware and the cost is about £300 and it might be that sponsorship could be got for this. It was suggested by C. Birrell that a number of residents collected rubbish from the main beach on a regular basis. The Secretary reported that the machine could produce a bag to collect rubbish. FCCT said that they would empty these bins and the secretary was asked to proceed to investigate. We should start with one at the harbour and see what is feasible. Agreed to investigate in more depth and report back.
Common Good fund – Secretary reported that he had not received an acknowledgement of the application. He had emailed and told it was in the pipeline. Councillor Porteous was invited and agreed to find out what was going on.
Street Signs we had dealt with this earlier and apparently the traffic people were looking at it.
Questions from the public
C. Birrell reported that on Saturday night early am some youngster had taken the traffic barriers and had blocked off Elie High Street. It is the suspicion that it was the same people from last year but it had not been reported to the police and the secretary was invited to email the police to add it to the computer.
The secretary had a question from someone about the authorisation to remove seaweed from the beach. Mara had a licence so that if anyone asked they have a licence. A complaint had been received about para gliders at Ruby bay who used the updraft of the beach to launch their gliders - it was suggested there was a danger from them using this beach. Angus Meldrum told the council that it was only once per year and it was always the same day each year although he no idea why. The feeling was that one isolated day was not likely to be a problem and the gliders were responsible exponents of the hobby. She also complained that the jet skis noise was obtrusive. He had explained to her that there was very little we could do about it. The harbour have tried to control them and there is a speed limit in the bay and when they get out and they are supposed to go south and not within a line chapel green to harbour but there is no way it can be policed. Banning the launching of them from the harbour or the beach would just result in them being launched elsewhere and coming to Elie Bay. It was agreed that the noise at times was excessive and that it would be monitored by the harbour trust. Reported that he had received a card of thanks from Elizabeth Riches thanking for the picture presentation.
Chairman’s report – Merchant navy have requested flying the red ensign on Merchant Navy day on 3rd September. There was a view that there was no problem provided the flag was provided by them. But where do you draw the line. The union jack was flown at half mast at the Manchester disaster – The secretary said that he had received a note from Ian Kenny asking whether the flag should be flown since other public buildings were flying it. He had given an executive order authorising it although he had not bothered to take on board the huge disparity of views that were likely to be given by the community council members. Half mast flags should be one depth below the mast top. Someone might donate a flag – the secretary explained that he thought he had given a list of official flag days to Ian Kenny. The council asked that the list be made available to the council. (post hoc he cannot find it which suggests either he did or didn’t but Remembrance day, Fayre day and St Andrews days were expected to be the norm) We would fly the red ensign if it was presented to us but not by a donor
Projects: S. Blaney said he had said enough to howls of silent protest
Secretary report – an MSP had sent details of his proposed legislation to make 20 mph to be the default position and that everything else would have to be an order to make it 30 mph. Councillor Porteous indicated that in St. Monans they had permission to remove the 30 mph sign nearer the caravan park. The secretary explained that we had been told that the street lighting does not appear until the 30 mph limit and the street lighting would have to be extended at the entrance to Elie from St. Monans.
Defibrillators - the secretary had received a communication inviting more of these machines but the view was we had enough.
Royal bank ATM - complaints not working – seems to be fixed and they are putting in a new one. There is now one at Colinsburgh filling station.
Treasurers report There was nothing to report
Planning There had already been a discussion about a planning matter.
AOCB S. Blaney said that last year in light of disasters we talking about forming our own emergency group known as VIPER to go along side COBRA. We need to put names against people who would react in an emergency and for those who had not had the template he would email it to us.
The meeting closed with the dictating machine showing that the meeting together with the AGM had lasted 1 hour, fifty four minutes and 26 seconds - there was therefore no time to propose a vote of thanks to the chairman.
May 2017
Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7 pm on Monday 1st May 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell , G. Johnston ,L. Rennie. S. Blaney, S. Bingham, and G. Dickson , G. Cowan and Councillors Docherty, Riches and Macgregor and 1 member of the public
Apologies: were received from A. Meldrum Treasurer
Minutes of the previous meeting The chairman pointed out that the minutes of the Council were repeated verbatim in the East Fife Mail idiosyncrasies and all and the secretary was asked to note that. The amended minutes were accurate showing two typos. For “crap van” read “crepe van” and for “psychopaths” read “cycle paths”. C. Birrell asked relative to the beach sand removal whether this was a result of action by the beach group. She asked if the community council had authorised the approach about the beach sand. The secretary explained that there had been a question from a member of the public who had asked if the golf club were entitled to take sand from the beach. He explained that he had taken it up with Fife Coast and Countryside Trust and they had referred him to Michael Bland of the Scottish Office who had investigated and indicated to the golf club that they required a license. C. Birrell stated that this was not the policy of the community council to annoy people and it had not been the decision of the community council to annoy the golf club. S. Blaney stated that this had not been a decision of the community council and that it was a pity that the golf club had been inconvenienced. It was pointed out that this was a question from the public and that the community Council could not just ignore them. S. Blaney took the view that to charge the local golf club and make an issue of it was unnecessary stirring. Eventually adoption of the minutes was proposed by S. Blaney and seconded by Sandy Bingham
Matters arising from the Minutes:
Mast Meeting: the secretary referred to the note he had sent round the council and that nothing further had been heard from the mast people and they were looking at further options. The chairman stated that the main problem was the height of the mast. If the prime location was the telephone exchange it was likely to be a lattice mast. One person was concerned about it nearer the school because of the harmful rays these masts are supposed to produce. It was mentioned that the previous meeting a member of the public had stated that he would not have a house beside one of them. C. Birrell referred to an article presented which indicated that the masts were inherently dangerous but that the information seemed to be at least ten years old. Our understanding was that the main base masts allegedly do spread radiation but that the mast to be sited here was not one of them. When it came to planning Co Riches explained that health was not a consideration - anomalous though that was. She explained that the one in St Monans went through without planning committee being involved. G. Cowan also expressed concern – S. Blaney suggested we put these persons who are concerned in touch with the mast providers to discuss it.
