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Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd December 2019 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Jim Robertson, Sandy Bingham, Shelagh Mackay, Patricia Ritchie, Angus Meldrum, Angela Anderson, Grizelda Cowan and Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty and Robbie Blythe representing Fife Coast and Countryside Trust.

Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into proposed development at the Grange site and Sandy Bingham in connection with her planning application for extension at Wadeslea.

Police report: None provided this month.

November minutes proposed by Trisha, seconded by Shelagh


Mark welcomed Robbie Blythe and thanked him for his contribution towards finding a solution to problem of campervans at Ruby Bay – more later.

Mark met with Graham Johnston of Elie and Earlsferry Environmental Group - very constructive and supportive – more later.

Cycle Path proposals – later

Major Development – later

Thanks to Fayre Day for fabulous Christmas lights on Toll Green, tree to be going up at weekend.

Village events coming up include:

Christmas Advent windows in shops.

Ship Inn will be holding an Election night on 9th December – al 4 candidates will be there.

Quiz night to be held at Ship Inn 18th December.

Santa’s Grotto at Church Hall on 21st December.

Future events at Earlsferry Town Hall include concert by The Other Guys on 10th December, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ on 22nd December and ‘Hairspray’ on 29th December. Tickets from Elie Newsagents.

Carols on the Green – 7pm 24th December



John Docherty

John reported that he had attended a North East Fife Health and Social Care Locality Planning Stakeholder Group in Cupar. It is hoped that a group will be set up called ‘Living Well with long term conditions’. A hub where people with long term physical and mental issues will be self managed. Virtual clinics and drop ins cafe style will be established. They also intend to signpost local community groups to help each other. It was reported that 58% of people over 60 and 15% of those 40 or under have long-term conditions.

Bill Porteous

Fife Common Good and Trust committee meeting was held on 27th November. Value of Common Good in Fife is £5.8m.

Some positive movement to improve connectivity in Levenmouth area.

Fife Rail project is looking to employ a ‘Blueprint Manager’.

Bill expressed his thanks to Angela and her team for all their work in establishing an Out of Hours Service at St Andrews Hospital and noted that the Courier had recognised this in today’s edition.

Linda Holt

Linda confirmed that report on Elie and Earlsferry Common Good Fund will be forwarded to CC.



CC welcomed Robbie Blythe of Fife Coast and Countryside Trust to meeting.

Robbie pointed out the FC&CT is responsible for interpretive signage, litter management and management of the beach. Car park and parking is not responsibility of the Trust but they have agreed to investigate problem and come up with a list of 6 suggestions/options/recommendations. Report to be finalised by end of December and this will be made public and discussed as soon as available.

CC expressed thanks to Robbie for his input and look forward to seeing the report.



Lathockar Fencing is to provide posts and erect fencing on dunes at Earlsferry. This will be paid for by the 2 neighbouring householders. When complete Elmwood students will come to do planting.

With regard to Harbour Dunes it was noted that there has been a considerable build up of sand over the last few years which has increased since FC has stopped removing seaweed. It was agreed that nothing should be done during the winter but that there should be an effort to remove seaweed in the spring. Meeting of interested parties is scheduled for 10th December, 9.30 at Ship Inn.

FC&CT have made available beach cleanup kits which can be collected from Appleton’s. If a cleanup takes place the Trust will come and remove the collected litter – call 01592 656080 to arrange.

Harbour Trust to meet with FC&CT to discuss management of toilets with a view to extending opening hours.


Recorded receipt of £800 from Fayre Day Group.



Mark met with Sonja (please could someone give me her surname?) and Crispin Hayes from FC to discuss feasibility of establishing a Cycle Path to run from Upper Largo to Kilrenny via Elie/St Monans. At present we are at ‘Stage 0’, obtaining permission from landowners.



A company, COMCOL, limited by guarantee, has been formed with intention of acquiring Toll Green Hall. They are seeking help from individuals within the community. If you would like to support this project please contact gjearlsferry@byintrnet.com for membership application form. A community workshop is planned for February. *



It has become apparent that SEPA has lifted its objection to application at Grange site. It is believed that the Elie and Earlsferry Action Group is looking into the reasons behind this.



E&E EAG has taken on job of repainting existing fading street signs. Due care and attention will be paid to safety issues.

FC has confirmed that new parking space at ETH will not be diagonal. As a result request to limit number of disabled bay(s) to one only.

Playpark – consultations are ongoing but it was noted with pleasure that some new apparatus has been installed.



E&EAG  intends to work closely with findings of recent Charette and will be concentrating on upgrading Toll Green and investigating possible erection of statue commemorating James Braid. All proposals will be run past CC before any action.

The group would like to note the retiral of Keith Jackson and extend thanks to him for all his support over the past years.



Application for takeaway in Rankeillor Street has been approved.



Repeat for request that something be done to discourage cyclists from using pavement.  Cllrs agreed to request a sign but felt it would be unlikely as FC wish not to have loads of signs round the village.


Date of next meeting Tuesday 7th January, Sailing Club 7.30pm.


* Date for workshop now confirmed 8th February, Elie Sailing Club



Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 12th November 2019 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Jim Robertson, Patricia Ritchie, Shelagh Mackay, Angus Meldrum, Angela Anderson, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan and Councillors Linda Holt, and John Docherty

Apologies from Cllr John Docherty

Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into proposed development at the Grange site and Sandy Bingham in connection with her planning application for extension at Wadeslea.

Police report: None provided this month.

There followed discussion on whether audio recording of the meeting was acceptable. Tricia expressed concern that this was not desirable, a vote was taken and it was agreed that meetings would not be sound recorded.

Minutes of the previous meeting – Cllr Holt confirmed that she has forwarded details of contacts for community police:

PC Christopher Stecka, Tel: 01333418959,

Email: Christopher.Stecka@scotland.pnn.police.uk 

PC Pete Holmes

Email: Peter.Holmes@scotland.pnn.police.uk

Email: standrewsCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk

These details to be added to October minutes.

Spelling of Shelagh’s name incorrect – will be amended.

With these amendments September minutes were proposed by Jim, seconded by Sandy.



Remembrance Sunday – thanks to Hamish Spillsbury for his piping and to Steve Blaney for promotion of the event.

Local Action Plan – meeting was held on 17th October with 40 attendees plus our local councillors and MSP Willie Rennie.

Firework display - thanks were expressed to Ship Inn for magnificent display which was enjoyed by many and CC agreed to work with Ship Inn next year to help with traffic control and parking.

East Neuk Forum - to meet on 20th November in Anstruther.

Camper Vans at Ruby Bay - it was agreed that Robbie Blyth for Coast and Countryside Trust should be invited to next CC meeting to give update on proposals.

Royal Voluntary Service for Drivers – call out for more volunteers to act as drivers for this service which offers lifts to senior citizens as, at present, there is only one.

New meeting Time – now to be 1st Tuesday of every month to accommodate both councillors and members of CC.



Bill Porteous

New 95 bus service - still welcoming feedback re this service as problems continue.

Drainage issues – still pressing FC for action.

