Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 5th December 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, George Cowan and Cllr Alycia Hayes
Apologies Carol Birrell and Cllrs Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon
New declarations of interest: None
November minutes: proposed by Cath, seconded by Kirsty
Questions from members of the public
On going sewage issues – Scottish Water have been out to investigate problems.
Work on problems on Ferry Road to be carried out 08/01/24 at 08.00hrs to 22/01/24.
Proposed mobile signal mast – Alycia to investigate why this plan appears to have been dropped.
Councillors Updates:
Cllr Alycia Hayes informed the meeting that she had met with Alex Nairn representing Elie Estate Trust. He is aware of the drainage problem in our villages and wishes to comply with Scottish Water’s stipulation that the developer ‘must provide a local treatment option’. Elie Estate Trust will be required to provide an adequate drainage impact assessment.
With regard to the ‘Small Communities Housing Trust’ and how it affects plans for houses at Wadeslea Alex Nairn has promised to provide an update on how this will be applied.
Remembrance Sunday
All went well and thanks were expressed to Alan Proven who delivered the address, Graham Johnston who acted as master of ceremonies, Steve Blaney who organised it, Kirsty’s son and Bruce Bowers who managed the traffic and all those who attended to honour those who served and lost their life in the last world war.
Toll Green
We are still waiting for FC to advise us of a date for pruning of the trees on Toll Green and when the diseased trees are to be remove and replace with at least one to be planted in memory of past CC Chair, Jim Robertson. Discussion took place in which alternative locations for this this might be considered. Kirsty offered to seek advice from Stewart Barclay as to what variety of tree might be considered most suitable. It was agreed that it should definitely be a ‘native’ tree.
Bus stop lights and Defibrillator
A smart meter is to be installed at the bus stop in an attempt to lessen the cost of electricity which powers its lights and the defibrillator. Plans also to investigate possibility of installing a timer so that lights at bus stop can be more efficiently regulated.
Local Place Plan
The CC has been asked to put together a Local Place Plan to include requests from the community. It was agreed that the main points from the Charette should be included plus the more recent requests re infrastructure which were summarised in the November minutes.
The application for an eco-cemetery was refused and an appeal has been lodged. It was stressed that the objection submitted by E&ECC to the original application was indeed from the CC as a whole and not a personal one from Angela. Further objection is to be submitted by the CC expressing concerns.
Police Report
Some speed checks have been taking place over the past month; it was noted that the numerous road repairs have helped to slow down the traffic.
Play Park
Alycia informed the meeting that a FC meeting is to be held to approve the ‘Playpark Strategy Document’ and it is understood that Elie’s playpark is to be improved with all defective apparatus to be removed and replaced. This information was greeted with some consternation by the meeting as it was the first anyone had heard of such a document and was complete news to the playpark committee who have been in discussion with Fife Council about upgrading the play park for some years.
Damage to Dunes above Ruby Bay
Robbie Blyth of FCCT has been alerted to damaged dunes and this will be attended to.
Next meeting Tuesday 9th January at 7.30, Earlsferry Town Hall.
Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 7th November 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, George Cowan
Apologies Cllrs Alycia Hayes, Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon
New declarations of interest: None
October minutes: Inaugural meeting proposed by Cath, seconded by Kirsty. Regular meeting proposed by Carol, seconded by Cath
Councillors Updates:
Cllr Fiona Corps – by email
I have been in touch with the community police team, and they have assured me that speed checks will be carried out at both ends of the village. The school area will be carried out at a relevant time when traffic is at its busiest and the school is open.
It was brought to my attention that the defibrillator cabinet (on the bus stop) was flashing red last week. This sometimes happens in extreme weather. The top righthand corner becomes loose and needs a wee push to close it tightly again. Please note that the cabinet has a climate control to keep the defibrillator dry and warm should outside temperatures reach below zero. When this is breached the red light will flash. The defib itself has its own battery and is not attached to the cabinet in anyway.
Fife Council has been inundated with calls after the recent storms and there is unprecedented reports of damage to properties and roads. They ask that everyone remains patient until repairs can be carried out.
Questions from members of the public - Infrastructure repairs
The following requests have been received and passed on to our local Fife Councillors:
- The pavement from Earlsferry to junction of Ferry Road and A917 has, over the years, become narrow and is now unusable.
- There is a need for the storm drains to be cleared and the street sweeping vehicle to visit more regularly and help clean up the streets. A monthly visit from the street sweeping vehicle would be preferable.
- A request has been put in for white lines to be put in place at the bottom of School Wynd along with a Give-Way sign. At present, few vehicles slow down or stop at the bottom of the road before turning right or left which increases the risk of an accident occurring. There is also a request for a NO LORRIES SIGN to be put in place as the street is too narrow to accommodate that size of vehicle.
- The pavements running from Stenton Row along the Toft are full of cracks and holes, some of which are very large and constitute a dangerous trip hazard.
- There is a raised pavement beside the bollard outside the Library which is posing a trip hazard.
- There is a hole in the main road as you come into Elie from St Monans. It lies just in front of the entrance to Elie House driveway. It requires to be repaired.
- There is a broken Parking Restriction sign post at the turning circle at Chapel Green which will require to be repaired.
- The Give Way sign at the junction of Stenton Row and the High Street is also broken and will require to be repaired.
- The railway sleepers which seem to have been left in position by the external wall at Chapel Green House are unsightly and impair the view across the beach. It has been asked why these have not been removed or reduced in height so that they do not extend above the wall.
- Concern has been expressed about the very narrow bridge on A917 just north of the entrance to the caravan site and a request that prominent signs be put in place to warn motorists travelling in both directions.
Fireworks Display
The CC was sad to learn that, due to health and safety concerns, the planned firework display has been cancelled. The CC supports this decision and would like to thank Graham Bucknall and his team at the Ship Inn for all their efforts. It was also recognised that the cancellation was disappointing for the Playpark Group who were planning a collection during the evening. Early discussions are being held to work out if an alternative event might be possible next year.
Remembrance Sunday
The Memorial Service will go ahead on Remembrance Sunday. The CC expressed our thanks to The Craft Club for their beautifully crafted poppies that adorn the war memorial.
Communities Housing Trust
An invitation was sent to Alex Nairn of Elie Estate Trust to attend this meeting. Unfortunately, he was unable to attend but hopes to be able to come to our next meting in December. We look forward to learning how this government initiative can be applied to the building proposals at Wadeslea.
The CC are pleased to learn that a revised planning application has been submitted for building at 12 Wadeslea and have no objection to the revised application.
The CC are disappointed to learn that there has still been no reply to the letter sent in September to FC Planning Department requesting a meeting to discuss planning issues with particular regard to the present unacceptable sewage problems within our villages. Angela agreed to write once again.
Concern was expressed regarding the planning application to install a gate and steps leading to the garden in the wall opposite the Deck House at Chapel Green. (Since the meeting we were glad to learn that the wall is not considered to be of historic interest and that the gate is simply to allow access to the garden from Deck House and that there are no plans to build on the land.)
Treasurer’s report
Grizelda agreed to ask Angus, our past treasurer, to pass on to the playpark committee the information they require.
EAG Update provided by Graham Meacher
- A meeting of the EAG was held on 22 Sep to review the current year’s operations and plan for next 6 months.
- A Works Party was organised for Sat 30 Sep to undertake maintenance tasks such as cleaning, sweeping, painting, weeding, pruning and planting.
- Repair/refurb of Victorian lamps (Church Gates). No change from last update.
- Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump. Awaiting clarification on ownership from FC. Plans for fundraising strategy to pay for restoration (c£20k) in hand.
- Top up Tap – No change from last update.
- Telephone Kiosk – No change from last update.
- Picnic Table replacement – No change from last update.
Police report
EOperation Prevail – Anti-Social Behaviour
PCs Cook and Wallace carried out several ASB patrols in the East Neuk area following reports of youth disorder and the illegal use of ‘off-road’ motorbikes in the Anstruther and Kilconquhar areas. Officers traced a young male riding a motorbike in Anstruther without a licence and insurance – the bike was seized and the male has been charged for road traffic offences.
Following numerous reports regarding ‘off-road’ motorbikes in the Kilconquhar area, PC’s Cook and Wallace traced the culprits and spoke with two young persons who were given a police warning and advised regarding the use of ‘off-road’ motorbikes on the roadway and land which is not privately owned.
Operation Paramount – Road Traffic
In response to ongoing public complaints, PC’s Wallace and Cook have carried out several speed gun deployments in the North East Fife area with a total of 20 drivers given verbal warnings for excessive speeds.
Road Safety remains one of our top priorities in the North East Fife area, officers will continue to carry out high visibility stop points and speed gun deployments throughout the year and strive to ensure we keep your communities safe.
In Elie/Earlsferry last month - 15 calls to the police. 2 crimes recorded
Next meeting Tuesday 5th December at 7.30, Earlsferry Town Hall.
Minutes of Inaugural Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd October 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, George Cowan and Cllrs Alycia Hayes, Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon
No Apologies
Adoption of the Constitution
The generic Constitution for all Community Councils supplied by Fife Council was adopted and is to be put on CC website for all to see.
Co-opted members and Appointment of Office Bearers
Cath McIntosh was co-opted on to the CC by unanimous vote and she agreed to join E&ECC as a full member with full voting rights.
Chairperson: Angela Anderson – proposed by Grizelda, seconded by Kirsty and accepted by Angela
Secretary: no proposal for this position but Grizelda was proposed as minute secretary by Angela, seconded by Carol and accepted by Grizelda.
Treasurer: Cath McIntosh proposed by Carol, seconded by Angela and accepted by Cath.
Vice Chair – Carol Birrell, proposed by Cath, seconded by Angela, accepted by Carol
Other members:
Kirsty Barclay
George Cowan
Subsequently Cllr Alycia Hayes formally approved the new Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council.
The first meeting of the newly approved CC to take place immediately following this meeting.
Minutes of Meeting of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council held on 3rd October 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Grizelda Cowan, Cath McIntosh, George Cowan and Cllrs Alycia Hayes, Fiona Corps and Sean Dillon
No Apologies
New declarations of interest: None
September minutes: Proposed by Carol, seconded by Kirsty.
Councillors Updates:
Cllr Alycia Hayes
Alycia confirmed that the water leak in Williamsburgh had been fixed very quickly
She advised the meeting that the certificate confirming the villages’ sponsorship of HMS Ballona is in safe keeping in FC’s Bankhead Central along with many other Common Good Fund articles belonging to towns and villages throughout Fife. We now have the right to access this and Alycia agreed to put in a request that it be taken from the centre and displayed in the Earlsferry Town Hall.
She informed the meeting that the Childrens Panel is in need of volunteers. More information and to apply can be found here: https://search.volunteerscotland.net/organisation/00124000008nb1kAAA/fife-childrens-panel
She informed the meeting that FC are to publish a new Roads Area Programme but it is thought, disappointingly, that, rather than this being a list of projects will be only a progress report of work already completed.