Earlsferry town hall meeting is next monday there will be a presentation from Nicky Donald and she is from the Community Ownership Support Service. There had been a phone call from someone who wanted to take the hall on let for the week for child care and she is now renting the hall for five days a week 9 to 6 pm and that repairs had been done to bring it up to the standard needed for child care. It was mentioned that the clock was not working.
Goal posts passed
Camper Vans S. Blaney reported on a meeting with Iain Barbour and the proposal put to him that they be restricted to the lower level in Ruby Bay and he agreed this would be a good plan. He proposed that a notice be put up just before the upper level making it clear that the vans should be restricted to the lower level and Fife Council would produce a proper notice. He also discussed an honesty box for contributions but it would have to be made clear that the funds gathered would come back into the village. He was going to consult the legal department. S. Blaney then talked about restrictions on the roads - he had a conversation with Charlotte of Fife Council and she was sharing concerns about traffic in Elie. The Ship Inn traffic lights scheme was too complicated but in conversation they would be happy at the ship to change the white line to a yellow line. Co. Riches said it would need a request and it would be at least Christmas because it needs to go through a consultation process. She said that we should write to Colin Stirling and put it into motion. He had the same conversation about traffic control and wondered if a raised crossing would slow down the traffic. Co Riches suggested that there should be a meeting with the roads department to discuss these possibilities. Any other crossing would have to be added to the list of improvements being sought by other communities. S. Blaney was authorised to make an appointment to discuss the matter with Colin Stirling.
Rubbish collection – the letter from the Fife council was discussed.
James Braid signs – the secretary reported that the history society discussed the matter and they were to approach the golf clubs see if they were prepared to make a contribution and also whether this was a matter for the common good fund ? The cost would be £220. We agreed that the sign should proceed but that if we were not able to get funds from the golf club we would pay it from the common good fund.
Coinef – it was reported that the application for a contract to extend broadband was now in the public domain.
Development plan - that it is almost on the point of being approved by the Scottish Office.
Beach clean – the secretary reported on the initiative of surfers against sewage. They would be interested in something more permanent- A member of the public expressed an interest that we should get a wire box with bins in it and implements and members of the public should be invited to use the implements to clean the beach up at the car park at ruby bay. It could be opened and locked each night - it was in place in Rothesay. It was agreed that this should be suggested the FCCT and the secretary was authorised to contact them.
Common Good fund - the secretary had asked the councillors about the application for common good funds for EAG but it seems that he should have completed a form to Laura Mackean who would assess it and come back to the councillors. It was also suggested that the council be consulted before any excess revenue is capitalised.
Street signs – Co John Docherty said he had taken it up with the appropriate department and he already had some on the list but he did realise that there were a number of items that needed to be attended to and he expressed appreciation of the list and details that C. Birrell had provided.
Generator noise of the yoghurt van was not longer a problem it having been moved.
Questions from the Public: A member of the public had commented that the flying of the Saltire from the flagpole suggested that this was a SNP area and it was felt that it represented political views which did not necessarily represent the community. It was agreed that the union jack was at least currently the most neutral. C.Birrell said she would speak to the flag man. Caravan parked in Links Place – there was concern that it had wheel clamps on it the community police had been asked and they were making inquiries as to what the plans of the owner were.
Chairmans report
In the annual competition for window boxes and gardens currently there is a rule you can’t win it three years on the trot and were then disqualified but it was decided that the disqualification would only last for a further three years and thereafter the previous winners could re-compete.
Councillors report
Co Riches mentioned three issues – the bollard posts at ruby Bay are in fact Fife Council’s responsibility and she had reported that to them.
There was a problem with motorbikes in woods and FCCT are working with police to try to put this to rest.
She commented about the fishermen taking large bags with them and instead of putting rubbish from their nets back in the sea they had been collecting it and this year there has been 1,000 tons collected from the Scottish sea.
Projects –
Corn bunting – Sandy mentioned the area that had been weed killed at the football park suggested that they had weed killed part of the football pitch and people would then have to walk over it. It was felt it could have been better done but no issue should be taken.
Secretary report – Invoices from Pathhead beach map/plan and paper and stationary were approved.
Planning nothing
Start time of meeting – it was agreed it would be 7.30 start. Next meeting would be AGM. Accounts not been done – should advertise it.
Elie Herald – C Birrell wanted to raise questions of the Elie Herald and she was concerned that something was said about parking cars in the High Street and the shop keepers had been offended and that it should have been vetted. S. Blaney mentioned that he did not do the last one. S. Blaney stated the concern is that it going out representing in the community council it should be correctly expressing views of community council and that he had been told by the Secretary that he no longer was to have a part of it. He complained that the way it had been done this time. The secretary indicated that he had no wish to offend people and if the committee wanted to do it so be it. S. Blaney said he was very upset that he had been shown to be stupid he had asked his name to be taken off it. This was not a professional production and wanted his name taken off it. He wanted the committee to cast their eyes over it before the public forum. He said he was however happy to continue working on it provided that the committee should all make whatever changes they wished. It was agreed that everyone would get a copy and would be able to make comments and changes. It was to be emailed to the community council with a couple of days notice.