Hedges round wee public gardens – the ones at North Street and opposite Church Hall have been considerably cut down. Bill is wishing to liaise with any groups who use the Church Hall who might also be able to use the small garden opposite.

New mobile mast - still no confirmation of exact proposed location.

New Population Graph – shows decline of working population in North East Fife. See for full report, NORTH EAST FIFE LOCAL STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT go to - https://know.fife.scot/wp-content/uploads/sites/44/2018/12/LSA-2018-NEFife-FINAL.pdf


Linda Holt

Linda met with Fife Tourism Partnership which offers free membership for all Fife businesses. She also highlighted tourism website for Fife which allows all Fife based businesses to access free marketing - https://www.welcometofife.com/visit-fife

and one specifically for East Neuk - https://www.fifetourismpartnership.org/news/visit-east-neuk/

Our local councillors are pushing Fife Council to spend more on improving appearance in the East Neuk which includes addressing the bin collection issues, in particular bin collections for holiday homes.

Discussion followed pointing out that accessing East Neuk is becoming increasingly more difficult – serious need to improve infrastructure.

Need to have public toilets opened for longer. Angus has already offered to open and close toilets at harbour throughout the season – Linda agreed to push FC to consider this offer.



Shelagh attended a meeting on this and reported that Airport strategy is to double number of flights and that this is not up for discussion. The group at the meeting refused to vote on the two options offered. Major issue is over the number of flights but there are no proposals that directly affect our area.



Mark still trying to arrange meeting with representative from St Monans CC to establish a Path connecting Elie and St Monans.



Group has been formed and named COMCOL, with directors as follows:

Graham Meacher – EAG Convener

Graham Johnston – History Society

Ron Oliver – History Society

Shona Jones – Elie Fayre Day Group

Angela Johnston – Community Council

Jim Robertson – Community Council

Ian McIntosh – local businesses

Barbara and Alistair Graham

Group now meets requirements to operate Community Buy Out and is happy to welcome more members



Mark still to meet with representatives from FC and Elie Estates – date still to be arranged.

Agenda items to include;

Scale of proposed development

Sewage and drainage issues

Social housing

Environmental issues

Security for existing tenants

Traffic and access considerations

Green space



Bollard at Chapel Green still damaged and dangerous.

Proposal for roundabout at war memorial/bakers corner – CC question the need for this. 

Mark to write to FC suggesting that CC believes this is not a sensible way to spend money in the area and to ask for justification for such a project. Colin Stirling (Traffic Management) and Nigel Hampton (Carriage Works) to be included in recipients.

Drainage at bottom of Ferry Road still needs action. Cllr Bill Porteous still working hard to get FC to resolve this problem



Still waiting for Elmwood Students to come and erect fence on dunes as arranged. If they don’t come two local householders have offered to foot the bill – fences have already been bought.



Angela met with Sara Johnston of FC on 24th October to discuss proposals to erect fence. This is thought to be an official Right of Way and it was confirmed that owners of house opposite may not erect a fence but could install a gate as long as it could be opened.

Member of public, Graham Bucknall from Ship Inn expressed some concern re spread of harbour dunes in general and suggested that that the whole area needing protection be defined and that there be removal of the undesirable dunes. Cllrs Bill Porteous and Linda Holt agreed to push for a Dune Management Strategy. Graham also expressed concern over build up of seaweed and general litter on harbour beach. Cllr Linda Holt agreed to set up a meeting with representatives from FC, FC&C Trust, Ship Inn and Angus Meldrum from Elie Watersports with the aim to see area from a tourism angle.



Plans to enhance entrances into village at Elie and Earlsferry ends, improve Toll Green and paint water pump.

Proposed constitution discussed – need to confirm within this that it is a sub committee of CC. Discussion centred on whether all new proposals by the EAG should be brought to the CC for agreement of plans in advance of any action. In particular it was felt that any new signage should go to the CC for agreement. Debate also centred on an alternative approach in other areas where local groups were given the freedom to initiate work and given support by the local CC to do so.



It was noted that there is to be public planning meeting on 13th November to discuss application for takeaway in Rankeillor Street. *



Accounts now signed off by accountant.

Funds in bank: EAG - £2630. CC - £1243, beach Group - £150



St Andrews has re-opened thanks to the efforts of the very active pressure group. Request that anyone who uses the service give feedback to fife Council on how it is working. Efforts are being made to ensure that patients are referred to St Andrews.



Bill Porteous suggested that item ‘Questions from the Public’ should be 2nd on agenda to allow them to leave meeting if desired.

Bill also requested that we should have an item ‘Protecting Environment of Elie and Earlsferry’ on our monthly agenda.



Request from the Church that they may use CC notice board from time to time. Agreed to post notices if handed to member of CC.

Request that something be done to discourage cyclists from using pavements – this item to be discussed at Cycle Path meeting.

Owner of house in Rankeillor Street wished to alert CC to accident and damage done to his house as a result of large lorry reversing into it while attempting to turn – yet another example of traffic problems in village.


Date of next meeting Tuesday 3rd December, Sailing Club 7.30pm.


* This application has since been passed despite several objections.




Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 7th October 2019 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Jim Robertson, Sandy Bingham Angela  Anderson, , Grizelda Cowan, and Councillors Linda Holt, Bill Porteous and John Docherty

Apologies from Shelagh Mackay, Patricia Ritchie and Angus Meldrum.

Prior to the meeting winners of the best garden and window box were presented with their awards. Congratulations to Douglas and Lesley Humphrey for their garden in Woodside Road and to Ken and Joan Bell in the High Street, winners of the best window box award.

Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into proposed development at the Grange site.

Police report: A car was broken into and golf clubs were recovered, one incident of drink driving.

Minutes of the previous meeting – amendment requested from Cllr Linda Holt re statement regarding CC’s role as a Statutory Consultee. She confirmed that although a planning applications has to go to Committee if there are more than 6 objections there is value in requesting to be a S C as this guarantees not only that that the application must go to committee but can also can buy extra time for objections.

It was confirmed that the Environmental Group will be covered by CC insurance as long as the Group has a constitution.

With these amendments September minutes were proposed by Jim, seconded by Grizelda


Mark confirmed that the village had received a Silver Gilt Award form Beautiful Fife with a higher score than last year’s, missing out on a Gold Award by just 2%. The village was also nominated for the Heritage Award. Mark expressed our thanks to the Environmental Group for all their hard work.

We were reminded about the upcoming consultation re Playparks to be held 27th November till end of December, Pittenweem Town Hall. Mark to inform Bridget Sneddon and parents of Elie Primary school children.

Merchant Navy Flag was flown at Toll Green on 3rd September


Linda Holt confirmed that there will be an East Neuk Community Forum meeting on 20th November, Lower Hall, Anstruther – open to all.

EU Settlement Scheme - Fife Council is committed ensure EU citizens living in Fife are aware of decisions and arrangements that may affect them, as well as advice and support resources.

Bill Porteous accepted that there have been numerous complaints about the new bus 95/97 and assured CC that FC is doing its best to resolve these issues.