Cllr Fiona Corps
Fiona informed the meeting of Café Inc, a free lunch club for children, young people and families in Fife to be held at St Monans Primary School, East Neuk Centre and Crail Community Hall. Although the CC is glad to learn of this initiative it expressed disappointment that our area of Fife seems to be the only one not offering any kind of hot meals.
Cllr Sean Dillon – supplied by email
Castwell Wynd, Earlsferry:
Following the meeting of the Community Council in June, I requested that Castwell Wynd be resurfaced. Since then, despite attempts on a weekly basis to obtain an update, I am still awaiting information about when this will be carried out. I have now escalated this and will hopefully receive a response before the next meeting.
Short-term Let Control Zone:
At last month’s full council, I asked the administration’s tourism spokesperson for an update regarding proposed STL control zones that were first raised by my predecessor, Cllr Porteous, over two years ago. With the short-term licensing coming into force on the 1st of October, the spokesperson informed me that a report will be coming to the council’s Cabinet committee in November for consideration.
“Welcome to the East Neuk” Sign:
Following consultation with the community councils and the local tourism board, it has been unanimously decided the signs at the entrances to the East Neuk should retain the fisher lass image. Working with the council’s design team, they have confirmed that the council still has the rights to the image but not a high-quality copy so they have adapted it slightly.
Levenmouth Railway Consultation:
Scotrail are currently consulting on two alternative interim options for initial rail services to Leven, which are due to begin in spring 2024. The options are either two services per hours via Dunfermline or one service per hours via Kirkcaldy. To access, please visit the following website: https://www.scotrail.co.uk/about-scotrail/future-timetables/fife-and-tay-cities-timetable-consultation
Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy:
People across Fife are being encouraged to have their say on plans to help tackle the climate emergency, cut carbon emissions and make the region’s buildings more environmentally friendly over the coming years. Residents can give their views on the region’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES), which outlines an approach tailored to where we live which aims to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and support behaviour change. This can be accessed until the 29th of October at:
Questions from members of the public
It was brought to our attention that only the Ladies toilet on Stenton Row is open. It was agreed that Angela should email Robbie Blyth asking him to arrange for the Gents and Disabled toilets to be opened. *
Questions were asked by several members of the public as to why the recent AGM had not been sufficiently notified. The CC accepted that this could have been more effectively publicised and gave apologies and assurances that 2024’s AGM will be notified more prominently.
The CC was asked if it is still necessary to send a copy of all minutes from CC meetings to the East Fife Mail. Despite the significant fall in its readership, it was agreed that the minutes should continue to be sent to the EFM. Member of the public, Graeme Johnston advised the meeting that the minutes should also be sent to the CE of FC. Grizelda agreed to email him to ask if he wished to receive them in the future.
We welcomed Andy Nicholson from the East Neuk Preservation Society who asked if the CC had had any thoughts about the future of Elie Prish Church, which, with other churches in the East Neuk, is destined to close by 2027. Cath advised that she believed there were some very early stage thoughts of its being turned into a craft centre. We await further information with great interest
Fireworks Display
The Ship Inn are organising the Annual Elie Fireworks for Saturday 4th November. A meeting was held recently with various interested parties, at which various points were raised regarding timings, crowd control, catering, fire safety etc. As ever, traffic management, parking and pedestrian access/safety are of paramount importance; in addition, the organisers are aware of the needs and concerns of local residents. Graham Bucknall is in contact with Fife Council and Police Scotland regarding the event. Two sites for major overflow carparks on Elie Estate have been identified, with the aim being to reduce the impact on Ruby Bay and Nairn Park. A full Traffic Management System will be circulated by Graham Bucknall once agreed with all parties.
Remembrance Sunday
Sunday 12th November, 11am. It was agreed that Steve Blaney should be asked to provide the music and Alan Provan the speeches as they both did so perfectly last year. Although we cannot enforce all traffic to stop during ceremony it is hoped that drivers will do so as they did last year. Cath informed the meeting the Elie Craft Group are crocheting poppies which will be placed on the War memorial in advance of the Remembrance Sunday ceremony. ***
2025 Elie Golf Club’s 150th Anniversary
The meeting welcomed Graham Jonston who updated us on the History Society’s plans for the forthcoming anniversary:
Golf and its history – Elie and Earlsferry 2025
1875 was a very important year in the history of golf in Elie and Earlsferry. In May of that year six golfers got together and having arranged to lease the Melon Park from Baird, set up the Golf House club. They also drew up plans, not only to extend the golf course, but also to build a club house suitable for the putative membership of the GHC. At the same time perhaps mindful of the fact that membership of the GHC would probably be confined to the “gentry”, four of the Earlsferry golfing brigade formed their own golf club called Earlsferry Thistle G.C. Both these events have had a very significant influence on the development of golf, the golf course and both villages since then. 2025 sees the 150th anniversary of the founding of these golf clubs and it is an anniversary which in the view of the History Society should be acknowledged and celebrated by the villages as a whole and not necessarily confined to the two golf clubs.
To that end the History Society would like to consider the following:
- A special event should be held in Earlsferry Town Hall to commemorate both anniversaries.
- To acknowledge also the world-wide contribution of the golf club makers of Earlsferry Forrester, Crowley, Scott and Reekie.
- To celebrate the legacy of the forty young men from Earlsferry who became professional golfers mainly in the United stated from 1880 to after the first world war. To also acknowledge and celebrate the contribution of two Open Golf champions from Earlsferry – Simpson and Braid.
- To celebrate in general the development of Elie Golf Course along with the historical significance of the litigation with the Malcolm family of the Grange Estate between 1812 and 1875.
- To commission and erect a statue in honour of James Braid and others to be placed in the area of ground beside 18th tee of golf course.
The History Society would like to plan an exhibition based on this for 2025 say May/June but would like the Community Council to endorse the celebrations and to that end to involve the whole village we suggest that the CC set up a small sub group to prepare plans for and report back to CC. We would suggest that the group be made up of two members from Golf House Club, 2 from Thistle 2 from CC (but not necessarily members of CC and perhaps two others suggest me Graham Johnston and Ronnie Sinclair who has done a lot of work relative to the history of the clubs and makers.
EECC would like to support these proposals and thanks Graham for all his hard work in initiating them so far.
Communities Housing Trust
The Communities Housing Trust (CHT) is a registered charity and social enterprise focused on building sustainable rural communities across central and northern Scotland. www.chtrust.co.uk/ . It was questioned whether this might be relevant to the proposed development at Wadeslea. It was admitted by members of the CC that there was still some confusion on how many social/affordable houses were planned for the Wadeslea development and how many would be for rent v for sale. It was agreed that Cllr Fiona Corps should invite Alex Nairn to attend our next meeting to clarify the plans.
Infrastructure repairs
Attention was brought to the meeting on following:
- The poor sate or repair of the pavements at Stenton Row, The Toft, Earlsferry High Street – north side and Park Place – east side.
- The sink hole at Boat Wynd which was reported to FC several years ago and is still dangerous despite efforts from some locals to fill it in
- The need for new double yellow lines beyond the Ship Inn towards the harbour or, alternatively, a pavement
- The sewage flow pipe behind harbour which is still ‘hanging’, unattached
Speeding Traffic
At every meeting this is discussed and concern is always expressed over the speed of vehicles entering the village both from St Monans and via Park Place. It is understood that a speed survey was conducted in May in Park Place but it was noted that this was done half way down Park Place and not as cars approach the school and the pedestrian crossing where the speeding is excessively worrying. There have been several reports of car drivers ignoring the red lights at the pedestrian crossing and members of the public who witness such actions are urged to take a note of the offending car’s registration number and repost it to FC. Once again, we request that FC should install flashing lights at both entrances to the village with speed warning signs. Cllr Sean Dillon agreed to request this along with another speed survey to operate north of the school and pedestrian crossing. Cllr Fiona Corps agreed to request that the Community Police should operate a speed check.
A letter has been sent to FC Planning Department requesting a meeting to discuss planning issues with particular regard to the present unacceptable sewage problems within our villages. So far no reply has been received.
The CC’s request that it should be a statutory Consultee for development at Kilspindie, Bank Street and Sea Bank, South Street has been accepted. It is the belief of the CC that the there should be two applications for this development as there are two quite separate houses.
Treasurer’s report
The CC welcomed Cath McIntosh as our new treasurer but accepted that it will take time for RBS to catch up with the new signatories as it took nearly two years for them to accept last change.
Play Park Progress
The Play Park Committee has reported back with an estimate and details from FC of the planned upgrading of the play park. The cost amounts to nearly £100,000. The CC were concerned about this high cost to be spent on fewer that 20 children living in our villages. Concern was also expressed about the installation of a zip wire as it was felt that this might be abused during the summer months by youths who regularly congregate on the playpark and who have been already been causing disturbance to local residents. It was agreed that a request be made to the play park committee that E&ECC member Kirsty Barclay might join the main play park committee and thus ease communication between the two. **
EAG Update proved by Gram Meacher
- A meeting of the EAG was held on 22 Sep to review the current year’s operations and plan for next 6 months.
- A Works Party was organised for Sat 30 Sep to undertake maintenance tasks such as cleaning, sweeping, painting, weeding, pruning and planting.
- Repair/refurb of Victorian lamps (Church Gates). No change from last update.
- Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump. Awaiting clarification on ownership from FC. Plans for fundraising strategy to pay for restoration (c£20k) in hand.
- Top up Tap – No change from last update.
- Telephone Kiosk – No change from last update.
- Picnic Table replacement – No change from last update.
Concerns – CC action required:
- Dangerous pavements - the concrete pavements running from Stenton Row along the Toft are full of cracks and holes, some very large creating trip hazards and very dangerous.
- Weeds - Many of the streets in the village are blighted by extensive weed growth along the edges and in the gutters. This looks extremely unsightly and gives the place a look of neglect and akin to the Wild West.
- Trees on Toll Green – hopefully action will be taken this autumn to pollard the trees to let more light onto TG and reduce the bird noise nuisance and unhealthy mess.
- Road sweeping – the mechanical road sweeper has not visited the village as regularly as usual, which may be due to council cutbacks.
Toll Green
The CC discussed the proposal of introducing a gate on to Toll Green opposite the entrance to Toll Green Hall. The CC was in favour of this but felt that one wooden gate might be sufficient as there is wheelchair access from Stenton Row and the entrance into the garden at the old Manse also has a dropped pavement, so no changes would be required on the road.
Angela suggested that the CC might meet in future in the TGH as this would give more room for when members of the public wish to attend. A vote taken on this and passed by a majority in favour. Angela to send request to Neil Grieve.
Cath brought to attention of the CC that the electricity cost supplied to the defibrillator at the bus stop has increased to nearly £100 a month. At present the Fayre Day group covers this cost but cannot continue if it is to increase to amount indicated. Cath agreed to write to Scottish Power explaining that is supplies a public defibrillator in the hope that the cost might be reduced.