There was then a presentation to Elizabeth Riches and Donald Macgregor in appreciation of the long time they had been assisting the CC meetings and the help they had been in dealing with the Fife Council .
April 2017
inute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7 pm on Monday 3rd April 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell , G. Johnston ,L. Rennie. S. Blaney (later) S. Bingham, and G. Dickson , G. Cowan (just in time) and Councillors Docherty, Riches and Macgregor and 14 members of the public who punctually attended.
Apologies: were received from A. Meldrum Treasurer (elsewhere)
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved subject to clarification under the section dealing with the Wee House behind the Town Hall it should be made clear that maintaining the status quo did not mean that the Council condoned the erection of a fence excluding people from the area of ground behind onto which the proprietors of the Wee House had encroached. Proposed by Graeme Dickon and seconded by Carol Birrell
Phone Mast
The meeting started with the secretary outlining the history of the application to place a phone mast outside the church. Various members of the council and the public asked questions as to the suitability of alternative locations. The secretary explained that he had invited the applicants to discuss their proposal with him but whilst an indication had been given that there might be merit in that suggestion as yet the applicant’s agent had not brought forward any proposals. (post hoc now further forward meeting being arranged) Members of the public asked various questions about the range that the mast could be expected to operate, the technical details of how the system works and only Robert Meacher a member of the public was able to answer some of the questions. It was thought that the current location would unlikely be of benefit to Earlsferry. After an open discussion it was agreed that the Council would continue to pursue the idea of discussions with the applicants and that if there was any movement in that direction the secretary would advise via facebook. It was suggested that a presentation by the applicants would be well received. The meeting generally was in favour of the mast thereby improving mobile communications in the village and that if a mast was necessary for that then so be it but the location suggested was viewed with opposition. It was felt that it should be as unobtrusive as possible but still maintaining its efficacy. The Secretary was instructed to monitor the planning application process and if such an application were lodged he was instructed to flag the community council as statutory consultees. Councillor Riches explained the effect of such a move on the planning process. At this point most of the members of the public left the meeting and it continued.
Matters arising:
a/ Earlsferry Town Hall Lynda Rennie reported that she had more consultations with Fife Council and proposed that there be an open forum held to discuss its future (not of Fife Council, you understand but the Town Hall). She would be in a better position to present alternatives at that meeting and after discussion it was agreed that such a meeting should be held on Monday 8th May in the Town Hall and Lynda was invited to prepare the poster for this and to arrange to book the hall for that event. She was asked also to coordinate any responses or interest shown by groups or individuals in relation to the use of the hall.
b/Wadeslea goal posts in Angus Meldrum’s absence this was kicked into touch meantime.
c/ Camper Vans Steve Blaney explained that he was no further forwards having found it impossible to get a response from Fife Council. Councillor Docherty indicated that if Steve was to give him information he would try to get the interested official interested.
d/ Beach Project Secretary reported that it was the intention of the History Society to hold an exhibition in the summer of 2017 entitled “The Sands of Time in Elie” and the Beach group would have a platform for a presentation of their work. He further reported that he had received a message via facebook from someone who was interested in using the cut willow twigs for basket weaving.
e/ Beach sand removal – the secretary indicated he had not further response from Mr. Bland of Maritime agency who was dealing with this and he was invited to issue a reminder to him.
f/ Flag Pole at town hall – this had been omitted from the agenda last month but it was felt standing the uncertainty of the Town hall it should be left lying mean time.
g/ Royal Bank Door – the secretary reported that he had received a response from the Fife Planning Department that the facing of the door had been removed for repair and would be re-instated.
h/Rubbish Collections - the secretary reported that his letter circulated to the Council had received an acknowledgement on 9th March but no further progress had been made – he was invited to issue a reminder.
Questions from the Public
The Toft Steve Blaney reported on an altercation he had witnessed between two drivers of large passenger carrying vehicles outside the Ship Inn where both drivers had refused to give way to allow the other to proceed thereby causing a blockage. He reported that there had been a stand off only resolved by the Ship Inn Proprietor acting as mediator. He indicated that he was concerned that the traffic problem outside the Ship was such as would likely lead to frequent road rage quarrels. He suggested that Fife Council should be asked to supply a set of temporary traffic lights and that during peak periods they would be rolled out and control the flow of traffic along the Toft and in front of the Ship. There were doubts expressed as to whether this would be feasible but he was invited to contact the community police to discuss it. The Secretary’s suggested solution of making the Toft one way only was howled down after a short pause whilst the penny dropped. Another possibility of two members of the Council in HiVis vests having Stop/Go boards was not considered.
Sandy Bingham had helpfully prepared some photographs of what were problems at Ruby Bay Car Park. Firstly the large steel blue box which apparently housed pavement salting equipment should have been removed by now( now removed courtesy of Co. Riches). There was a bollard missing allowing access for vehicles to an area where vehicles should not be able to go and one of the wooden stakes was also missing. Councillor Riches said she would look into this for the council. She also mentioned that the noise from the generator which supplied power to the frozen Yoghurt Van was excessive and seemed to be disturbing the peace. It was thought that there was little could be done about this Fife Council having granted a license. It was pointed out that the Council had not been consulted and we had been advised that there was no obligation to consult in relation to street trader licenses. Councillor Docherty said he had mentioned this at the recent meeting of this committee and he felt it may have fallen on deaf ears. Some wondered how many businesses would that area be expected to support and noted with interest the proposal of Robert Hare to position a crepe van in his Breakwater. There had already been a confrontation apparently between a Mr. Whippy and Mr. Hare but none was able to report who had won. It was thought that Mr. Hare did not need to apply for a trader’s licence since this was private property.