Still no confirmation of exact location of proposed new mobile mast.

Bill confirmed the representatives from Fife Coast and Countryside Trust would be happy to attend E&E CC meetings.

There is still concern re speed of traffic on Woodside Road and once again speed strips have been requested. Community Speed Watch is still looking for volunteers to monitor speed of traffic. Anyone wishing to do so should contact Community Police.

John Docherty is now a Director of Fife Centre for Equalities - Fife Centre for Equalities works with partners and communities to make Fife a fairer place to live, work and study.

Request was made that the E&ECC might consider a different meeting day/time as it clashes with Kingsbarns. An email to be sent out to see if Tuesdays/ Thursday might suit.


Sheila attended a meeting on this but no information regarding our area is available yet


Mark to meet with a representative from St Monans CC to establish a Path connecting Elie and St Monans. There is money to conduct a feasibility study. To liaise with Sonja Potjewijd- FC Community Learning and Development Officer.


CC was informed that there are plans, supported by FC to erect a fence across the entrance to the harbour beach at the end of the Toft gardens. CC members believe this to qualify for Right of Way status. Angela to investigate.


A request has been made for temporary road closure around 11am for a public service. The Church has already applied for road closure for a different time. Jim to lay wreath on behalf of Fife Council at the public service and Mark arranging for a piper.


Awaiting feedback – no feedback as yet from representatives of the recently formed group at meeting.


Cllr Bill Porteous still working hard to get FC to resolve this problem.


There is to be a 2nd presentation to be held in Earlsferry Town Hall on 17th October – Mark and friends to advertise around village. Representatives from FC to be invited as well as our own councillors.


Mark still to meet with representatives from FC and Elie Estates – date still to be arranged.


Robbie Blyth, Operations Manager for FCCT has agreed to undertake a study to explore options that will help manage the challenges and look at the possible opportunities that Freedom Camping brings to our communities and he will keep us up to date with progress.


It was reported that:

Signpost at Ferry Road is rusty and falling apart

Repair needed to bollards at Chapel Green and outside entrance to Elie House on main road by Baird Place.

Potholes on Ferry Road have been filled in but there is doubt as to how long the repairs will last.


Still waiting for Elmwood Students to come and erect fence on dunes as arranged


Plans to:

Plant shrubs for passerine (migrating) birds.

Refurbish water fountain at Toll Green

Pollard trees on Toll Green


It was noted that there is a new application for extension to Erskine Cottage in Park Place.  CC has no objection to this application


FC has reported plans to reduce roads to be gritted. There is still some confusion as to which ones will be omitted 2019/20 – discussions ongoing.


Mr and Mrs Mann of North Street expressed concern over height of hedges around the small public gardens along Woodside Road, North Street and Chapmans Place. * Bill Porteous suggested that the small garden opposite the Church Hall could be used in conjunction with Church Hall activities – to discuss possibilities with Church and organisers of coffee mornings etc.

Date of next meeting still to be confirmed.

* We have been informed that Fife Council have agreed cut down the hedges to a much lower height.


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 2nd September 2019 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Shelagh Mackay, Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Jim Robertson, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan, Cllr Linda Holt

Apologies from Sandy Bingham and Councillors Bill Porteous and John Docherty

Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into proposed development at the Grange site.

Police report: theft of two bikes left padlocked to bike rack at Toll Green bus stop. Cyclists to be reminded that even padlocked bikes might not be safe

Minutes of the previous meeting – amendment requested – Earlsferry Town Hall Group was looking for endorsement from CC for application for funding from Common Good Fund. Amended minutes accepted by all.


Mark noted that Elie had enjoyed a very busy and successful.

Mobile Phone Mast – planning has been approved for its siting just north of the school ref. 19/01860/TPN - https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=PTYG9RHF19O00&activeTab=summary

Mark confirmed that Toll Green Hall will be up for sale – more on this later.

New proposed community councillor, Kirsty Barclay will attend next meeting.

CC marked Margaret Smith’s retiral from Elie Library with flowers and a gift. We wish her well in her retirement. Picture can be seen on CC Facebook.

Mark noted that someone had communicated to the Elie Environmental Action Group that the Community Council was nothing but critical of their work. Mark stressed that the CC is in no way critical and fully supports the work of the EAG. Mark referenced the minutes from the previous three meetings where the CC had publicly thanks all the hard work from the volunteers of the EAG in beatifying our village and that it was sad the CC was being misrepresented in such a way. Following a very productive meeting with Steve Blaney it was agreed that decision would be made at group’s AGM as to whether it wishes to continue to be affiliated with the CC or become independent. Whatever the decision Mark stressed that it would continue to have full support of the CC.

Merchant Navy Day on 3rd September – flag at Toll Green will be flown.

Community Council Development Day on 14th September – councillors invited to attend.

Results from beautiful Fife will be announced on 4th September, Rothes Halls at 7pm – Mark and Steve to attend. *

Meeting planned with Mark and representative from St Monans CC to discuss cycle path linking St Monans and Elie.

Playpark consultation for East Fife will take place in Pittenweem Town Hall from 27th November till end of December. Mark to inform Bridget Sneddon and parents of Elie Primary school children.



Graham Johnson confirmed that the Church has decided to sell Toll Green Hall and suggested that it be bought by the community via the Community Right to Buy Scheme.

Graham Meacher suggested that a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation would be a good option. (For info on this scheme go to


There are several funding sources available for this type of purchase. The CC supported the idea of a group to being set up to look into this ASAP as it is vital that such a body be registered prior to official sale announcement. It was also noted that any advert for the property must contain advice of any pre-emptive buyer.



Shona Jones reported that the Group was looking for funding to provide increased connectivity within the village to provide community broadband and some CCTV. The CC thanked Fayre Day for all their hard work and is supportive and looks forward to hearing more of the new, innovative projects.

Further discussion took place re Toll Green Hall. It was decided that a Community Body be set up immediately to progress with members from the CC and all interested groups (History Society, Fayre Day and a representative of the Church congregation)– Graham Meacher, Shona Jones, Tricia Ritchie and Shelagh Mackay all volunteered. Others welcome.



Jim gave update from ENF meeting held on 21st August;

Application to Participatory Budget for local projects up £5k each were to be in by 2nd Sep – successful applicants will be decided by voting with result on 30th September.

Anstruther Improvements Group is working on Dreel Burn Restoration Project.

Reduced speed limit of 20 MPH was discussed. It was agreed that it would be more effective if our request was from all villages. Police Scotland Speed Watch has set up scheme to train volunteers to use speed cameras. This is in progress.

Out of Hours Group – progressing but still some issues to resolved.

Suggestion that future meetings, which rotate round the East Neuk, should be chaired by the CC Chair of the location of each meeting.

Next meeting in Anstruther in November – date to be advised.



20 attendees at public meeting last week. It was suggested that a 2nd meeting be held during the school holidays on 17th October.

It was agreed that we would continue to request a 20 MPH speed restriction in the village

The meeting agreed to endorse application from Earlsferry Town Hall Group for funding from Common Good Fund. £1200 requested toward cost of invasive survey of floor and clock tower. CC voted to support this project and will respond to Fife Council accordingly.