Police report
Report received from our local Community Police Officer:
Elie/Earlsferry - 15 calls to the police. 2 crimes recorded
Operation Prevail – Anti-Social Behaviour
PC’s Cook and Wallace carried out several ASB patrols in the East Neuk area following reports of youth disorder and the illegal use of ‘off-road’ motorbikes in the Anstruther and Kilconquhar areas. Officers traced a young male riding a motorbike in Anstruther without a licence and insurance – the bike was seized and the male has been charged for road traffic offences.
Following numerous reports regarding ‘off-road’ motorbikes in the Kilconquhar area, PC’s Cook and Wallace traced the culprits and spoke with two young persons who were given a police warning and advised regarding the use of ‘off-road’ motorbikes on the roadway and land which is not privately owned.
It is hoped that, next summer, our villages might receive more action form local police officers to address the anti-social behaviour and vandalism that tends to prevail in our villages during the peak season.
Next meeting Tuesday 7th November at 7.30, venue to be advised
* Since the meeting Angela has notified Robbie Blyth who has advised that:
- ‘The toilets on Stenton Row fall under Robbie Lawsons, Facilities Coordinator (Fife Council) remit who I have copied into the email.
- The Road falls under the responsibility of Transportation Services and I have copied Sara Wilson< Service Manager (Fife Council)’
We await action with some optimism.
** It has been agreed that Kirsy should join the play park group as representative of E&ECC
*** Since the meeting we are glad to be able to confirm that both Steve Blaney and Alan Provan are happy to assist at the Remembrance Day ceremony.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council AGM held on 5th September 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan, Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham and Cllr Alycia Hayes.
Apologies from Patricia Ritchie and Cllrs Sean Dillon and Fiona Corps.
Minutes from 2022 AGM proposed by Angus, seconded by Angela
Ruby Bay
There have been some great achievements this year including the developments at Ruby Bay. The old toilet block has been removed and replaced by a new block which contains a number of unisex toilets. The new parking regulations which are now in place, and which control overnight parking through the installation of ticket machines, have made a huge improvement in terms of reduced congestion at the carpark. Also, the number of cases of inappropriate parking has considerably reduced.
However, Robbie Blythe of the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust has been advised that some campervans are getting out of paying parking fees at Ruby Bay carpark by getting a new free ticket every 2 hours. Robbie responded that they have staff who patrol the carparks Fife wide on various days and when they are caught not following the rules difficult discussions are had and if required an official letter in the first instance is issued. Most overnight users do purchase a ticket, but a few will let the side down.
Wild camping and toilet provision
Currently a notice providing information on appropriate areas for erecting a tent has been placed in the Ruby Bay area. Guidance leaflets are also available for those wishing to camp. In addition, a corner of the land at Ruby Bay has been fenced off for use on application by individual groups. Procedures are in place to deal with the applications. The system seems to be working well.
Toll Green Huts and Flagpole
The huts which served a very useful purpose during the pandemic have now all been sold and removed from Toll Green. The Flagpole was inspected by Fife Council, which has now repaired the halyard pulley allowing flags to be flown again.
Replacement Gates by School
Shiny new gates have been installed north of the school giving access to the 9-hole golf course.
Dog Fouling Posters
Posters designed by the children at Elie Primary School have been produced thanks to all their imaginative efforts. They have been laminated and put up at Archbald Park, Hyde Park and Toll Green.
Earlsferry Town Hall
Emma Campbell has been appointed as Development Officer in the new role funded by TNL Community Led fund. The ETH goes from strength to strength with loads of activities planned. For information on all the ETH has to offer from bridge, table tennis, yoga, pilates, concerts, lectures, wine club go to https://www.earlsferrytownhall.org.uk/
Toll Green Hall
Toll Green Hall is now open for business. It opened in January 2023, but they still intend to do a formal launch at some point in the future. It has been used for exhibitions, health classes, book clubs and private functions.
Coming this winter are art classes, Pilates and yoga. A new digital screen has been installed to capture what’s on in the village. It can include video etc.
The owners are very keen to encourage activities that are open to all and support the village.
Parking Issues
Our local councillors are still trying to persuade FC to address the parking problem that arises during all our busy times. It was noted that, without the parking facility at Nairn Park, the situation will be even more serious. There was deep regret over Fife Council’s decision to end their lease of Nairn Park, particularly as the decision was made with no consultation with the community or its Council.
Councillor Alycia Hayes met with Steven Sellers, who has replaced Lesly Craig in FC Traffic Management Department, to discuss traffic and parking issues in our villages. It was agreed that improved signage round Stenton Row and The Toft should be put in place and that the double yellow lines at Stenton Row should be repainted and that a ‘No Campervans’ sign be put up to stop them heading for the harbour. It was universally agreed that some kind of enforcement is necessary and that a visit from traffic wardens at 8am is not helpful.
Concern was voiced again that the Community Council had been unable to obtain information on the improvements planned for the sewage and waste-water systems in support of the proposed new housing development. Alycia Hayes will work with Sean Dillon to investigate the plans and report back to the Community Council.
Police Report
Community Police Officers Robert Wallace and Rob Cook attended a recent Community Council meeting where they heard the concerns voiced by those present in relation to the antisocial behaviour of some teenagers in the village towards residents and their property. Teenagers have been gathering at the park in Woodside. They have then proceeded to target the housing round the park with windows banged on and attempts made to kick front doors in. This has been accompanied by shouting, swearing and intimidation of the neighbours.
Teenagers have also been partying on the beach as well as at the park. It was noted that some teenagers have been using fake ID to purchase alcohol. The local Community Police attended the CC meeting and having been appraised of the situation, they intend to investigate the matter of the fake IDs and to patrol the local area. When confronted with this kind of behaviour, residents have been advised to call 999 or the Safer Communities No: 0345 155 0022. Concerns can also be posted on the Police Scotland website. The police are unable to deal with these issues if they have not been reported to them.
Elie Harbour - Scotties by the Sea
St Andrews Business Improvement District (BID) in collaboration with creative producers Wild in Art have created a large-scale public art trail – Scotties by the Sea, which is designed to celebrate the communities, culture and creativity of Northeast Fife, whilst also raising money for Maggie’s – Everyone’s Home of Cancer Care.
Also at the Harbour, a flag will be flown this weekend to celebrate the start of the Clipper Round the World Race.
Finally, thank you to all members of the Community Council who turned up on a regular basis to help find a solution to local issues and make this such an attractive and desirable place to stay and to visit. Thanks also to Grizelda for so diligently producing the minutes each month and advising so knowledgably on local matters and thanks to the local Councillors for their valuable input.
Angela Anderson September 2023
Treasurer’s Report
Finalised accounts ending 31st March 2023:
Statement of Funds
31/03/2021 31/03/2022
Balance at start of year 6342.41 4935.54
Income over expenditure - 406.87 7344.01
Creditors and accruals 0.00 0.00
4935.54 12279.55
A full statement of E&ECC accounts is available – please email enquiries@elieandearlsferrycc.org for excel PDF.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 5th September 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan, Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham and Cllr Alycia Hayes.
Apologies from Patricia Ritchie and Cllrs Sean Dillon and Fiona Corps.
New declarations of interest. None
August minutes Proposed by Kirsty, seconded by Angus.
Questions from members of the public
Concern has been once again expressed regarding the ever-increasing number of ‘memorial shrines’ appearing in the Ruddons Point area close to the path leading across Coclklemill Burn and on to Largo Bay. In addition to the ones which have already been set up there are now three more adjacent to the path. It has been confirmed that the land belongs to Abbeyford Leisure but as it is an SSSI the meeting was in agreement that this area is not the right place for such memorials. It is appreciated that this is a sensitive subject and that we have every sympathy for those who wish to commemorate their loved ones. However, it is felt that there are more appropriate ways in which that could be done without spoiling a beauty spot which is enjoyed by countless members of the public. It is hoped that a solution can be found whereby these ‘shrines’ can be removed and alternative methods can be found. It is understood that Robbie Blyth of FCCT is in discussion with Nature Scotland who are responsible for SSSIs and Abbeyford Leisure.
Concern has also been expressed concerning the new blue bins which have been placed in Ruby Bay car park. The CC feel them to be the wrong colour (green rather than bright blue would be more in keeping with the landscape) and in the wrong place and will only encourage further littering. Angela is to write to Robbie Blyth, FCCT. Still on the subject of Ruby Bay car park it was acknowledged that there is still a problem with a surplus of camper vans some of which are not even paying the required parking fees. It was requested that the area be more rigorously policed and fines be imposed on those not obeying the rules.
Communities Housing Trust
The Communities Housing Trust (CHT) is a registered charity and social enterprise focused on building sustainable rural communities across central and northern Scotland. www.chtrust.co.uk/ . It was questioned whether this might be relevant to the proposed development at Wadeslea and it was agreed that Alex Nairn would be consulted and his views on this proposal are to be requested.
Still on the subject of the proposed developments at Wadeslea and the Grange the meeting learned to their amazement and dismay that the conditions in relation to sewage provision originally imposed on the building application at the planning meeting held in 2021 have been amended as follows:
‘It is therefore recommended that an additional condition is added to this consent, requiring confirmation that suitable arrangements have been put in place and the timescale for these submitted for the Planning Authorities approval.’
This appears to be a far cry from the original conditions. We can find no mention of these changes on the planning portal 18/03578/PPP. The CC would like some clarification on when and why these conditions were changed. The CC also feel that the original conditions should apply to all and it is felt that no further domestic building should be permitted until the situation has been resolved. Angela agreed to write to the planning department to request clarification on this matter.
The water leak in Williamsburgh is causing concern. Scottish Water have stated that in order to address the problem permission has to be sought to close the route because ‘it is on a bus route’ – which it isn’t. We await swift action by Scottish Water to address the problem.
Out of the three flashing 20MPH signs as drivers approach Elie Primary School the one on Park Place coming into the village is not working effectively and the one in Woodside Road is completely obscured by trees.*
It has been reported that the pipe leading out to sea from the sewage works at the harbour is in a serious state of disrepair and that it is no longer secured to any structure and is hanging just below the water. This is to be reported to Scottish Water.
A request for E&ECC to be a Statutory Consultee with regard to planning application at 13 Wadeslea 23/02331/FULL has been lodged. It was believed at the meeting that it would contravene Fife Planning Policy 17 which states 'development should be suitably scaled, sited and designed to be in keeping with the character of the area.’
Police report
29 calls to the police. 3 crimes recorded
There were reports in August of a large number of schoolchildren causing trouble throughout the village. It was alleged that they were all pupils from the same independent Edinburgh school whose families were staying in various houses throughout the village. Surprise was expressed that their parents were either unaware or unconcerned about the distress they were causing to residents.
The meeting was sad to learn that the flag at the harbour had been burnt by unknown vandals and it was agreed that funds from CC coffers would be made available to purchase a new one.