There was also the question of the noise supplied by a number of Jetskis. S. Blaney was able to report that the Harbour trust had this matter firmly in hand and it was planned to have a licensing system for jet skiers to use the facilities and they would be obliged to abide by a code of conduct but it was acknowledged that launching from the main Elie Beach was not capable of being controlled.
Carol Birrell presented details of a survey she had undertaken in relation to the street signs or lack of them in Elie and Earlsferry – she had compiled a chart showing where there were deficiencies and Councillors Riches and Docherty said they would investigate these matters.
Chairman’s Report – the chairman advised he had emerged relatively unscathed from his winter hibernation and things were back into full swing. At a meeting of the East Neuk Forum Chaired by him he reported on the First Responders presentation and the new app “SAM” which enabled first aiders to be alerted by mobile phone of any potential incident within their current whereabouts as determined by GPS in which they could assist. On the latest efforts of CoINEF to get broadband to excluded areas of Fife. He further stated that ENCAP had gone completely silent there having been apparently no meetings for some time. He had proposed and it was agreed that they would be invited to the next meeting of the Forum to address the members in relation to the current progress. Having exhausted his supply of acronyms he further reported on cycle paths which had been established between St. Andrews and Crail and Crail and Kilrenny and Kilrenny and hopefully soon Pittenweem.
Councillors Reports Elizabeth Riches advised:
1. The wall at Breakwater house which had been the subject of an inquiry from a constituent in relation to the largish gap which had appeared and was covered by brush wood. The Council were advised that since this was private land it was beyond the remit of Fife Council.
2. She reported on various moves in relation to the collection and distribution of council tax payments the most significant being that the Council were embarking on a lengthy programme to make certain that properties which were let out as holiday homes either paid the full council tax or alternatively paid for rubbish uplift as was the original intention. Officials are expected to make investigations soon in this area. The council noted this with interest since it was the clear view of the council that many proprietors of houses in Elie were either not paying the full council tax or avoiding it altogether.
3. There were two new police officers John Docherty and Stuart Hamilton who would supervise the community police in the area.
4. She had managed to get to the bottom of Stenton Row toilets difficulties which was due to poor water pressure and that a first flush was followed by extensive and lengthy refilling of the water tanks. An expert in flushing had been engaged to investigate. (post hoc Co. Riches has reported that the toilet at Stenton Row was almost up and running with water now).
Steve Blaney reported on the recent meeting of the EAG where it had been decided to make an application for funds from the common good fund to improve various aspects of the village. He reported that the Secretary had received a letter. The secretary said he had not. Steve Blaney asked if he was sure. The secretary said he was and the discussion petered out. (post hoc letter found application made to common good fund)
Secretary’s report –He advised and produced copies of a letter that he had received from Avu Bin Had of the Fife Council Protocol department relative to the flying of a suitable pennant on any vehicle used by the Chairman of the Community Council on official business. The Council had been invited to put forward designs for this pennant to Avu Bin Had at least by 1st April 2018.
He advised of a letter from the Landmark Press inviting the council to contribute to a leaflet or publication which extolled the merits of the area and which would increase the through put of tourists to the area. The council politely declined the invitation.
Treasurers report – he was still on the piste.
Planning matters –There were none but Steve Blaney was concerned about the new “cricket pavilion” at the Ship and he was advised that this had been previously discussed as being a fait accompli.
AOCB there being none the meeting closed at the late time of 2110 which resulted in those who did not have Catch Up or recording facilities on their TV missing the first ten minutes of Broadchurch. The secretary who has catch up tv was able to advise ex post facto and ex proprio motu that, as usual, little had happened in the first ten minutes and missing it would not be fatal to spotting the criminal and that David Tennant’s voice could have been heard at the Harbour.
For reasons that had nothing to do with anyone the next meeting of the Council for Monday 1st May 2017 aka mayday would start at 7.45 rather than its official 7 pm time. Those usually latish sighed in relief.
March 2017
Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7 pm on Monday 6th March 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell , G. Johnston (late again), L. Rennie. S. Blaney (later still) S. Bingham, and G. Dickson (marginally late)
Apologies: were received from A. Meldrum Treasurer (elsewhere) and G. Cowan (indisposed and fussing) and Councillors Docherty,Riches and Macgregor.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and proposed by Lynda Rennie and seconded by Sandy Bingham
Tracy Elder of Police Scotland arrived to give a resume of the police incidents relative to the area in the last few months. She was able to advise that other than two complaints about speeding drivers all had been relatively and thus ominously quiet. She and Gill had given a presentation to the residents of Beild House about the telephone and internet scams currently targeting elderly people. Sandy raised the question of quad bikes, off road motorbikes and cyclists using the Coastal Path and was concerned that this was a potential danger to normal walkers. Tracy explained that to ride motorised vehicles on the coastal path was an offence but it was difficult to catch the culprits but suggested that the incidents could be lodged by reporting on 101 and if possible with photographs of the culprits. Discussion then moved onto the summer influx anticipated and Tracy explained that the narrow roads and unfamiliarity with the area by tourists had led to frequent bumps between vehicles and whilst none were very serious much police time was taken up directing the traffic and waiting for break down facilities. She had suggested that at least during some of the summer part of the anti vandalism squad might make a token appearance in the villages as a deterrent. This would be welcomed standing the incidents of vandalism that have occurred over the last few years. She was thanked for her information and she advised that she and Gill were always available.