Application from Beach Group for £1274 has also been submitted on behalf of Community Council so no endorsement necessary for this application. It was noted that the Community Council did not vote on this request for funds and that any applications submitted by sub committees of the CC would require the Council’s approval before submitting for funds on the CC’s behalf.

Double yellow lines at Toft need to re-done. It as was agreed by all that last efforts to establish effective double yellow lines were, at best, totally ineffective.

Parking lines outside Earlsferry Town Hall are to be redone. As with the double yellows at the Toft, they are incorrect.

Driving range extension has been approved.

Thanks were extended to Cllr Bill Porteous who personally came to inspect flooding problems in the village. Public are urged to report all flooding/drainage issues to Fife Council.



Graham Meacher confirmed that the Group wish to remain as a sub-group of the Community Council and agreed to present informal reports on progress and plans on a regular basis. Question as to whether the Group needs separate insurance or are all their activities covered by CC insurance. Cllr Linda Holt to clarify.   



A group has been set up to find a solution and we are awaiting progress from Fife Council. Meanwhile we were informed that Fife Coast and Countryside Trust is to go ahead with a study. **



It was confirmed the CC’s Participation Request had been rejected by Fife Council. Angela raised issue with the CC submitting the Participation Request to Fife Council, not recalling the CC agreeing to this action. The rest of the CC recalled this had been agreed at a previous meeting and that Mark had offered to submit this.

Angela raised concern that the CC had not registered as a Statutory Consultee to Fife Council. The CC recalled that they were advised against this at the time by local Councillors as it would have gone to committee regardless. The Chair also stated this had been investigated and received advice from PAS, Planning Democracy, our local MSP as well as from reading the legislation – all confirmed that being a statutory consultee would not offer additional powers and only serves to put the CC on a mailing list for any updates. It was recognised while it would have done no harm for the CC to register, it would have only have allowed the CC 14 days to submit a response (rather than 21 days given otherwise). At the time the CC had opted to hold a public meeting in order to share information and gauge opinions which required more time.

Elie Estates has requested for the CC to share its correspondence with Fife Council concerning the major development application. It was agreed not to do so as communications between the CC and applicant should be done in conjunction with Fife Council. Alex Nairn, on behalf of Elie Estates has agreed to a meeting with the CC and Fife Planning to discuss some of the community’s positions towards the development. Our local MSP has agreed to help coordinate this meeting. Community Councillors agreed to provide agenda points for discussion within a week that could be submitted to Elie Estates.


Accounts are still with accountants.



Serious concern was expressed re large number of dangerous potholes on Ferry Road. Public urged to report these to Fife Council and any damage caused should be reported to sara.wilson@fife.gov.uk On line reports can be made via https://www.fifedirect.org.uk/topics/index.cfm?fuseaction=service.display&p2sid=05D59CCE-A90B-DB09-A13B4C43817D7574&fbclid=IwAR3_7IPQKF38zXXwFcNxkNTcMJ6CgJLJyJiNASh5LWOQM9NhJ7xSlLXFWWk

Date of next meeting Monday 7th October at Elie Sailing Club at 7.30pm.

* We have been awarded a Silver Gilt and nominated for the Heritage Award.



Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 2nd September 2019 in Elie Sailing Club


Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Shelagh Mackay, Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Jim Robertson, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan, Cllr Linda Holt

Apologies from Sandy Bingham and Councillors Bill Porteous and John Docherty


Declarations of interest: Mark and Grizelda both stated a personal interest into proposed development at the Grange site.


Police report: theft of two bikes left padlocked to bike rack at Toll Green bus stop. Cyclists to be reminded that even padlocked bikes might not be safe


Minutes of the previous meeting – amendment requested – Earlsferry Town Hall Group was looking for endorsement from CC for application for funding from Common Good Fund. Amended minutes accepted by all.



Mark noted that Elie had enjoyed a very busy and successful.

Mobile Phone Mast – planning has been approved for its siting just north of the school ref. 19/01860/TPN - https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=PTYG9RHF19O00&activeTab=summary

Mark confirmed that Toll Green Hall will be up for sale – more on this later.

New proposed community councillor, Kirsty Barclay will attend next meeting.

CC marked Margaret Smith’s retiral from Elie Library with flowers and a gift. We wish her well in her retirement. Picture can be seen on CC Facebook.

Mark noted that someone had communicated to the Elie Environmental Action Group that the Community Council was nothing but critical of their work. Mark stressed that the CC is in no way critical and fully supports the work of the EAG. Mark referenced the minutes from the previous three meetings where the CC had publicly thanks all the hard work from the volunteers of the EAG in beatifying our village and that it was sad the CC was being misrepresented in such a way. Following a very productive meeting with Steve Blaney it was agreed that decision would be made at group’s AGM as to whether it wishes to continue to be affiliated with the CC or become independent. Whatever the decision Mark stressed that it would continue to have full support of the CC.

Merchant Navy Day on 3rd September – flag at Toll Green will be flown.

Community Council Development Day on 14th September – councillors invited to attend.

Results from beautiful Fife will be announced on 4th September, Rothes Halls at 7pm – Mark and Steve to attend. *

Meeting planned with Mark and representative from St Monans CC to discuss cycle path linking St Monans and Elie.

Playpark consultation for East Fife will take place in Pittenweem Town Hall from 27th November till end of December. Mark to inform Bridget Sneddon and parents of Elie Primary school children.




Graham Johnson confirmed that the Church has decided to sell Toll Green Hall and suggested that it be bought by the community via the Community Right to Buy Scheme.

Graham Meacher suggested that a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation would be a good option. (For info on this scheme go to


There are several funding sources available for this type of purchase. The CC supported the idea of a group to being set up to look into this ASAP as it is vital that such a body be registered prior to official sale announcement. It was also noted that any advert for the property must contain advice of any pre-emptive buyer.



Shona Jones reported that the Group was looking for funding to provide increased connectivity within the village to provide community broadband and some CCTV. The CC thanked Fayre Day for all their hard work and is supportive and looks forward to hearing more of the new, innovative projects.

Further discussion took place re Toll Green Hall. It was decided that a Community Body be set up immediately to progress with members from the CC and all interested groups (History Society, Fayre Day and a representative of the Church congregation)– Graham Meacher, Shona Jones, Tricia Ritchie and Shelagh Mackay all volunteered. Others welcome.



Jim gave update from ENF meeting held on 21st August;

Application to Participatory Budget for local projects up £5k each were to be in by 2nd Sep – successful applicants will be decided by voting with result on 30th September.

Anstruther Improvements Group is working on Dreel Burn Restoration Project.

Reduced speed limit of 20 MPH was discussed. It was agreed that it would be more effective if our request was from all villages. Police Scotland Speed Watch has set up scheme to train volunteers to use speed cameras. This is in progress.

Out of Hours Group – progressing but still some issues to resolved.

Suggestion that future meetings, which rotate round the East Neuk, should be chaired by the CC Chair of the location of each meeting.