Councillors’ Update
Cllr Sean Dillon by email:
RAAC in Public Buildings:
- Following developments in England, residents are rightly concerned about the use of RAAC (Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) in public buildings. I have spoken with the council’s head of property services who has confirmed that in so far as can be determined, there is no RAAC present in any Fife Council-owned buildings.
- With regards to NHS Fife buildings, I have had the following message from the health board’s director of property and asset management:
Following an initial desk-based survey of NHS buildings across Scotland, parts of some of our buildings were identified as potentially containing Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in their construction. More detailed surveys have recently been carried out to determine whether the material is present in any of the most likely buildings identified and we await the results. These surveys will also determine any requirements in terms of ongoing monitoring or whether any immediate or future remedial action is required.
Pension Credit:
- The council is currently writing to all individuals who may be entitled to Pension Credit, encouraging them to apply. Every year, millions of pounds in benefits go unclaimed in Fife. Anyone over the age of 66 may be entitled and this benefit not only tops up pensions, it also entitles the recipient to a £300 cost of living payment in the autumn.
- To apply, visit www.fife.scot/gethelp/pensioncredit or telephone 0800 952 0330.
Crown Estate Scotland Community Capacity Grants Programme:
- Crown Estate Scotland Community Capacity Grants Programme is currently open to all community groups within five miles of Scotland’s coastline, or one of Crown Estate Scotland’s four rural estates. Early-stage financial support is available for community projects that will contribute to local regeneration and sustainable development. Grants will range between £20,000 and £50,000, with a total of £300,000 being made available in this year of the programme. The deadline for expressions of interest is Monday 25th September 2023 and to register your interest/find out more, please visit: https://www.crownestatescotland.com/news/communities-across-scotland-urged-to-apply-for-ps425-000-funding?fbclid=IwAR1xz2wx6_spdY33Q2P7nycACCcrzf2Yc6Pg51m9CQa3GZYn_w2-Q7cIEQk
EAG Update
• The EAG AGM was held in April and one new member has joined the team since. Bob
Mitchell is now unable to take an active part due to failing health, although his expertise
continues to be available to us.
• A community tidy-up event was held prior to the summer season and the small team
managed to get through a lot of work. This was followed up with several ad-hoc forays
around the village to undertake various tasks. Much work is done throughout the season
by individual team members working away on their own initiative.
• Fundraising – a campaign has been running since June both online and with a collection tin
at Elie Newsagents. The amount raised to date (£515) is significantly down on last year
(£2,611), probably due to inflation/recession/cost of living crisis. This will directly affect our
ability to improve and maintain the village.
• The new barrel planters (4) have now all been deployed and the two outside the church
gates also have galvanised steel stands to go with them.
• Repair/refurb of Victorian lamps (Church Gates). The saga – now 18 months old –
continues and the latest promise is that they will be installed “next week”.
• Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump. This will take serious fundraising effort to pay for
the work needed. We are conscious that there is currently another major fundraiser
ongoing for the Playpark, so the Water Pump project is on the backburner for now.
• Name signs for Archbald & Hyde Parks. These have now been installed.
• Top up Tap – we remain on the (long) waiting list with Scottish Water for one of theirs,
however, Lower Largo have installed their own (outside the public toilets at the Main
St/Temple Car Park) and we are investigating the cost of doing something similar for Elie.
• Telephone Kiosk – This has now been repainted following a request by the EAG to BT. It
has also been confirmed that it will be included on the list for community transfer for £1,
should its status change.
• Flagpole – this has now been inspected and repaired by FC following representation from
EAG. Flags are now flying once again!
• Toll Green - the last of the bothies has now been removed from Toll Green and the areas
of damaged grass are self-repairing over time.
• Picnic Table replacement – the remaining wooden picnic table on Toll Green is due for
replacement and this will be done when funds allow. The replacement will be wheelchair
accessible and located on a paved area to match the other ones.
• Dangerous pavements - the concrete pavements running from Stenton Row along the Toft
are full of cracks and holes, some very large creating trip hazards and very dangerous.
• Weeds - Many of the streets in the village are blighted by extensive weed growth along the
edges and in the gutters. This looks extremely unsightly and gives the place a look of
neglect and akin to the Wild West. Individuals from the EAG do their best to remove the
heaviest growth, but FC need to be taken to task about this.
• Trees on Toll Green – hopefully action will be taken this autumn to pollard the trees to let
more light onto TG and reduce the bird noise nuisance and unhealthy mess.
• Grass cutting – or lack of it; the frequency of cutting seems to have decreased this summer
and this is particularly evident at Woodside Playpark, Toll Green, Hyde Park and Archbald
Park. Something for the local councillors to take up perhaps.
• Road sweeping – the mechanical road sweeper has not visited the village as regularly as
usual, which may be due to summer traffic congestion or council cutbacks. What is really
needed in Elie & Earlsferry during the summer months is a seasonal manual road sweeper,
who would be able to access all areas. This happens in other areas – notably St Andrews –
so there should be no reason for our village not to have the same standard of service.
Toll Green
We are still awaiting confirmation from FC that work on the trees will take place in October and that the two dead trees will be removed.
Treasurer’s Update
Finalised accounts ending 31st March 2023:
Statement of Funds
31/03/2021 31/03/2022
Balance at start of year 6342.41 4935.54
Income over expenditure - 406.87 7344.01
Creditors and accruals 0.00 0.00
4935.54 12279.55
A full statement of E&ECC accounts is available – please email enquiries@elieandearlsferrycc.org for excel PDF.
Fireworks meeting
Planned for 14th September at Ship Inn. Notes from meeting will be made available to all following the meeting.
Next meeting Tuesday 3rd October at 7.30 Earlsferry Town Hall
- The tree obscuring the flashing sign has been trimmed.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 1st August 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Kirsty Barclay, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Nicola Hetherington, Cllr Alycia Hayes
In attendance: Community Police Officers Robert Wallace and Rob Cook, two Elie residents
Apologies from Patricia Richie, Grizelda Cowan, Carol Birrel and Cllrs Sean Dillon and Fiona Corps.
June minutes Proposed by Angus, seconded by Nicola
Councillors’ Update
Cllr Sean Dillon by email:
Councillor’s Report – Elie & Earlsferry Community Council
Tuesday, 1st of August 2023
Fife Council Chief Executive:
Following the retirement of Steve Grimmond at the beginning of July, Ken Gourlay has now taken up the post of Chief Executive of Fife Council & Returning Officer for Fife.
Illegal Dumping:
Since the last meeting of the Community Council, I have been contacted on various occasion about illegal dumping in the village. Residents are reminded that they can report by telephone (03451 550022), by email (SaferCommunities.Team@fife.gov.uk) or online (https://www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/articles/environment2/street-care-and-cleaning/illegal-dumping).
NE Fife Housing Summit:
MSP for North East Fife, Willie Rennie, hosted a housing summit in St Andrews on the 30th of June 2023. There were interesting discussions with academics, homelessness charities, house builders, STL operating associations & the Scottish Government Minister for Housing.
Fife Rural Development Fund:
A new rural community-led local development fund of £300,000 has launched. All projects must be completed, and funds spent by 28th February 2024. Due to the tight timescale, the deadline for Expressions of Interest is 15th August 2023. There may be a second round of funding in early October, and this will be confirmed by the end of August 2023.
For Community Grants up to £25,000, a constituted group, registered small business, charity or trust must meet one of the following criteria; Moving towards more sustainable practice, better environmental solutions/working towards Net Zero, supporting young people and minority groups, address cost of living/rural poverty challenges, rural community capacity building.
For Microgrants up to £2,000, a project must address; climate challenges, food security, child poverty
More information available at https://www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/articles/council-and-democracy/community-group-support-and-funding/fife-rural-development-fund
New Development:
Following a request by the Community Council, I contacted Alex Nairn requesting the terms of an agreement with SEPA and Scottish Water with regards to the proposed developments in Elie. He replied stating he may be in a position to supply further information but was under the impression that the Community Council did not meet again until September. I informed him that there would a meeting this evening but have had no further correspondence.
Toll Green
We are still awaiting confirmation from FC that work on the trees will take place in October and that the two dead trees will be removed. The proposal is for the dead trees to be replaced by ornamental trees. Alycia Hayes to follow this up with Fife Council.
Ruby Bay
Robbie Blythe had been advised that some campervans are getting out of paying parking fees at Ruby Bay car-park by getting a new free ticket every 2 hours. Robbie responded that we have staff who patrol the carparks Fife wide on various days and when they are caught not following the rules difficult discussions are had and if required an official letter in the first instance is issued. Most overnight users do purchase a ticket, but a few will let the side down.
Robbie is also going to contact BT yet again, over the raised cable on the footpath leading from the Toft to the beach.
Small Communities Housing Trust
A discussion took place on the benefits of this approach. Angela is to contact Alex Nairn to see how this proposal could be progressed.
Community Council Elections
A discussion took place on whether second-home owners should be invited to join the CC as the area is heavily dependent on the tourist trade. Concern was however voiced that the main interest of some second homeowners is in turning this area into more of a holiday destination and this was reflected in some of the ideas put forward in the Charrette.
However, as the main requirement for application to join the CC is inclusion in the Voter’s Role, a decision was taken to wait and see and support those interested in joining the CC.
Minor Infrastructure Repairs
Note was taken of a large hole in the road near the Toilet block at the Harbour. Alycia Hayes is to contact Fife Council in relation to this.
Concern was voiced again that the Community Council had been unable to obtain information on the improvements planned for the sewage and waste-water systems in support of the proposed new housing development. Alycia Hayes will work with Sean Dillon to investigate the plans and report back to the Community Council.
There seems to be some confusion as to whether, within the development plans, Nairn Park is to remain as a recreational area. It is understood that in the original Fife Plan it was a designated recreational space. It is also understood that recreational space is to be included within the proposed development, but it is unclear if this is to be in place of Nairn Park or additional. Cllr Sean Dillon agreed to follow this up.
Police Report
Community Police Officers Robert Wallace and Rob Cook attended the meeting where they heard the concerns voiced by those present in relation to the antisocial behaviour of some teenagers in the village towards residents and their property. Teenagers have been gathering at the park in Woodside. They have then proceeded to target the housing round the park with windows banged on and attempts made to kick front doors in. This has been accompanied by shouting, swearing and intimidation of the neighbours.
Teenagers have also been partying on the beach as well as at the park. It was noted that some teenagers have been using fake ID to purchase alcohol. The local Community Police attended the CC meeting and having been appraised of the situation, they intend to investigate the matter of the fake IDs and to patrol the local area. When confronted with this kind of behaviour, residents have been advised to call 999 or the Safer Communities No: 0345 155 0022. Concerns can also be posted on the Police Scotland website. The police are unable to deal with these issues if they have not been reported to them.
Traffic Wardens have also been out in the village. One ticket has been issued.
Treasurer’s Update
RBS have, at last, sorted out signatories for our bank account but we are still waiting for the link to enable us to access the accounts on line.
Yearly accounts are ready. Trisha to ask a couple of possible auditors.