Matters arising:
a/ Earlsferry toilet block The Secretary reported on a an email from Elizabeth Riches in which she said that the proprietors of the Wee House had been against leasing the ground preferring to purchase part of it leaving a right of access to the shed. The council were of the view that standing the uncertainty in relation to the future of the town hall it would be better to leave the status quo at the moment and the secretary was advised to contact the council official.
b/ Earlsferry Town Hall Linda reported that she had spoken to two ladies from FC, one is a policy coordinator, and they had given her lots of other names of people to speak to and a pre-application form to fill in. She feels that a plan is now taking shape and she will report back to CC in two months time.
c/ Wadelsea Goal posts. Elizabeth had discovered that the type of goal posts that could be allowed on the site were likely to be removable type placed in slots in the ground. The council took the view that since Angus Meldrum and to some extent Sandy Bingham were most adjacently concerned discussion should await Angus {‘s ? or just ‘ – could chairman advise ?} return.
d/Camper Vans - Steve explained his idea of a temporary notice advising that they should use the lower car park but he had not been able to make contact with the phantom Iain Barbour of the council who was the guru likely to deal with this. He was still seeking him here and seeking him there but everywhere had not yet been tried.
e/ Beach Project – the Secretary advised that at a recent meeting of the group certain measures were agreed in relation to removing the ivy and willows from in front of Ruddon Grange and Siward House. In response to Grizelda’s question about removal of the willows the Secretary was able to advise that the expert reported that Willow as not a good plant for the duns since it stifled the growth of the natural marram grass which held the dunes together.
f/ Benches at breakwater – the secretary thought that all bar one of the benches had been fixed to the break water. Others thought differently. Post Hoc the secretary checked this morning he and others are both right – the definitive position is that the three east most benches are firmly anchored but the other two are not. The Hares would be asked about this.
Questions from the Public – The secretary advised of a telephone call he had received from a constituent with two topics. He wondered why there were so many benches at Chapel Green and that he had not seen many recumbents. The secretary advised him that their use was very much weather dependent and whilst there had not exactly been a queue to use them there were occasions in which at least two of the ten were occupied. However he advised that Chapel Green had reached its maximum of benches and that those seeking to mount a memorial bench would be encouraged to seek permission elsewhere like the Harbour Trust which is interested in doing so. The second topic was in relation to what the caller thought was 100 tons but may be less sand removed from the beach by the golf club and did the club have permission. The secretary had explained that historically it was the local council who used to authorise licensees to remove sand but that the removal had long been done by the golf club. However he had, on the advice of Robbie Blyth of FCCT, made contact with Michael Bland of the Scottish Office whose remit this was and awaited a response.
Chairman’s Report – the chairman advised that the winter had seriously curtailed his social whirl and if he had anything to report thereanent he certainly was not going to share it with the council and without missing a beat the agenda continued.
Councillors Reports Elizabeth had emailed some information which had already been discussed but the secretary forgot to mention the flag pole at the Town Hall. This was impliedly continued until the next meeting when hopefully he will remember.
Projects – Steve gave his usual comprehensive summary to the current projects. We were entering the Beautiful Fife competition this year after all although hopes were not high. He felt that time had come to look at using some of the accrued income in the common good fund to tidy up the village. He was going to prepare a brief report in the form of an application to use the fund and this would be submitted to the Secretary for onward transmission to the councillors.
Secretary’s report –He advised that the History Society along with Harbour Trustees had decided to erect a monument to the Mars Boys (the occupants of the training ship) who visited Elie each summer until 1920s. The Harbour trust had contributed £500 to the costs and the History Society were in the process of selecting the memorial and seeking planning permission.
He advised that Surfers against Sewage had indicated that they would like help for a beach clean at Elie Beach on Sunday 9th April at 0930 assemble at the Toft. He had passed this information to EAG which had already advertised it on the website and facebook. He observed that Mr. Grieve of Appleton’s shop seemed to be doing a lot of work keeping Elie Beach clear of detritus and thanks was accorded to him for his efforts. Royal Bank door fascia. The Secretary had written to the architects about the absence and removal of facing with no response so he was instructed to take it up with the planning authority. He further mentioned that there had been some discussion about the rubbish collections in the area especially during the peak periods. There was an increasing use of the public refuse bins in the main street to collect household rubbish principally because the high proportion of rented houses resulted in people leaving at the week end but there being no bin collection until the following Thursday or Friday. Consideration had been given to seek a landfill bin either at the lighthouse or behind the church but Fife Council had opined that the provision of a landfill bin would encourage businesses who usually had to pay for such a service from using the public one. The council were of the view that :
1. There was a need for a publicly accessed landfill bin at least during the summer months and that even Fife council ought as a matter of part of the service provide one and empty it frequently.
2. It was felt that whilst the frequency of collection of land fill bins in the area was more than sufficient during the winter it was totally insufficient in the summer months and that pressure should be put on Fife council to arrange collection of landfills bins weekly during the months July and August.
3. Those houses unable to have a wheelie bin were provided with black bags by Fife council but on putting them out they were frequently attacked by seagulls, foxes and other anti social creatures. There had been a proposal that Fife council would trial the use of a blanket or similar to conceal the bags from the gulls but not the bin men.
The secretary was asked to write in suitably strong terms to the Council, the councillors and the press expressing frustration and anxiety with this arrangement. It was observed that in the past Fife Council had more or less said it was up to us to do something about this problem. The council took the view that this was not the correct stance. The community council had on a number of occasions advised residents of the position and renters had still persisted in putting their household landfill rubbish in the public bins in the high street. The rental agencies had done their best to dispose of this landfill rubbish when cleaning rentals at the end of one rental and the start of another but they were limited in what they could do.
Treasurers report – he was still on the piste.