Next meeting in Anstruther in November – date to be advised.



20 attendees at public meeting last week. It was suggested that a 2nd meeting be held during the school holidays on 17th October.

It was agreed that we would continue to request a 20 MPH speed restriction in the village

The meeting agreed to endorse application from Earlsferry Town Hall Group for funding from Common Good Fund. £1200 requested toward cost of invasive survey of floor and clock tower. CC voted to support this project and will respond to Fife Council accordingly.

Application from Beach Group for £1274 has also been submitted on behalf of Community Council so no endorsement necessary for this application. It was noted that the Community Council did not vote on this request for funds and that any applications submitted by sub committees of the CC would require the Council’s approval before submitting for funds on the CC’s behalf.

Double yellow lines at Toft need to re-done. It as was agreed by all that last efforts to establish effective double yellow lines were, at best, totally ineffective.

Parking lines outside Earlsferry Town all are to be redone. As with the double yellows at the Toft, they are incorrect.

Driving range extension has been approved.

Thanks were extended to Cllr Bill Porteous who personally came to inspect flooding problems in the village. Public are urged to report all flooding/drainage issues to Fife Council.



Graham Meacher confirmed that the Group wish to remain as a sub-group of the Community Council and agreed to present informal reports on progress and plans on a regular basis. Question as to whether the Group needs separate insurance or are all their activities covered by CC insurance. Cllr Linda Holt to clarify.   



A group has been set up to find a solution and we are awaiting progress from Fife Council. Meanwhile we were informed that Fife Coast and Countryside Trust is to go ahead with a study. **



It was confirmed the CC’s Participation Request had been rejected by Fife Council. Angela raised issue with the CC submitting the Participation Request to Fife Council, not recalling the CC agreeing to this action. The rest of the CC recalled this had been agreed at a previous meeting and that Mark had offered to submit this.


Angela raised concern that the CC had not registered as a Statutory Consultee to Fife Council. The CC recalled that they were advised against this at the time by local Councillors as it would have gone to committee regardless. The Chair also stated this had been investigated and received advice from PAS, Planning Democracy, our local MSP as well as from reading the legislation – all confirmed that being a statutory consultee would not offer additional powers and only serves to put the CC on a mailing list for any updates. It was recognised while it would have done no harm for the CC to register, it would have only have allowed the CC 14 days to submit a response (rather than 21 days given otherwise). At the time the CC had opted to hold a public meeting in order to share information and gauge opinions which required more time.


Elie Estates has requested for the CC to share its correspondence with Fife Council concerning the major development application. It was agreed not to do so as communications between the CC and applicant should be done in conjunction with Fife Council. Alex Nairn, on behalf of Elie Estates has agreed to a meeting with the CC and Fife Planning to discuss some of the community’s positions towards the development. Our local MSP has agreed to help coordinate this meeting. Community Councillors agreed to provide agenda points for discussion within a week that could be submitted to Elie Estates.


Accounts are still with accountants.



Serious concern was expressed re large number of dangerous potholes on Ferry Road. Public urged to report these to Fife Council and any damage caused should be reported to sara.wilson@fife.gov.uk On line reports can be made via https://www.fifedirect.org.uk/topics/index.cfm?fuseaction=service.display&p2sid=05D59CCE-A90B-DB09-A13B4C43817D7574&fbclid=IwAR3_7IPQKF38zXXwFcNxkNTcMJ6CgJLJyJiNASh5LWOQM9NhJ7xSlLXFWWk


Date of next meeting Monday 7th October at Elie Sailing Club at 7.30pm.


* We have been awarded a Silver Gilt and nominated for the Heritage Award.


** Since then Robbie Blyth, Operations Manager for FCCT has agreed to undertake a study to explore options that will help manage the challenges and look at the possible opportunities that Freedom Camping brings to our communities.



Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 5th August 2019 in Elie Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Shelagh Mackay, Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Jim Robertson, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan, Cllrs John Docherty, Bill Porteous and Linda Holt

No Declarations of interest.

No Police report this month.

Minutes of the previous meeting - proposed by Shelagh, seconded by Angus


Mark noted that the village had a enjoyed a busy July – Triathlon, beach rugby and cricket, cinema in Earlsferry Town Hall, football on Nairn Park, several art exhibitions Elie Fayre day on Toll Green which was a big success.

With regards to the Triathlon Angela expressed concerns about possible dangers. We were assured that, in future, either a different route will be followed or cars will be stopped while the bike race is on. David Smith will be happy to receive any further feedback.

Grateful thanks were expressed to all the volunteers of the Environmental Group who have been working relentlessly to make the village look beautiful. The ‘Beautiful Fife’ judges have been, results expected in September and it is hoped after all the volunteers’ efforts that we might receive a grade up from Silver Gilt this year.

Mark confirmed that, following a ‘hit and run’ incident  on road between Elie and Ardross a man has been arrested.

Plans for cycle Path – the East Neuk 50 Group is planning a link between Elie and St Monans, hoping for funding from FC Participatory Budgeting which can allocate up to £5k per project.

Concern over number of camper vans at Ruby Bay car park continues. It was noted that the old sign had been removed leaving only sign the camper vans should keep to lower car park but that this request is frequently ignored. Plan to meet with Fife Council to discuss way forward. Angela suggested a Pay and Display system giving that in Longniddry as an example. *

Margaret Smith is retiring from library after many years. It was agreed that CC should mark her retirement with a gift and flowers.


John Docherty

Informed us that the dog warden service has changed and that it deals only with dangerous dogs. The Safer Community Team now deals with dog fouling problems.

Parking bays at Earlsferry Town Hall will be in place soon.

Linda Holt

The Participatory Budgeting Scheme is a scheme for community projects. £20k is available from planning budget for projects to benefit the East Neuk from any resident of the area. Up to £5k can be applied for and decision will be by vote with deadline early September. East Neuk Community Forum meeting at Crail Town Hall on 21st August.

Bill Porteous

O2 mobile phone mast – planning application has been submitted with some amendments – see 19/01860/TPN on FC planning website.

Double yellow lines outside Ship Inn – it was admitted that an error has been made – too many yellow lines and some in wrong place. Meeting was assured that this would be rectified.

Burnt out car in lay-by outside Ardross – there is a Police Aware sign

TREASURER’S REPORT – no update this month.


Hard copies to be made available from CC and at Library. Public presentation to be arranged.


Grizelda to ask Bridget Sneddon to chase Allan Bisset re proposals and advice on funding possibilities.


Application for fencing from Lottery Funding was rejected; has applied to Common Good Fund and awaiting decision from FC.


As already noted thanks have been expressed to all volunteers of the group. Angus expressed need for EAG to work more closely with CC. Regular reports to CC have been requested from a representative of group.

Judging of gardens and window boxes will take place at end of August by Jim Robertson, Angela Anderson and Bob Mitchell, on behalf of CC


2 new communications from SEPA have been made and replies from Elie Estate Trust – all on FC planning website, refs 18/03578 and 18/03579.

Phone mast already tabled in Cllr Porteous’ update.