Next meeting Tuesday 5th September 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and available on line and members of the public are invited to join.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 6th June 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Carol Birrell, Kirsty Barclay, Patricia Ritchie, Angus Meldrum, Grizelda Cowan, and Cllr Alycia Hayes.
Apologies from Nicola Hetherington, Sandy Bingham and Cllrs Sean Dillon and Fiona Corps.
New declarations of interest. Angus informed the meeting that he has subbitted a planning application.
June minutes Proposed by Kirsty, seconded by Angus.
Councillors’ Update
Cllr Alycia Hayes
Alycia assured meeting that she is investigating details of the Common Good Fund as there does seem to be come confusion over the sum belonging to E&E.
She also reported that FC, who is responsible for trading standards, has discovered some inaccuracies in receipts given out by some small businesses in Fife.
Following the recent speed check no speeding tickets were issued but two warnings given. All gateway signs to the village are to be checked with consideration to installing a speed warning flashing sign and/or a warning of pedestrian crossing sign.
There is concern in Fife over proposed reduction of fife appliances within the Fife Services. Alycia assured the meeting that we would be kept up to date with proposals and decisions.
FC has created a ‘mould task force’ to address the problem of mould in council houses.
There is to be a meeting to discuss Short Term Lets to be held in Crail on 15th June. Minutes from this meeting will be made available.
Cllr Sean Dillon by email:
Castwell Wynd:
Council officers are still awaiting confirmation of a date for repatching work to be carried out.
Nairn Park:
Following the last community council meeting, I have spoken both with council officers & Mr Alex Nairn regarding the use of Nairn Park as a public play space. Both inform me that Nairn Park is an area of privately owned land that was leased to Fife Council for use as a football pitch back in 1995 when there was an identifiable need in the community. The area was allocated as public open space in the 2017 FifePlan by virtue of the lease held by Fife Council. Regrettably, there are not enough children in the village these days to support the use of a football pitch and the arrangement was terminated by Fife Council the following year (2018) who sighted its lack of use as the reason for its termination. Further information regarding the termination can be found in the “Public Open Space Provision - Wadeslea, Elie” report provided by Elie Estate Trust which I have provided.
Consultee Status:
After the letter from the Community Council to Pam Ewen, Head of Planning was shared with me, I wrote to her to ask that a reply to the letter be given. She replied with the following:
I have checked the application file and the Community Council letter was uploaded on 13 March and a representation form the Community Council uploaded 16 March. Details can be viewed through the online portal: 23/00213/FULL | Erection of dwellinghouse, fencing, installation of gates and formation of hardstanding and access | Sandhouse 20 South Street Elie Leven Fife KY9 1DN.
With respect to the two other planning applications, both of these were considered at planning committee in Feb 2021 and a minded to grant decision subject to a legal agreement. In Feb 2023 an additional condition was added through planning committee relating to the restriction on units/phasing to ensure sewage infrastructure is in place. Planning consent was granted at that point when the legal agreement(s) was/were concluded. Where a planning condition is proposed to be changed (and before consent had been granted), and also the process of finalising a legal agreement would not require re-consultation on the applications. Planning committee had assessed and considered all matters and granted subject to a legal agreement. The condition was also considered by committee.
Details of the Reports of Handling (Committee Reports) are available through the online portal. Scottish Water have been involved throughout these applications.
18/03578/PPP | Planning permission in principle for major residential development with associated car parking, landscaping, drainage and formation of new accesses | Land To The North Of Grange Road Earlsferry Fife
18/03579/PPP | Planning permission in principle for major mixed use development comprising: residential units (Class 9), associated car parking, open space, landscaping, drainage and formation of new access points, small business units (Class 4), a care home (Class 8), retirement housing (Class 8), additional parking for a existing doctors surgery and community space/facilities | Land To East Of Wadeslea Elie Fife
If the Community Council is not satisfied with this response, please let me know and I will go back to Pam Ewen.
Telephone Mast:
I have been making enquiries regarding the planning application, 19/01860/TPN, and whether this will be progressed. Having spoken with the agent, Galliford Try, they have informed me that their employee who was involved in the original application has since left the organisation and as a result they are trying to find the related files about this application. Once they are found, they have assured me they will be in touch.
Home Carers Recruitment Drive:
Fife Health & Social Care Partnership are currently conducting a recruitment drive for home carers within North East Fife. We all know the vital role home carers play within our communities and the partnership are encouraging people to apply to work with them to help those most in need in our communities. Further information about the positions can be found on the poster also supplied.
Cllr Fiona Corps by email;
Community Council Elections
The Returning Officer has decided that, subject to there not being an unscheduled major electoral event which would impinge on the election timetable, the Community Council elections this year will take place on Thursday 28th September 2023. Deadline to apply to register to vote to be able to stand as a candidate 10 July. Deadline to apply to register to vote to be able to vote in any poll 10 August. Submission of nomination papers for election 31 August. Publication of Statements as to Persons Nominated 5 Sept
The Community Council web page on Fife Council website has been updated to advise of the forthcoming election date. Anyone interested in standing as a candidate for their local Community Council will have to apply to be registered to vote by Monday 10 July 2023, see website for details. Link to website -
Nomination papers will be available from the Community Councils page on fife.gov.uk from the 14th of August.
Anyone wishing to stand will require their electoral roll number, this can be found by contacting Election.Enquiries@fife.gov.uk
Operation Paramount
I recently spent the morning with our Road Traffic Matters Community Officers carrying out speed checks in the Cellardyke area. This was a great opportunity to see how they operate the speed gun and how drivers travelling in excess of speed limits are dealt with by Police. During the deployment 14 drivers were warned in relation to their speed and 2 drivers were issued with tickets. Following concerns from local residents and speed survey information received from Traffic Management at Fife Council it has highlighted a need for further speed deployments in the area which will be carried out over the coming months.
The Community Police Officers PC 0333 Robert Wallace and PC 0137 Rob Cook would like to take this opportunity to say that they are always keen to engage with members of the Community Council and elected members and would welcome you and the public to get in touch with them regarding any issues you wish to raise. Please contact them on their community team email address. eastneuklandwardCPT@scotland.police.uk Please Note, this email address is NOT for reporting a crime or ongoing incidents and due to our shift pattern, is not monitored 24/7.
Elie/Earlsferry 9 calls to the police. 1 crime recorded
Rennie describes ‘utter astonishment’ at fire service cuts
North East Fife MSP Willie Rennie has today challenged community safety minister Siobhian Brown over cuts to the fire service vehicles in Fife. The cuts will mean the withdrawal of engines at Methil, Glenrothes and Dunfermline. Willie Rennie raised recent incidents of fire in Fife and asked whether the government was certain the cuts should go ahead.
Speaking in the Scottish Parliament, Willie Rennie said: “There is utter astonishment in the Levenmouth area that this fire appliance is being withdrawn. There has been a spate of fires in nightclubs, in shops, hotels. And in fact, this week in a little village in Springfield there was a fire there too. Is the government sure that this is the right time to cut the fire service budget and to allow this cut at Methil to go ahead?”
He later added: “People in Fife are rightly concerned about what the loss of these fire appliances will mean, particularly for response times to fires in North East Fife. The Scottish Government needs to face up to the fact that the fire service is being forced to make these decisions because of the restrictions placed on their budget.”
Shout is a free, confidential and 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope.
Shout’s trained volunteers are available around the clock to listen and support anyone who is suicidal, depressed, anxious or overwhelmed. The service is anonymous and does not show up on phone bills.
We have partnered with Shout to offer support to young people who live in Fife. To start a conversation, text “FIFE” to 85258.
If your life is at imminent risk, call the emergency services on 999.
Covid vaccination
We're running Covid drop-in clinics for people aged 12+ looking to receive their spring booster.
The clinics are ideal for people who already have an appointment but need to reschedule. They are also open to people yet to complete their primary doses (one and two) of the vaccine. Those who have not received an invitation for their spring booster should check NHS inform to ensure they are eligible before attending.
Constituents can book an appointment online or phone the national vaccination helpline on 0800 030 8013.
Questions from the public
Thanks were expressed to Jo Mendrum who attended the meeting to update us on plans for the drinking fountain by Toll Green. Two options are being considered:
Restore the fountain and connect to water supply at an estimated cost of £25k or restore the fountain with no water supply connection at £18k
It is believed that there would be grants available for the restoration of the fountain but that they wouldn’t be available for its base.
The CC agreed that we need a firm decision on the ownership of Toll Green before a decision can be made re the drinking fountain
Nairn Park
Once again, the CC asked our Councillors if they could make a request that Nairn Park might be made available again this summer as an overflow car park. The following words are from previous minutes but are repeated here as the situation remains unchanged:
There seems to be some confusion as to whether, within the development plans, Nairn Park is to remain as a recreational area. It is understood that in the original Fife Plan it was a designated recreational space. It is also understood that recreational space is to be included within the proposed development but it is unclear if this is to be in place of Nairn Park or additional. Cllr Sean Dillon agreed to follow this up.
Toll Green
We are still awaiting confirmation from FC that work on the trees will take place in October and that the two dead trees will be removed.
Proposed eco-cemetery
Following response from Alan Stephen it was confirmed that previous concerns expressed by the CC came from the CC as a whole and not from any particular individual.
Police Report
The CC expressed strong concerns about the reposted incident in which a group of youths were recorded on CC cameras at the harbour throwing a duckling about and tampering with moorings. It is hoped that they were recognised from the postings on social media and made to understand the error of their ways.
Treasurer’s Update
RBS have, at last, sorted out signatories for our bank account but we are still waiting for the link to enable us to access the accounts on line.
Yearly accounts are ready. Trisha to ask a couple of possible auditors.
Next meeting Tuesday 1st August 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and available on line and members of the public are invited to join.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 2nd May 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Angus Meldrum, Carol Birrell, Grizelda Cowan, Kirsty Barclay and Cllrs Alycia Hayes, Sean Dillon and Fiona Corps.
Apologies from Nicola Hetherington and Sandy Bingham
No new declarations of interest.
March minutes Proposed by Angela, seconded by Carol.
Councillors’ Update
Cllr Alycia Hayes
Alycia confirmed that the flagpole had been fixed. The CC would like to thank FC for their prompt attention to this.
Alycia met with Steven Sellers, who has replaced Lesly Craig in FC Traffic Management Department, to discuss traffic and parking issues in our villages. He is reluctant to undertake a site visit but is happy to attend a Teams meeting with members of E&ECC. It was agreed that improved signage round Stenton Row and The Toft should be put in place and that the double yellow lines at Stenton Row should be repainted and that a ‘No Campervans’ sign be put up to stop them heading for harbour. Angela offered to supply a video showing the extent of the traffic problems during busy times and it was universally agreed that some kind of enforcement is necessary and that a visit from traffic wardens at 8am is not helpful.