Planning matters – The secretary advised that work had started in building a roadway to the proposed site of the tented yurts. He produced a copy of the proposal to build a cricket changing area and pavilion at the Ship Inn and whilst it was appreciated the reason for this it was felt that it was not in keeping with the area. This raised the further point that some Community Councils around post planning applications in their notice board and the Council wondered whether advertising the local Elie/Earlsferry ones on facebook might highlight public awareness of potential schemes. It was agreed to try this as an experiment. Observations were made in relation to the proposed refurbishment of the pavement at Rankeillor Street. The council recalled that a previous scheme had not met with universal approval since it involved removing the current paving slabs and replacing with tar macadam. It was the opinion of some that these old slabs were being recycled in other locations to the loss of this community. It was thought best to watch and warn.
He reported having received information from RSPB about the support of the conservation of the corn bunting project. The specific advice here was that they wished to consider the planting of Bee and Bunting seed mix on the verges at Wadeslea. The council were of the view that it could not give permission for this project on what was private land but that with that proviso they would be in favour of helping the bees and buntings as best they could.
AOCB there being none the meeting closed at the late time of 2106 hours which was solely ascribed by the chairman to those coming late having more to say than those who turned up on time.
February 2017
Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7 pm on Monday 6th February 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell , G. Johnston (late again), L. Rennie. S. Blaney (later still) S. Bingham, G. Cowan and G. Dickson and Councillors Riches and Macgregor
Apologies: were received from A. Meldrum Treasurer and Councillor Docherty
Alan Nardone from RBS who is Customer Service Manager for the Fife Mobile Bank Team and his line manager Nicola were invited to address the meeting.
Alan explained that the mobile bank has now been visiting our village/burgh for 18 months and that from now on they are going to be reviewing the service every 6 months. They are visiting all the local CCs to invite suggestions and answer any questions about the mobile banking service. He stressed that he couldn't talk about the ATM or re-opening the branch. The Elie High Street stop is the busiest in their weekly schedule and he didn't feel that RBS had lost much custom since the closure of the branch office. He finds Elie to be a very friendly place and much appreciates the help that local shops have given them in trying to find a place to park. The 2 large containers which are now sited on his preferred parking spot are causing some problems as internet connection in Elie can be patchy and he is sometimes unable to help with balance enquires. Jim asked if the steps up into 'Stan' could be made less steep and Elizabeth asked how they helped disabled customers. We were assured that pavement service already happens if needed. Sandy asked if we could get another day a week but that might be difficult as 'Stan' has a full week already and it was pointed out that the original Thursday half hour is now an hour. But that any suggestions from the CC would be considered. Alan asked if there are any public events happening this year which they could attend and maybe hand out some wee freebies, pens, balloons, keyrings but not free money. Alan and Nicola were thanked for their attendance.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and proposed by Graeme Dickson and seconded by Lynda Rennie.
Matters arising:
a/ Earlsferry town Hall Garden and Wadeslea goal posts. Councillor Riches apologised for having no updates on The Ferry Hall garden or the Wadeslea goalposts question.
b/ Earlsferry Town Hall Lynda Rennie reported that she only very recently had communication from Jonathon Miles of Fife Council who had sent her half a rain forest of official gobbledegook.
Elizabeth started to help wade through it. There then followed an open discussion as to what the future of this building might be. Lynda Rennie was strongly of the view that there was scope for refurbishment and use being made of it. She detailed a number of events, meetings etc, which had been held in the town Hall in the past. The conservative (some thought liberal) estimate of £270,000 to put the hall in good condition was likely to be prohibitive and whilst grants could be made available the hall would have to be leased or purchased outright and it was unlikely that funds would be readily available for this and its continuing management. Others felt that funding might be available for the refurbishment via CARAT or otherwise. Some expressed the view that it was unlikely that Fife Council would have the money or inclination to spend that type of sums on a building which at least at the moment was rarely if ever used. It was pointed out that there did not seem to be pressure on the Church Hall or Sailing club as possible venues for organisations seeking accommodation and that in the absence of similar demand for the use of the Town Hall it was unlikely to be a viable proposition. Lynda Rennie was invited to consider how best to proceed further and that if it was thought advisable to have some sort of survey or discussion within the community the council would assist. Doubt was expressed by some as to whether there was sufficient enthusiasm in the villages for residents to become involved in such projects. The secretary had advised of his proposition in his recently circulated memorandum that negotiation could be opened with Fife Council and a possible advisor in relation to the development of the site and building for other purposes and a collaboration with the community in making some space available for community use. The feeling however was that the extent of space to be made available by a developer was likely to be short of the space the current hall has available and that exercise classes and larger meetings would not be accommodated in such a space. The feeling was that negotiating with a developer and the Fife Council might well be the fall back position but in the meantime if Lynda could canvas views and put forward a possible business plan it could be considered. It was thought that decisions in relation to its future to be taken by Fife Council may well be into the summer with an election due in May and consequent policy changes.
c/ Bus Shelter – The secretary advised of his conversation with Alastair Graham in which he advised that the council were of the view that interim repairs should be instructed as soon as possible but he had been advised that contact had at last been made with someone in Fife council who could advise. When Steve Blaney arrived he referred to a similar conversation with Alastair and that we should wait and see what developed but Tom Meldrum was prepared to make the area safer.
d/ Camper Van parking S. Blaney advised that he would start discussions with Fife council in relation to making this area Camper Van friendly. It had been noticed that a fresh signs had been erected in the area and also elsewhere in the village. No consultation had taken place but Councillor Riches opined that these might have been in the pipeline for some time. There then followed a discussion about other signs in the village which needed attention and Councillor Riches took a list of the current obvious problems – Cadgers Wynd, Golf Club lane and Telfer Wynd being on the list. But it was suggested that a survey be undertaken by the Community Council to see what other signage required upgraded or changing.