Change of Use from stove shop at corner of Rankeillor Street to takeway – still awaiting decision – meeting on 21st August but as s yet no new info on FC planning website 19/00278/FULL.


Requests approval from CC to apply for £1200 from Common Good Fund.

Cinema showing ‘Incredibles’ on Sunday11th and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody on 25th August.


It was noted that there has been a larger number of beach bonfires this summer and concern was expressed about the amount of litter left after some of them. It was agreed that CC would request, via social media, that all litter should be cleared up.

As a result of recent storms there has been significant flooding at Chapel Green Lane, bottom of Ferry Road, The Terrace to South Street, Glovers Wynd and at The Toft. It was agreed the FC should be notified every time flooding occurs.

Parking continues to pose problems in the village. It was noted that Police cannot issue parking tickets but if blocking pavement etc Police can charge with obstruction.

Renewed street signs – still ongoing.

It was noted that one of the posts at Chapel Green is broken.

Damage to wall by houses in Boat Wynd – owners have agreed to mend.

Concern over human excrement in dunes by Ruby Bay carpark. Environmental Agency to be contacted.

Date of next meeting Monday 2nd September at Elie Sailing Club 7.30pm.

* Since then, following sudden arrival of barrier, a sub-group has been formed to discuss progress with Fife Council.


Minutes 2019

 Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd June 2019 in Elie Sailing Club


Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Angus Meldrum, Angela Anderson, Shelagh Mackay, Jim Robertson, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan, Patricia Ritchie, Cllrs John Docherty and Linda Holt


No Declarations of interest.


Police report provided by PC Stecka and PC Wallace

Various thefts have been reported including bench.

Report of dog savaging sheep at Ardross – offender still unidentified.

Report of a suspicious vehicle at Pavilion, a grey Ford Focus on 31st May between 22.00 and 23.30. Checking with GHC CCTV.

An action plan is to take place to address speeding issues in the village.

CC informed that Police can no longer issue parking tickets – and a request must be made to Fife Council for traffic wardens to attend from time to time.

New police officers are looking into the theft of furniture from Earlsferry Town Hall.

Police officers left at 7.45 – Chair expressed our thanks for attending


Minutes of the previous meeting - proposed by Angus, seconded by Shelagh




Mark noted that an AGM should take place shortly – agreed to hold at next CC meeting on 21st July

Village was busy at Easter with loads of activities including Scarecrow Festival, cinema club, cricket on beach, golf competitions and History Society walks – all well attended

Main Elie Beach and Ruby Bay have both been awarded Beach Award from Keep Scotland Beautiful.

Jim Robertson to give report from North East Fife Community Council meeting.

Going Forth - working on final draft which will be published in a few weeks once reviewed by the CC. The launch will be publicised for the public.

Out of hours Group – awaiting decision from Implementation Joint Board

East Neuk Responders group – training is to be offered to all local businesses – more information to follow.

20 MPH Zone – it was confirmed that, in order for this to be the put in place on a main road there has to be reports of a serious accident unless there is huge community support for such a speed limit. A petition to N E Fife Area Committee Councillors can overrule this decision. More speed strips are to be installed and it is expected the results of Going Forth report will confirm local support.

It was confirmed that we can request traffic wardens to address parking problems – Cllr John Docherty to look into this.

















Cllr John Docherty



Nothing to report.




Income and Expenditure Account for year ending 31st March has been prepared. This will be available to view separately.





Grizelda to ask Bridget Sneddon to chase Allan Bisset re proposals and advice on funding possibilities.





Sourcing funding for fencing for Earlsferry dune site. Aprox. £1000 required – Angela optimistic.





Various planters have been installed throughout the village.

Judging for Beautiful Fife will be on 22nd July – request to have pavements sprayed prior to this. Cllr Linda Holt to action.

Anyone wishing to volunteer to join the group should contact Steve Blaney or Graham Meacher.

Bins and litter – it is understood that all litter bins in E &E are serviced daily but there seems to be some doubt as to whether this is the case. Cllr Linda Holt to investigate

James Braid sign – thanks to History Society for repositioning it and thanks to Elie Golf House and Thistle Clubs for their contributions.





Cllr Linda Holt



Proposed housing development on land adjacent to phone exchange – Public Consultation to be held Elie Church Hall 7th June 3pm – 7pm.





Agreed to do a call out for volunteers to raise and take down flag at Toll Green when necessary.

Request to Fife Council to consider installing electric car charger point but committee felt that this would not be appropriate due to lack of parking provision as it is.

Broken pane at bus stop at Toll Green – Carol Birrell is on to it!

Thanks were noted to Sandy and Martin for cutting the football pitch grass and to Donald Thomson who has agreed to cut it in future. Question was asked as to why verges on road beside football pitch have not been cut.

Angus raised problem of dogs out of control on the beach – dog warden to be alerted.









Date of next meeting Monday 1st July at Elie Sailing Club immediately after AGM at 7.30pm.






Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 1st April 2019 in Elie Sailing Club 

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Jim Robertson, Sandy Bingham, Grizelda Cowan, Patricia Ritchie, Shelagh Mackay, Cllrs Bill Porteous, John Docherty, Linda Holt

Apologies from: Angus Meldrum, Angela Anderson

Declarations of interest from: Mark, Grizelda and Sandy re Elie Estate planning proposals

Minutes of the previous meeting - proposed by Jim Robertson, seconded by Sandy Bingham


Going Forth Charrette

On going, being conducted by PAS who have been happy with attendance at workshops. Follow up drop in session in Earlsferry Town Hall on 13th April, 2pm – 6pm. CC members asked to spread the word and encourage folk to attend. Mark to forward Going Forth newsletters  to all CC members

Fayre Day app - to be launched next week. This will show a comprehensive What’s On in Elie and Earlsferry.



Cllr John Docherty

Roadworks on Links Road have started and these will continue on to Earlsferry and Chapel green. New parking bay lines will be made outside Earlsferry Town Hall and upgrading of street signs are ongoing. Surprise was expressed that, once again, work was taking place during a very busy holiday period.

Cllr Bill Porteous

Two planning applications for new phone mast are being considered – 1 behind wall by 30MPH sign and 1 slightly modified and smaller mast on roadside close to BT building. We await decision of which will be approved.

Scottish laws on domestic abuse now include financial and coercive abuse.

There has been a hold up re double yellow lines proposed for outside Ship Inn – sand was cleared but unfortunately it returned before lines were painted. This will be re-addressed.

Cllr Linda Holt

Still trying to chase up mystery of theft of furniture from Earlsferry Town Hall. Mark to contact Louise Ness who takes hall bookings, to ask if she was aware of any activity.



£25k now in bank to pay PAS. Payment will be made on Angus’s return, probably in 2 stages.



At last ENF meeting on 27th February Woodside play park was discussed and, as a result, Fife Council Parks Development Officer, Alan Bisset, met with members of E&ECC to discuss way forward. He advised that the park would be redesigned and that he would come back with suggested designs and advice on funding opportunities. *

There continues to be some support for 20MPH restrictions to be set in all East Neuk villages. CC agreed to wait for findings of Charette before requesting that all of Elie should be a 20MPH zone.