Cllr Sean Dillon
Having investigated the poor condition of Castwell Wynd following work carried out by Scottish Water and their subcontractor, there was a site visit by the technical inspector. They are satisfied with the subcontractor’s reinstatement works. The reinstatement is better than the existing surface and they will not be responsible for any extended patching work to take in the deteriorating condition for the road. However, he agrees that the condition of the road is unacceptable, and the council must carry out patching works. A date for this is yet to be provided.
Alternative Fuel Payments:
The Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS AF) is providing support of £400 for energy bills for households without a direct relationship to a domestic electricity supplier. If a household meets eligibility criteria, they will need to fill out a short online form via the GOV.UK website. Visit: www.gov.uk and search for ‘apply for energy bill support if not automatic.’ If they do not have online access, households can apply via a contact centre on 08081 753287, where a representative will guide you through the application process. The scheme is open until the 31st of May.
With regards to the Community Council’s constitution, Angela has been provided with the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Fife. After consulting the community councils’ team, they inform me that it is considered best practice to adopt this as a constitution However, if a community council wishes to adopt their own constitution, it must be approved by the council and not conflict with the terms set out by scheme.
Questions from the public
The CC has received a request for a memorial bench on Chapel Green. This has been referred to Fife Council. Angus suggested that he might approach the Harbour Trust to replace one of their benches.
Nairn Park
There seems to be some confusion as to whether, within the development plans, Nairn Park is to remain as a recreational area. It is understood that in the original Fife Plan it was a designated recreational space. It is also understood that recreational space is to be included within the proposed development but it is unclear if this is to be in place of Nairn Park or additional. Cllr Sean Dillon agreed to follow this up.
Toll Green
The CC once again expressed thanks to FC for fixing our flag pole but it was agreed the CC is firmly opposed to FC’s suggestion that it should be replaced by a new lower one. A request was made that, sometime in the future, it should be scanned for rust and other damage to the metal components but it was agreed that there is no cause for concern at present.
Thanks were expressed to Neil Grieve who diligently sees to the flying of the flags both at Toll Green and at the harbour and who issued the following statement in answer to questions from some members of the public:
I have been asked why I was taking the Union Flag down at night and why is the Saltire up - all legitimate questions. The Union Flag on designated days is to be flown between 8am and sunset. This is a good rule to follow as it’s both practicable and reduces wear and tear I have been flying the flags at both locations for the past two weeks and I’m proud to see them up. Not many villages have invested in flags and have the means of flying them.
Due to the cloth weight of our Union Flags and in particular the support stanchions on the Toll Green flag pole in light winds the flag gets wrapped around and damaged. This is a known problem we hope in time to rectify. The Toll Green flag pole is just back working and last thing I want is damaged Union Flags going into the weekend. The Saltire flag we have is a lighter cloth so flies in today’s light winds.
Please do not read anything political into my motivation for choosing which flag goes where. I don’t express a view but I am interested if I have it wrong by convention and please tell me if I have done so and point me to the correct UK/Scot policy on this.
The Union Flag will be back on Toll Green for the Coronation regardless of weather as there are events going on in the village.
The guidance I will follow is “All official flags*, including the Union Flag, will be flown at full mast from 08.00 on the morning of Friday 5 May, until 20.00 on Monday 8 May.”
The CC would like to thank Neil for this excellent explanation and for his dedication to flying our village flags.
Trisha asked Alycia if there was a planned timescale for FC’s adoption of Toll Green.
Following the recent activities on Toll Green it has become even more apparent that action needs to be taken to control the nesting rooks. The CC has received a large number of requests from the public that the trees should be pruned back in order to discourage the rooks and it was agreed that an urgent request be made to FC to see to this as soon as it is legally permissible. Cllr Alycia Hayes assured the meeting that this could be done in early Autumn. Trisha expressed the opinion that a questionnaire should be delivered to the community to assess public opinion but the meeting agreed that the overwhelming majority of the community does wish that action should be taken to make Toll Green safer. Angela stressed the potential health hazards from bird faeces on picnic tables, gates and play equipment.
Ruby Bay
The toilets are now open and it is understood that there is to be one open 24 hours. The meeting noted that a chemical toilet disposal has been installed despite our previous request that this should not happen. The fear is the campervan owners might access the park purely to take advantage of this facility. Members also wondered if the contents were going into the septic tank and questioned as to whether this might adversely affect it. It was, however, understood that FCCT would have considered all these potential problems when authorising the disposal facility.
Angela proposed that CC should ask permission to paint the posts marking a wild camping area by Lady’s Tower as it was felt that they were unsightly. *
The request that the E&ECC should be a ‘Retrospective Consultee’ with regard to the proposed developments has still received no reply from FC despite two requests. Whilst the CC understands that planning permission has been granted, members would like to be kept up to date with any progress. Cllr Sean Dillon agreed to chase this up.
EAG Update
Review of 2022:
• Toll Green fencing refurbishment was undertaken by Fife Council (FC) involving repairs,
replacement of gates and painting railings white. The pathway across the centre was also re-laid.
The end result looks pleasing to the eye and is a major improvement, especially in terms of
wheelchair access.
• Two new village history/information boards were installed – one featuring Elie and the
other Earlsferry.
• Rusty gate replaced at EPS substation by Fife Council following sustained lobbying by EAG
& CC.
• Three of the four bothies belonging to the Station Buffet have been removed, leaving one,
whose future is uncertain. The ground damage caused by these structures now needs to be
repaired, which is a big job.
• Mike Duncan blacksmith is still repairing the Victorian lamps at church gates damaged by
storms (now over a year ago!) - latest target is in time for this (Coronation) weekend.
• New name signs for Hyde Park and Archbald Park have been procured and installed.
• Another four half barrels have been purchased as replacements for the planters outside
the church gates (2) and in Wadeslea (2). These will be swapped out later in May.
Galvanised metal stands are being manufactured for the barrels by Jim Eadnie in
• More slabs laid under benches and picnic tables on Toll Green to avoid soil
erosion/improve safety.
• Maintenance and spring clean event held on Wed 5th April, which despite wide publicity
was poorly supported. Another tidy-up event is planned for May.
• Bunting added to all six flag pole wire stanchions along with yellow markers to highlight
• Fife Council has repaired faulty halyard on TG flagpole following sustained lobbying by EAG
& CC.
Plans for 2023:
• Water Pump refurbishment – JD reported that her research so far indicated costs in the
order of £11k for refurbishment costs and a further estimate of £9k for the associated
• Painting of planters – JD agreed to purchase new paint colour to brighten up all
• Planting Day planned for 23 May 23 – watch out for posters and publicity.
• Wooden gate on TG to be painted white to match fencing.
• Dwarf trees at church gate planters to be transplanted – one to TG, one to Archbald Park.
• More bulbs to be planted to enhance existing displays.
• EAG has offered to assist the Playpark renewal initiative.
The CC has received a request from a member of the public that a very prominent ‘One Way’ sign be put at the west end of Earlsferry High Street. Drivers coming from Chapel Green often miss the existing notice. Perhaps marking on the road would also be helpful. It was agreed that this should be made more visible to cyclists too. Cllr Alycia Hayes agreed to make the request.
Question was asked as to why the proposed mobile mast, 19/01860/TPN on Land to the east of the telephone exchange, Park Place has not been actioned. Grizelda has emailed Peter OConnor at FC Planning Services asking for an update but has not received a reply. Cllr Sean Dillon agreed to make further enquiries.
Next meeting Tuesday 6th June 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and available on line and members of the public are invited to join.
* Robbie Blyth has said that he would be reluctant to paint them as they would flake/fade very quickly and would look far worse in a very short period.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 4th April 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie, Sandy Bingham, Angus Meldrum, Carol Birrell, Grizelda Cowan, Kirsty Barclay and Cllrs Alycia Hayes and Fiona Corps.
Apologies from Cllr Sean Dillon.
No new declarations of interest.
March minutes Trisha pointed out an inaccuracy in Constitution paragraph in March’s minutes. With following amendment, they were proposed by Angus, seconded by Trisha:
CC Constitution
As there has been some confusion over which Constitution we should be adhering to. It was decided that Cllr Sean Dillon would investigate the difference between the two versions we have seen and advise on the one appropriate for the CC.
Following on, the meeting unanimously agreed to formally appoint the recently co-opted members Carol Birrell and Kirsty Barclay as filling casual vacancies on the Community Council. Accordingly, for the avoidance of doubt, they both have full voting rights.
Councillors’ Update
Cllr Alycia Hayes
Alycia assured meeting that FC has confirmed that the flagpole will be mended and for use in time for the coronation. *
She is still chasing FC to consider a traffic management plan for our villages.
During the school holiday there are to be free lunches available for all, Monday to Friday from 3rd – 14th April, 12noon – 1pm at Anstruther Primary School and St Monans Town Hall.
Also, there will be free swimming and use of the Astro turf and racket sports facilities at all sports centres managed by Fife Sports and Leisure Trust.
The Food4Fife Partnership was launched In August 2021 by organisations from across Fife's food system. The consultation is asking everyone in Fife for their views and feedback from March 20 – April 28 2023. You can have your say at the following libraries across Fife:
- Cowdenbeath Library
- Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries
- Rothes Halls Library
- Kirkcaldy Galleries
- Buckhaven Library
- Cupar Library
- Rosyth Library
or online at the Food4Fife website http://our.fife.scot/food4fife
Cllr Fiona Corps
Fiona confirmed that our local councillors are still trying to persuade FC to address the parking problem that arises during all our busy times. It was noted that, without the parking facility at Nairn Park, the situation will be even more serious this coming summer. The meeting unanimously agreed that we all deeply regret Fife Council’s bizarre decision to end their lease of Nairn Park, particularly as the decision was made with no consultation with the community or its Council.
Cllr Sean Dillon
Sean is investigating options for new East Neuk signs to replace the old ‘Fisherlass’ ones.
Toll Green
The meeting was pleased to learn that Jon Rodigan of FC has asked Fife Council’s Estates and Legal Team to progress the adoption of Toll Green. It is understood that this may take time to complete but is promising none the less.
Trisha has requested an update on progress re pruning of the trees. Alycia agreed to chase this matter up.
Ruby Bay
The toilets are now open and it is understood that there is to be one open 24 hours.
Alex Nairn has offered to include provision of an alternative recycling centre in the proposed development at Wadeslea. The meeting felt that an extra recycling centre serving the new development would be welcomed but that the existing one at Ruby Bay should remain.
The request that the E&ECC should be a ‘Retrospective Consultee’ with regard to the proposed developments has still received no reply from FC despite two requests. Alycia to chase this up.
Local infrastructure
It was noted that potholes are still causing considerable distress in the area. Members of the community are urged to report these as much as they can. It is an easy process and it is understood that action taken is usually in proportion with number of reports made. To report a pothole on line go to - https://www.fife.gov.uk/services/form-pages/report-a-road-or-pavement-fault
SEPA Survey
The survey sent out by SEPA has been completed by the CC as a whole and by several members individually. We have requested a public meeting at which members of the community would be able to express all their concerns.