e/James Braid Sign The Secretary advised that the contact in Fife Council had been made and the matter was being considered by one of the committees, a survey would be undertaken and costings given to the Council. It was thought that the common Good fund could finance this.
f/Beach Project The secretary reported that Graham Meacher and Angela were in the course of preparing the report and final accounting for the Big Lottery. C. Birrell again reported an increase in sand deposits in Fountain Road commensurate with the strengthening winds over the festive period but there had been no action . Councillor Riches undertook to prompt the appropriate council department .
g/ Common Good funds Councillor Riches produced the current account of the fund and discussion then followed about its use and disbursement. It seems that if any local group seeks to make use of the fund an application is made in the first instance to Fife council who then remit to the community Council for its view. It was felt meantime that no action needed to be taken to make the community aware of this fund but it was noted that the accumulated income to the fund (currently just over £8,000) was considered to be income and therefore not accumulated with the capital yet. There would be such an accumulation in due course but a view was expressed that if that were to happen the Community Council should be advised. The position is that access to the accumulated interest is easier than to any of the capital fund.
h/ Benches at breakwater – The Secretary reported on a conversation with a constituent who expressed the view that the benches should be return to the wall of Breakwater House since many visitors used the wall as a wind break. A contrary view was expressed that they should stay where they were. Thoughts then progressed to their vulnerability and that some chains should be used to make certain they were not subject to unauthorised removal. They had yet to be fixed to the ground as had been the wish. The Secretary will inquire as to what the actual intention is likely to be from the Hares.
Questions from the Public
When Steve Blaney arrived he handed a petition signed by a number of the residents in Woodside Crescent affected by the rats and Councillor Riches said she would look into it but it seemed to be position that the Council would try to eradicate the rat population from a private property but would charge the owner accordingly. The anxiety appeared to be that one of the residents in the neighbourhood in the view of some others was facilitating the breeding and alimentary provision for the rats but that the council were unable to do anything.
Chairman’s Report
The chairman passed the opportunity to bring us up to date with his social whirl.
Councillor Reports
Councillor Riches reported that she and Councillor MacGregor would be retiring at the next election and that two new councillors would obviously have to assist the Community Council in the future. The council expressed their disappointment at loosing such strong supporters and thanked them both for their considerable assistance in the past.
She reported that the Council were instituting a CCTV surveillance of dog owners and proposed to enforce the law in relation to the owners who neglect to pick up after their dogs. A small army of wardens were in place and were expected to make regular patrols.
She also advised that there was a new young drivers initiative run by the council which encouraged recently qualified drivers to take a second course for about £30 to improve their driving skills and that once passed there would be a reduction in the insurance paid by these drivers. Details can be had at by emailing roadsafety.education@fife.gov.uk
She was also kind enough to advise of the acronym of PUFFIN Crossing but the secretary only managed to gather Pedestrian x x x intelligent xxxx. (Which some thought was a contradiction in terms)
She further advised that North East Fife was part of the Tay City deal whereby money would be available for community projects especially relating to the infrastructure capital expenditure. Someone asked if this included the extension rail link from Leven. It was not known whether this was sufficiently advanced in the planning stage to be included.
Projects On Steve Blaney’s return he advised that the new lamp posts would, he thought, not support the current flower basket structures but he had the position firmly in hand and would work out alternative means.
Secretary’s report – the secretary had nothing to report.
Treasurers report was absent
Planning matters – there was nothing of significance to report.
AOCB there being none the meeting closed at about 2030 hours which not exactly a record but an improvement.
January 2017
Draft Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held in Elie Sailing Club at 7 pm on Monday 9th January 2017
Present: J. Robertson (Chairman) C. Birrell , G. Johnston, L. Rennie and G. Dickson and Councillor Docherty
Apologies were received from A. Meldrum Treasurer, S. Bingham, G. Cowan , S. Blaney Councillor McGregor and Councillor Riches,
Minutes of the last meeting having been circulated were approved subject to clarification that during discussion about the proposal to site a yoghurt van in Lighthouse Car park it had been noted that no intimation had been given to the Council. The Secretary reported that he had written to the official in Fife Council about this and was advised that there was no obligation to intimate. Councillor Docherty had also taken this up and had received a similar response but that there would be a meeting of the general licensing committee soon and he intended to raise the question of intimation as being in the interests of the Community. Subject to that clarification and addition the minutes were approved proposed by C. Birrell and seconded by L. Rennie
Matters Arising:
a/ Earlsferry Toilets and Garden Behind Wee House – In the absence of Councillor Riches there was no further information about this area. However the subject of the Earlsferry Town Hall seemed to appropriately fit into this sub heading and L. Rennie gave the Council a very full report of the meeting she had with Fife Council and there followed a discussion about the state of the building, possible uses and further discussion generally about the loss to the community of this historic asset. It was thought that the estimated (conservatively) of the repairs needed to bring it up to a reasonable standard amounted to £272,000. It was generally the view however that on the limited information available the costs of bringing the building up to a reasonable standard might be prohibitive. Councillor Docherty offered when required to arrange a survey and proposals as to how the building meets the criteria for disabled access. L. Rennie was thanked for her work and the Council indicated that she could perhaps make further progress as to what uses could be put to the old building either refurbished or as is. A possibility was to re-site the library into the town hall and free up other space for community events. The Secretary reported on earlier discussions with Cultural Trust which runs the libraries which had come to nothing but he would hand over his contact to L. Rennie in the hope that she could make better progress -
b/ Goal Posts in Councillor Riches absence nothing further to report on their whereabouts or the requirement of Fife Council .