CC was advised that 2020 is ‘Year of Coast and Waters’ and grants are available for community projects.

(more info from ‘https://www.visitscotland.org/supporting-your-business/marketing-toolkits/year-of-coasts-and-waters-2020 )

There was a discussion on provision of a ‘multiuse path joining up all East Neuk Villages – we await progress on this.

E&ECC requested that at next ENF meeting Fife Council should be asked for a reduction in hiring fees for CCs wishing to use community halls for meetings.



Fayre Day group have a packed programme for forthcoming year including Scarecrow Festival 3rd – 6th May, Fayre Day itself on 13th July and various Christmas activities.

The new app showing a comprehensive What’s On guide is to be launched week beginning 8th April.



No update at present.



Replanting of tubs and baskets planned for end of April. Hanging baskets are to be watered by same folk as in previous years.

Flagpole to be taken down and fixed so that flags fly properly.



Letter of objection to be submitted to FC re Elie Estates planning proposals is nearly finalised – Mark to circulate to members of CC for final amendments/additions.

It was pointed out at last meeting it was agreed that CC should ‘write to Fife Council expressing concerns about the disposal of resulting commercial and public rubbish, additional litter on Toll Green and emission of exhaust fumes’ from the proposals for a new fast food restaurant. However as no one was asked to action this has not been done. Mark agreed to check closing date for comments and action if still time.



CC has received request to fly Red Ensign on 3rd September, Merchant Navy Day. Jim to contact veterans to arrange small ceremony.

Discussion on painting of white borders round tubs on pavements to avoid accidents. Environmental Group to be asked to action this.

Bill Porteous pointed out that we should have a police report at every meeting. Mark to contact local police to advise them of forthcoming meetings and request report and/or police presence at meetings.

Date of next meeting Monday 6th May, 7.30 at Elie Sailing Club


* Since then a Parents’ Group has been formed in conjunction with Going Forth and wish to be informed when Alan Bisset comes back with his proposed deigns and funding advice.


Minutes of the Elie and Earlsferry Community Council Meeting

On Monday 4th March 2019 at 7.30pm

1.In the absence of both the chairman and the vice chairman, Angus Meldrum took the chair.

2. Apologies had been received from Mark Dickson, Shelagh Mackay Wilson and Grizelda Cowan.

3. The minutes of the last meeting held on 4 February were agreed. Proposed by Trisha Ritchie and seconded by Angela Anderson.

4. Matters arising:

Angela Anderson provided an update on the Out of Hours service. Progress is being made. The team from the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership have been visiting the GP practices in the area and consulting on any relevant issues and problems relating to the service and potential solutions. This information is to be collated and used at a series of workshops which will take place shortly to create the new model for the Out of Hours service in NE Fife.  Information on the proposed new model will be put before the Implementation Joint Board in April, hopefully for endorsement.

Angela Anderson also gave an update on the Elie & Earlsferry Environmental Action Group who had visited the Dundee and Angus Pallet Recycling Centre regarding the purchase of new larger planters for the outskirts of the village.

Jim Roberston gave an update on the meeting of the East Neuk Forum (notes attached). The Community Council need to contact Fife Council’s Green Space Officer to arrange a site visit to the playpark at Woodside. {Jim Robertson has subsequently agreed to do that}.

Speed limits and other non planning matters were agreed to be carried forward to the next meeting.

5. Planning Matters

The Community Council discussed the application to open a hot food takeaway at 1 Rankeillor Street. They agreed to write to Fife Council expressing concerns about the disposal of resulting commercial and public rubbish, additional litter on Toll Green and emission of exhaust fumes.

There followed a short discussion on the planning application for 25 houses at The Grange. It was noted that the response from the Community Council was in the process of being drafted. It was understood that Alex Nairn had requested an extension to the deadline by which comments needed to be submitted to Fife Council.

6. Jim Roberston brought a form that was available at the newsagents for people to communicate to the Community Council. It required to be updated.

He also brought a complaint from a member of the public regarding the reduced frequency of bin collection outside Isaac Mackie House. Angus Meldrum agreed to forward it to one of our Councillors.


Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council

held on Monday 4th February  in Elie Sailing Club


Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Trisha Ritchie, Jim Robertson, Shelagh Mackay, Angus Meldrum, Angela Anderson, Grizelda Cowan, Sandy Bingham, Cllrs John Docherty and Linda Holt

Apologies from: Cllr Bill Porteous

Minute of the previous meeting was proposed by Trisha, seconded by Shelagh


Shelagh informed meeting of a declaration of interest re a planning application amendment to an existing application re rear render, removal of 3 windows & retaining rear wall at 8 The Terrace.



Chairman’s Update

  • We have been advised that the planning application from Elie Estates will be ‘live’ this week.
  • Fife Council has intimated that it will be paying heed to all Community Action Plans. Local legislation going through whereby FC will act on results of charrettes and Community Action Plans. As a result of various CAPs it has become clear that all East Neuk villages have similar issues they wish to be addressed. Agreement to collaborate with other villages to present a united voice to FC.
  • PAS, a citizens advice charity, has been appointed to conduct the Charrette. Proposed dates: 28th, 29th and 30 March – drop in workshops to be held in Earlsferry Town Hall with follow up event on 13th April. Trisha to book Hall for these.
  • Fayre Day is about to launch a ‘What’s On in Elie’ app – more details to follow.











Councillors’ reports

Linda Holt:

As the land behind Earlsferry Town Hall appears to have been ‘appropriated’ by owner of ‘the Wee House’ efforts are being made to track down title and receive assurances from FC that this land will not be sold.

Meeting was informed that there is a FC fund available for use prior to a CAT – Trisha and Linda to investigate.

ETH table and chairs are still missing. Mark to check with Janice Laird, caretaker, dates that the crèche operated and to when furniture was moved from Council room to hall stage.Acting head at Waid Academy has expressed concern over Charrette conductors interviewing pupils at school. Suggestion that perhaps these discussions could take place on school bus. Mark to liaise with Heather Laird.

John Docherty:Meeting was assured that the various village issues including street signs to be upgraded, double yellow lines outside Ship Inn, new parking spaces outside Earlsferry Town Hall and disabled bays at the chemist's and Town Hall, are all on FC’s ‘To do’ list. As for disrepair of road at Chapel Green it was suggesteded that there was little point in addressing this until planning application for new house had been decided on.

There is a predicted rise of high tides from 350mm to 500mm by 2023. An estimated spend of £42.8m will be required to protect Fife Coastline.



Trisha, Linda









Village amenities, streets and parking issues

  • East Neuk Community Forum meeting scheduled for March at which it is hoped that a decision re Elie Playpark equipment will be made.
  • It was confirmed that the ETH piano was gifted to Fayre Day
  • Road closure at main road end of Ferry Road. It was noted that work had started earlier than originally intimated and that it was hoped that it was nearly complete.
  • New phone mast – awaiting update.