Beach Group
A request made by a member of the public re weeds on the dunes has been passed on to FCCT.
EAG Update from Graham Meacher
• A community tidy-up event is planned for Wed 5 Apr (meet 14.00 on TG) and a list of tasks
is being put together for this. The CC is cordially invited to propose potential tasks for
inclusion. Posters have been distributed and also uploaded to social media (copy attached).
• The new barrel planters have now been delivered and we are just waiting for the
galvanised steel stands to go with them before deploying.
• Repair/refurb of Victorian lamps (Church Gates). The saga continues and the latest
promise is that they will be installed before Coronation Day(!).
• Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump. No further update.
• Name signs for Archbald & Hyde Parks. These have been ordered and are being
• The collecting box at Elie Newsagents has been emptied with a total of £23 being donated.
• The EAG AGM is planned for Wed 26 Apr 23 in the Pavilion at 14.30. All most welcome.
Earlsferry Town Hall Update from Neil Cuthbert
Welcome Emma!
I am delighted to announce the appointment of our Development Officer, Emma Campbell in the new role funded by TNL Community Led fund. Amongst many other things, she will lead a modernisation of our communications; engage with the stakeholders of our towns; build a sense of public ownership of our community space; increase usage; combat isolation and encourage community led events to happen. Exciting times! We are lucky to have such a rich talent on board.
Community & clubs
- Mahjong for Beginners. Thursdays 16th and 30th March. 4.00-6.00pm.
- Blenheim to Berlin. Wednesday 15th March 6.00pm for an informal reception before the illustrated talk on Balaclava-1854 starting at 6.30pm. A convivial atmosphere with ample time for discussion and questions. Register your attendance here. Register
- ETH Bridge Club continues Thursdays 9th March, 23rd March, 6th April and 20th April; meeting at 5.45pm prompt and commencing at 6.00pm (finish by 8.00pm). Please record you interest to Philip Mould
- Elie and Earlsferry Wine Club meet on Friday 24th March at 6.00pm. Greg Reid from Corney & Barrow will be presenting a selection of interesting wines from Italy. Members, guests and visitors all welcome. Contact Jane Tait, Secretary.
- We have received the kind promise of a second Table Tennis table and hope to have both up and running soon.
- The Cinema is getting ready for a restart on Good Friday April 7th at 6.00pm with a special Easter showing of Matilda the Musical
- Yoga Classes, our most regular activity in the hall, on Thursdays and Sundays by Judith Dunlop.
Live music in the Hall - celebrating 150 years of live music.
- On Sunday March 5th 1pm and 3pm Singing Kettle. The 2 Shows were sell-outs filling the hall with bairns, mums, dads and grannies. Maybe grandpas too!
- Coronation Saturday May 6th a community organised supper with dancing. Details will be advertised soon.
- Friday May 26th 7.30pm Tenement Jazz Band
- Saturday June 24th 7.30pm Jill Jackson
- Friday September 1st 7.30pm Barbara Dickson SOLD OUT SORRY!**
More information can be found on ETH website - https://www.earlsferrytownhall.org.uk/
It was noted that Community Council elections will take place on 28th September. More information to follow.
Next meeting Tuesday 2nd May 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.
* Flag flying now!
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 7th March 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Patricia Ritchie, Grizelda Cowan, Kirsty Barclay and Cllrs Alycia Hayes and Sean Dillon.
Apologies from Sandy Bingham and Carol Birrell.
No new declarations of interest.
January minutes – Trisha pointed out an inaccuracy in January’s minutes. Minutes should have recorded that the survey carried out in 2018 showed 85% of householders and 82% of full time residents did not support the construction of more than 25 affordable homes. With that correction January minutes were proposed by Trish, seconded by Angus.
CC Constitution
As there has been some confusion over which Constitution we should be adhering to. It was decided that Cllr Sean Dillon would investigate the difference between the two versions we have seen and advise on the one appropriate for the CC.
Following on, the meeting unanimously agreed to formally adopt recently co-opted members Carol Birrell and Kirsty Barclay. They both become full members of the Elie and Earlsferry Community Council and both have full voting rights (according to 7b of the Constitution).
Councillors’ Update
Cllr Sean Dillon
Fife Council Budget 2023/24:
At the last full council meeting, a council tax and rent rise of 5% was approved. While mindful of the cost-of-living crisis that we are currently experiencing, this rise will ensure that the problems that are most important to residents are addressed including the roads which will receive £3.5 million in additional funding as well as to allow greater support for those struggling financially.
Subsidised Bus Consultation:
The council is currently carrying out a consultation on supported bus routes including the 95 and the Go-Flexi service. Any comments will be used to help influence the future of these routes from August 2023. If anyone is interested in taking part, please use the link below:
Local Transport Strategy Consultation:
Fife Council is currently consulting on its local transport strategy for the next decade. You can find details of the strategy and give your views using the following link:
Alycia Hayes
Fife recycling centres are now unable to take small electric items due to the fire at the Perth Depo. Residents are advised to store such items until the service can resume.
Fife Council offices will be closed on the day of the Coronation of Charles III
Fife Council has updated information on Short Term Lets regulations and confirmed that existing businesses have till the end of September to apply for a licence. All updated information can be found here Short Term Let Licensing Information - Fife Tourism Partnership
Questions from the Public
The meeting welcomed Cath McIntosh who updated the meeting on all activities at Elie Sports Club:
Michael Bradfield, Head PGA professional has formally taken over the pro-shop.
ESC has approached Madras college and Waid Academy to provide an opportunity for students in the departments for additional support (special needs) to try putting and bowling as part of a four week programme after Easter. The initiative is aimed at encouraging participation for disabled young people in sport. Michael and his team of golf professionals will be supporting by coaching putting and ESC will be asking for volunteers from the bowling club to help in the delivery of bowls.
After school golf coaching sessions will start up again after the Easter break. Details have been circulated via the WhatsApp group to parents but if anyone has any queries or would like to lodge an interest, contact Michael Bradfield.
New play equipment has been installed in the children’s play area.
There is to be an official opening day for the tennis courts on Sunday2nd April 2023, the Pavilion will provide a BBQ. The tennis courts will be open free of charge on the day and the tennis coach Skip Martinez will be available to offer guidance and tips. With the new tennis courts in place it is hoped that players will form a tennis club.
Possible future projects include:
- Paddle tennis
- Pickleball
- Improvements to the driving range.
Traffic/parking problems in the villages
We are still awaiting the traffic survey promised several years ago. Our spirits were raised in 2021 when Lesley Craig was appointed Lead Consultant, Traffic Management at Fife Council. From CC minutes March 2021: The meeting agreed that there is now some urgency to address the expected problems in the coming months. Cllr Linda Holt confirmed that she would speak to Lesley Craig who has taken over from Colin Sterling to request some short term measures to address the problems. * * Since our meeting Cllr Linda Holt has contacted Lesley Craig who is being been very proactive and is seriously looking into ways in which our traffic congestion problem can be alleviated.
However, despite FC’s promises, we are still in the same position two years on.
A further meeting is planned with Robbie Blyth, Angela, Neil Grieve and representative from FC. Cllr Alycia Hayes explained that Lesley has been inundated with requests from all over Fife and is dealing with the ‘backlog’. The meeting felt that, as our problems go back to pre-Covid times they must be included in the ‘backlog’.
Toll Green
Fife Council has surveyed the flagpole and we await their decision on it *
Discussion followed over whether the trees on Toll Green should be pollarded or pruned. Following a vote, 2-3, it was agreed that FC should be asked to prune the trees.
Redundant Road Signs
Most of them have been removed.
Planning issues
We are still waiting for a reply from FC re our request to be a retrospective Consultee regarding the development plans at Wadeslea and the Grange.
Concern has been expressed over the damage and disruption caused at the two building sites in the village at Four Winds and Chapel Green House. It was hoped that, on completion, the builders will make good all damage caused.
Concern has been expressed by some members of the public over the planned eco-cemetery on Elie Estate - 22/03401/FULL. The EECC has requested that they be a Statutory Consultee on this application. Anyone who has an interest in this proposal should record their comments on Fife ePlanning portal - https://planning.fife.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=RJC1GCHFLIT00&activeTab=sum or convey them to the CC so that we can accurately pass on the views of the community.
SEPA Survey
We have been asked to complete a survey compiled by SEPA. We await receipt of a detailed copy of the survey to enable the CC to discuss it.
Angela met with Bridget , Tara Nairn and a representative from FC to discuss the way forward. It was agreed that a request should be made to FC for funding from the Common Good Fund. It is understood that they are hoping for funding from the Scottish Government for year 2023/4.
Beach Group
The seaweed by the Harbour Beach has been removed by a local farmer and the meeting expressed thanks to the Harbour Trust for arranging this and to the local farmer for obliging at no cost.
The damage to the harbour wall is being repaired and it was agreed that a request be made to the Harbour Trust for updates on their activities. Nicola agreed to action this.
EEEG update
Whilst some general tidying and weeding has been going on throughout the village over the
winter months, our thoughts are now turning to organising a big spring tidy-up, litter pick and
planting. The Toll Green in particular needs some TLC, especially the areas where the wooden
bothies have been sitting and the grass has died off.
New barrel planters have been ordered along with galvanised steel stands being manufactured
locally for them to sit in. These are to replace the square planters on Elie Church gates (2),
Earlsferry Town Hall (2) and Wadeslea (2), which are beyond repair.
The task list for the EAG team includes:
Repaint planters (4) located at the base of the flagpole on Toll Green.
Flagpole on TG. Work required involves dropping the (hinged) flagpole to repair the
halyard pulley, re-position upper stays (to prevent flag tangling) and repaint the flagpole.
Progress has been made with FC, who seem willing to adopt and maintain. Neil Grieve is
leading with CC.
Tree pruning on TG. FC appear to be more responsive to this request and are looking at it.
CC leading.
Memorial Tree for Jim Robertson. On hold awaiting result of tree pruning on TG.
Organise a Village Spring Tidy & Litter Pick.
Other matters
Repair/refurb of Victorian lamps (Church Gates). This continues to be taking much longer
than anticipated. Mike Duncan (Blacksmith) latest promise is 14 March.
Repair/refurb of Victorian Water Pump. No further update.
Name signs for Archbald & Hyde Parks. In hand.
Earlsferry Town Hall
Emma Campbell has been appointed as Development Officer in the new role funded by TNL Community Led fund. The EHT goes from strength to strength with loads of activities planned.
For information on all the EHT has to offer from bridge, table tennis, yoga, pilates, concerts, lectures, wine club go to https://www.earlsferrytownhall.org.uk/
The new toilet block at Ruby Bay car park is expected to be installed by the end of March
Next meeting Tuesday 4th April 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.
* Since the meeting we have received following information:
“The flagpole at Toll Green was subject to a drone inspection two weeks ago and the pictures show no evidence of corrosion. There is discolouration and a slight bend in the pole but nothing to suggest any imminent failure. The main pole is secured at the base and by guy ropes, the smaller extension at the top is bolted to the main pole and also secured by ropes to the main pole, so there is no risk of anything falling.