c/ Bus Shelter – We had drawn a blank with the Council as to who should be dealing with these matters but the secretary reported that Alastair Graham had advised him that for £100 Tom Meldrum could apparently make the area safer. It was the view that notwithstanding that Fife Council had yet to have an imput into the alterations as a matter of Health and Safety it should be attended to as soon as possible The Secretary was asked to instructed Alastair Graham to proceed but at the same time try to get a definitive answer from Fife Council. Councillor Docherty suggested that Ian Barber was the man who probably held sway over this matter and he could be contacted at extension 45364.
d/ Camper Van parking in the then absence of S. Blaney this matter made no progress but the chairman indicated that considerable work was being undertaken by Fife Council in the Car Park and it would be useful to know what they are doing. Iain Barber was apparently the source of such information.
e/James Braid Sign Councillor Docherty advised that the contact in Fife Council to whom the secretary should email was Gordon Hughes. If it was the case that Fife Council wished a contribution from the community Council then this was a matter which the common good fund should finance.
f/ Church Electricity supply – again in the absence of S. Blaney no further progress was reported on this item.
g/Speeding – it was felt that since the monitoring had been unable to confirm that drivers routinely exceeded the speed limit at Park Place there was nothing further the Council could do but it was noted that there was an intention of placing a Puffin crossing beside the school. G. Dickson was able to advise from his extensive knowledge of crossing roads that a Puffin crossing was in fact yet another acronym but the secretary could not remember what it stood for.
h/Beach Project – The Secretary reported that the final report was now available and that there had been a walk through that day over the beach and dunes attended by 6 people along with the consultant David Bell. He is to produce a list of suggestions and protocols to the beach group who will then decide what to do next. Authority was given to the Secretary to pay David Bell’s fees. A summary of recommendations had been prepared by David Bell and circulated to the Beach Group and it is available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/fveumbp9zuk3wvv/ELIE%20Site%20Meeting%20Note%2C%209th%20Jan%202017%20Final%20Copy%20Revised%2013.1.2017.pdf?dl=0 it is the intention to put a copy in the library.
C. Birrell reported an increase in sand deposits in Fountain Road commensurate with the strengthening winds over the festive period.
i/ FifePlan – the secretary indicated that notwithstanding the somewhat lack of enthusiasm at the last meeting for consultations to be had with the community at large he intended to publish an article in THE HERALD dealing with this since he was of the view that discussion and awareness of the possibility of these schemes was important but he stressed that contrary to popular belief he would make sure it was made clear that the Community Council had yet to make up its mind about either of the potential developments.
Questions from the Public
C. Birrell raised the question of fireworks being let off on New Year’s day at 1.15 am. Which was technically still Hogmanay. It was pointed out that this was an offence . The Council was advised that the regulations were quite clear viz: You must not set off fireworks between 11pm and 7am, except for:
- Bonfire Night, when the cut off is midnight.
- New Year's Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year, when the cut off is 1am
The secretary was asked to draw the attention of the community to this legal requirement via the Herald. Someone had cleaned the beach of the various accoutrements of the fireworks display which had been left on the beach.
Recycling centre behind church – Once again the bottle bank at that centre was full and over flowing even before Hogmanay as there being next to no collection between mid December until after New Year. After discussion it was agreed that nothing much could be done. The public refuse bins in the village again were over flowing with what seemed like domestic landfill rubbish and once again the absence of an alternative dump for land fill was discussed. It was noted the Pittenweem recycling site was open most of the festive period that in the event that the regulation bins are full people should be encouraged to take their rubbish to Pittenweem. It was also noted that this year the Christmas and New Year holiday periods resulted in Fife Council’s various departments being closed from 24th December until after new year and thus it was not possible to make contact with anyone. The Secretary indicated that an article in THE HERALD might help.
The Secretary reported on an outbreak of rats in Woodside Crescent and the inability of the residents of that area to get anyone to remedy the situation. They had been advised after contacting the Fife Council that it would only be possible to treat such rats as were in that house/garden and were not able to investigate where they were nesting or where the source of their food might have been. Councillor Docherty suggested that contacting SEPA might help.
Chairman’s Report
The Chairman asked if any information had been received about the annual account of the Common Good Fund. The Secretary advised in the negative but undertook to contact the department dealing with it in the hope that an accounting could take place.
The Chairman also paid tribute to the new lamp posts which had been erected and the Council expressed the hope that once the new ones were up and running satisfactorily the old ones would be removed quam primum - either that or as soon as possible.
Councillor Reports Councillor Docherty indicated under protest from the council that he had said enough.
Projects S. Blaney’s absence resulted in no report. The Secretary mentioned the absence of greenhouse facilities to grow and bring on plants to be put in the various receptacles around the villages for the annual in bloom competition. There was a discussion about the use of some of the polytunnels which seemed to proliferate around Fife. It was thought however that green house space would be of help and C. Birrell suggested that an article in The Herald soliciting greenhouse space might be useful.
Secretary’s report – the secretary had nothing to report but advised that he would again be late at the next meeting and was looking for someone to keep the minutes for the first half hour or so.
Treasurers report was absent
Planning matters – there was nothing of significance to report.
AOCB The carol singing on Christmas Eve over 200 people had been there and £243 was collected which goes towards costs of lights Christmas tree etc. The meeting closed with it customary vote of thanks to the chair – yes indeed this time it was actually proposed but by that time most of the Council were out the door by 2025 that’s in the evening not the year.