Beach Group

  • Ivy has been removed from the dunes at Earlsferry as it has very shallow roots and is insufficient to stabilise the dunes. The site is being left fallow for one year to ensure there is no regrowth. Any regrowth of ivy will be tackled by the local beachside home-owner. Marram grass will then be transplanted onto the dunes this autumn with the help of the students from Elmwood College.
  • Further fencing is required and cash for this is being sought.
  • Concern has been expressed re removal of sand from beach. Trisha asked about the authority for the sand removal - Angela will email her with details. Meeting was assured that EGHC is permitted to remove an annually defined amount of sand from the area on the east side at the bottom of Telford Lane.
  • Very grateful thanks were extended to all those who conduct litter sweeps in the village and on the beach.


Environmental Action Group

Meeting to be held on 12th February at which plans for forthcoming season will be discussed. Volunteers are always welcome.




Possible renovation of water fountain at Toll Green

It was agreed that renovation of existing fountain would be impossible but that we should look into provision of a new drinking fountain adjacent.

It was agreed that a search would-be conducted to locate old documents/archives. Angela to ask Graham.*






Planning Group

It was noted that application for the re-location of a pulley beam and for the installation of a set of glazed doors with a Juliet balcony at Flat 5 The Granary had been refused.






Thanks were expressed to those who had contributed to our Facebook site. Discussions to take place on how to improve this.

Thanks also expressed to Graham Johnston for his informative and very entertaining Elie Herald.

Mark, Grizelda


  • Elie School has expressed concern over the amount of dog mess in the streets. Residents are encouraged to report anyone not picking up after their dog. More bins have been requested. Suggestion that the Elie school children might make some posters which could be put up round the village.
  • Out of Hours Group. Fife Health and Social Care Partnership has acknowledged the Group’s requests and the decision to close St Andrews is being reconsidered.
  • Scottish Government Consultation of Fireworks information - https://consult.gov.scot/safer-communities/fireworks/?fbclid=IwAR2IM-1HXgzYrikOyVTI0CgpQHsK3Cw21coo2d111e1fXw7WnG_c5eZms1U-  to be shared on our Facebook.
  • Earlsferry Town Hall activities: The next screening is ‘Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle’ on 17th February at 4pm. In addition there is Line Dancing on a Tuesday afternoon at 4.00pm, Strength & Balance class on Thursdays at 10.00am, short tennis at 3.45pm on Fridays and Kids Club at 6.30pm on 15th Feb, 1st March and 4th April. Website coming shortly!.








Date of next meeting: Monday 4th March, Elie Sailing Cub



* Since then we have been informed that there is a large box of CC documents in the Elie library.

Minute of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on Monday 7th January 2019 in Sailing Club

Present:  Mark Dickson (Chair), Trisha Ritchie, Jim Robertson, Shelagh Mackay, Angus Meldrum, Angela Anderson, Grizelda Cowan, Cllr Bill Porteous

Apologies from: Cllrs Linda Holt and John Docherty

Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by Trisha, seconded by Grizelda

Chairman’s Update

  • Mark expressed our thanks to Fayre Day group for all the recent Christmas events and decorations throughout the village.
  • It was acknowledged that there had been issues over litter in village and on beach and some anti social fireworks over Christmas holiday period. Meeting agreed to postpone further discussion on these till end of the year and agreed that some well sited friendly notices might be put up next December.
  • Mark apologised for the misunderstanding re the vote from last meeting re communication with public re planning issues. Agreed to make decisions clearer in future.
  • It was noted the planning for the Elie Estates development has been submitted but, as yet, no notification from Fife Council Planning Dept. 
  • Mark informed meeting that he had met with Willie Rennie MSP to discuss local issues and reported that WR would like to be kept up to date with all local issues.

Councillors’ reports

  • Bill  Porteous reported that:
  • Bins behind church have all been emptied
  • Ferry Road is to close from 31st January to 6th February from St Ford Cottages to junction with main road to allow for BT work.
  • He attended site visit for new Madras – to go to planning on 9th Jan. *
  • Meeting at end of December looked at possible new site for mobile mast behind Woodside Road in wooded area belonging to Elie Estates. Application for this site to be submitted to planning. CC agreed to provide letter of support for this location when more information is available.
  • Discussions still on-going on whether Elie should have a 20MPH speed limit

Position of secretary for CC

Grizelda has agreed to take minutes at meetings and Mark has agreed to take over other secretarial duties, delegating when appropriate.



Mark confirmed that a grant of £25k from Scottish Government has been approved. Of the 4 groups approached 2 have submitted offers. The appointed group is expected to conduct the Charette during the February school half term when it is expected that there will be more people in the village.  

Possible renovation of water fountain at Toll Green

As yet no reply from St Andrews CC re their fountain in Market Street and we are still trying to find results of original feasibility study conducted some years ago. It was agreed that if it is not possible to renovate existing water fountain CC would look into possibility of installing a new one.

Village amenities, streets and parking issues

  • Street signs to be upgraded.
  • Lights past Toft still not working
  • Still waiting for double yellow lines outside Ship Inn
  • Still waiting for new parking spaces outside Earlsferry Town Hall to be marked. It is also hoped to include disabled bays at the chemist's and Town Hall.
  • Disrepair of road at Chapel Green – still awaiting action from Fife Council
  • Replacement of play park equipment – there is to be an East Neuk Forum meeting this month at which it is hoped there will be some movement on this.
  • Disappearance of table and chairs from ETH. History Society has been asked if they have any photos of said items which could be used for a possible insurance claim. Still trying to ascertain when they were last seen. Willie Rennie has agreed to look into this for us.
  • Jim Robertson asked if the piano last seen below stage on left was also missing.

Beach Group

Fencing along dunes at Elie end is now all in place and all ivy has been removed. Replanting of marram grass by Elmwood students is on-going with grass being taken from dunes at harbour.

Environmental Action Group

Not a lot of action at the moment but lots of planning in progress. It was noted with pleasure that Elie and Earlsferry had improved on their 2017 score in 2018 and had been awarded Silver Gilt but still chasing that Beautiful Fife Gold Award.

Plans to develop links by Lady’s Tower and at Saucher Point to provide shelter for feathered migrants. Plans to plant appropriate shrubs etc to encourage birds to rest.

Emergency Planning Group

Mark to liaise with Steve Blaney to provide info on contacts and action in case of emergency.

Planning Committe

No new planning applications causing concern. **


Angus questioned reason for new bus stop outside old RBS bank.

Angela informed meeting that Graham Johnston would be happy to include any CC business in his next Elie Herald.

Angela also brought up apparent problem with ATM which is flashing up a picture of a debit card when dispensing cash. This has been reported to RBS.***

Request was made to the EAG that white bands should be put round planters to avoid accidents

Date of next meeting: Monday 4th February, Elie Sailing Cub

* Since then it has been announced that planning permission for new Madras has been granted.

** Since then application for the re-location of a pulley beam and for the installation of a set of glazed doors with a Juliet balcony at Flat 5 The Granary has been refused.

*** Since then this issue has been resolved and ATM is safe to use. 


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