The pole presents a greater risk to the public walking over Toll Green and falling over the guy ropes. The area these rope cover is disproportionate to the size of the green and present a hazard to the public and grass cutting operations. My preference would be take the pole down and install a smaller flagpole in a more suitable setting in the area.”
We have, however, pointed out that a smaller flagpole would be not acceptable and that the problem is the broken halyard which would not have been picked up by a drone. We have requested that it be fixed in time for us to be able to fly the flag on Coronation Day. Cllr Alycia Hayes agreed to follow up.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 7th February 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Angus Meldrum, Sandy Bingham, Patricia Ritchie, Carol Birrell Grizelda Cowan and Kirsty Barclay.
No apologies from our local councillors
No new declarations of interest.
January minutes – were proposed by Angela, seconded by Trisha.
Councillors’ Update
Alycia Hayes has forwarded to the CC an email re bus stops sent by Tony McRae
Service Manager (Passenger Transport Services) Fife Council Roads & Transportation Services in explanation to our request that the redundant bus stop signs should be removed:
The bus stops are still currently used by the school bus to Waid Academy (morning and afternoon) and also by anyone who uses the Go-Flexi Service which serves this area. The Go-flexi service was introduced to cover this area several years ago when the old service 62 used to operate.
The school bus operator (A1 Coaches) has however reported problems on this route and that sometimes they can’t get the bus along at all because of parked cars. As a result, our School Transport team met with Education last year to look at the walk route to the main stops on the High Street/A917 and it was agreed that the route to these main stops was 'available' ie suitable for pupils to walk to the main stops. As from August 2023 the Waid School Bus will therefore no longer divert into Williamsburgh/Links Road and parents will be advised of this nearer the time when school bus passes are issued etc.
When the school bus no longer serves this area, we can arrange to have the bus stops removed as the Go-Flexi service can operate on a hail and ride basis however it may be prudent to keep a few stops in order to retain some information boards advertising the Go-Flexi service?
The meeting expressed disappointment to learn that the school bus will no longer service the stop at Williamsburgh and suggested that it takes route into Elie via Ferry Road before moving on the stop outside the church and thus servicing the children living in Earlsferry and at The Grange.
Questions from the Public
A request was received from a group wishing permission to come to the Chapel Green area to study coastal lichens. They were assured that this would be fine and we wished the group an enjoyable day in May.
Article in East Fife Mail
Following the publication of the article in East Fife Mail in January Trisha expressed the opinion that the statement issued by the CC did not express the true wishes of the community at large. In a survey following the initial development proposals over 80% of those who completed the survey expressed the wish that there should be no development within our villages’ boundary.
Toll Green
Three of the huts have been bought and removed and the last one is expected to be taken away shortly.
The bits of the Christmas tree that still remain on Toll Green will also be removed imminently.
Re the flag pole Angela agreed to write to Fife Council to request that it be inspected for health and safety purposes.
A tree report from FC has advised that the trees should be pollarded, the diseased tress should be removed and that a new tree should be planted in memory of Jim Robertson.
Nairn Park
As it is understood that Nairn Park will no longer be available as an overflow car park it was agreed that a meting is to be set up with FC FCCT and Neil Grieve to discuss possible alternatives.
Replacement Gates by School
The sign on the vehicle access gate still requires to be removed.
Dog Fouling Posters
Posters designed by the children at Elie Primary School are now on display at Hyde and Archbald Parks, Toll Green and at the playpark. However, they have suffered considerably due to the recent bad weather. Kirsty and Grizelda agreed to look into better ways of securing them. *
Redundant Road Signs
Grizelda has made a list of abandoned road signs:
On Links Road, Earlsferry, at the junction with Ferry Road, the road sign and cone is on the golf course verge.
On the field side of Ferry Road, around 20m south of the junction with the A917.
On Grange Road, Earlsferry,
On unmade road parallel with Grange Road to the north leading to easter Grange and Grangehill, on the right-hand side near the beginning.
By Elie Library, Siward Sane
This is to be emailed to our local councillors in the hope that they can persuade FC to remove them.
Planning issues
Concerns were expressed by the CC to the recent planning application for an Eco Cemetery to be established on Elie Estate. Concerns included increased traffic on the single track driveway, which is a core path, and extra traffic negotiating the narrow gateway onto main road and that new Loch Runs lie in close proximity to the proposed graveyard. Angela is to request that the E&ECC should be a Statutory Consultee and that the closing date of 3rd March should be extended by four weeks to allow for further discussion at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s report
Insurance form to be completed and returned to FC. Angus will apply for our annual grant from FC and it was noted that we need to spend at least a third of this year’s grant before the end of the tax year.
Police Report
Elie/Earlsferry - 11 calls to the police. 1 crime recorded
Angela met with Bridget and Tara Nairn and a representative from FC to discuss way forward. It was agreed that enquiries should be made to FC to request if funding from the Common Good Fund could be released to pay for a more modest plan. It is also possible that there might be funding available from the Scottish Government, given that over £10,000 has already been raised.
Coronation celebrations
It is understood that there are already some plans afoot to celebrate the coronation of Charles III and Nicola agreed to speak to Shona Jones to find out if Fayre Day have plans. It was agreed the CC should plant a tree, probably on Toll Green to mark the coronation.
Next meeting Tuesday 7th March 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.
- The signs have been re-laminated and put in place in Archbald Park, Hyde Park and the play park. Thanks to the History Society for providing the stakes on to which they have been nailed.
Minutes of Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry Community Council meeting held on 10th January 2023 at Earlsferry Town Hall
Present: Angela Anderson, Patricia Ritchie Angus Meldrum, Carol Birrell Grizelda Cowan and Kirsty Barclay.
Apologies from: Sandy Bingham, Nicola Hetherington, Cllr Alycia Hayes
No new declarations of interest.
December minutes –
Trisha asked if it had been requested at the December meeting that we should receive confirmation on which is our official Constitution as there appears to be several versions. Cllr Alycia Hayes agreed to check which is the correct one. Grizelda apologised for omitting this in the minutes and we look forward to receiving confirmation from Cllr Hayes. With that amendment the December minutes were proposed by Angus, seconded by Carol.
Councillors’ Update
Sadly, no updates have been received.
Questions from the Public
It was asked if FC could remove the heap of redundant road signs which have been sitting outside the old Victoria Hotel for weeks. In addition, a similar request was made re signs left by the library and on the side of the unmade road leading to Grangehill and Easter Grange. Angela to ask local councillors to request their removal.
Toll Green
The meeting welcomed Neil Grieve who has been involved in seeing to the flagpole on Toll Green. He explained that it is in a state of disrepair and is a risk to public safely in its present state. It was agreed that FC should be pressed into looking into this and to see to its repair. Angela to contact FC on this.
The huts belonging to the Buffet have been offered for sale and it is believed that buyers have been found. Carol to ask Derek from the Buffet for an update.
FC is still debating the pollarding/pruning of the trees and the removal of the dead ones.
Replacement Gates by School
It was confirmed that the padlock attached to new vehicle access gate has been removed and both gates are now open. The sign still requires to be removed. It remains a mystery as to why it was ever locked.
Annual Ship Inn Fireworks Display
It was agreed that the CC should request an update on plans for next year’s display in the next couple of months.
Dog Fouling Posters
Posters designed by the children at Elie Primary School are now on display at Hyde and Archbald Parks, Toll Green and oat the playpark. However, they have suffered considerably due to the recent bad weather. Kirsty and Grizelda agreed to look into better ways of securing them
Locality Plans
Angela has completed and submitted FC’s Local Plan survey. Her paper can be found at the end of these minutes. It was also agreed that this should be shared with St Andrews CC who were asking for advice on completing their survey. Thanks were expressed to Angela for providing such a comprehensive document.
It was agreed that a request be made to FC that the CC should be a Statuary Consultee for any future developments and that Angela, Sandy and Grizelda should continue to receive all planning applications on a weekly basis and that any applications which might be of concern should be flagged up at CC meetings.
Discussions led by Bridget with FC are on-going. There is to be a meeting with Ian Wilson of FC on Tuesday 31st January. It is hoped that, as funding of over £10.000 has already been raised, it might be possible to receive match funding which would enable installation of some new equipment, even if it the plan was to be more modest than the original, very expensive one.
Beach Group
Thanks to FCCT for the speedy removal of both the broken fence at the bottom of Telford Wynd and the old life belt further along the dunes.
Thanks were expressed to Philip Taylor who cleared up all the mess, including a large amount of broken glass and nails from burnt pallets, left by New Year revellers on the beach.
A request has been made to FCCT/FC that the seaweed at harbour beach should be removed soon as along with the rotting seaweed are dead birds and at least one dead seal.
Next meeting Tuesday 7th February 2023, 7.30pm, Earlsferry Town Hall. As usual this will be a public meeting and members of the public are invited to join.
Fife Local Development Plan for Elie and Royal Burgh of Earlsferry: aims and aspirations for the local area
Nothing about us Without us
Plans for a large housing development in the area were validated in March 2019. The draft decision was taken on 9th August 2021. However, the local community does not feel that their voices were heard in relation to the plans; a Participation Request for the local community to be involved in decision-making about the new housing development was rejected by Fife Council.
Given the scale of the overall development for the size of the town (15% increase in total residential units) the Community Council lodged a number of complaints with Fife Council, but it felt these were not properly addressed, their concerns were dismissed, and they ended up shouting into the void.
Historic Mine Shafts in the area planned for development
Sink Holes: Fife Council was advised by the Community Council in April 2019, that the proposed building area at the Grange lies close to the site of old mine workings. One mine chamber has been identified but, whilst there is historical knowledge of a second chamber, the location of this second chamber has not as yet been identified. This could lie under the area to be developed. There is a danger from old mines of sink-holes appearing many years after mining in the area has finished. The substrate in the area the planned development sits on is made up of coal and limestone. Limestone is a rock that is prone to dissolving over time to form caves and underground cavities. Although usually stable, these cavities can collapse either naturally or because of man-made changes to the surface and underground drainage. When this happens buildings and other structures can suffer subsidence. The first discovery of a redundant mine shaft may therefore be when a hole appears on the surface.
Little notice was taken of this feedback until a large sink hole emerged on Grange Road when the Gas Board was attempting to lay some pipes. The Coal Board had to be called in to help deal with this and the road was closed off for many months as the issue was tackled.
Mine gas emissions: The application proposes to build on land previously mined for coal. Coal seams often contain significant amounts of endogenous gas (firedamp), whose main component is typically methane and sometimes carbon dioxide. Firedamp can be released from unmined parts of the seam for a relatively long time after the end of mining operations. It accumulates in residual mine spaces at the same time as other gases from the transformation of materials present in the old workings and/or in the air that may still be able to circulate through the old workings (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide). The combinations of these gases form a mixture called "mine gas". Very often, this mixture is severely lacking in oxygen or even virtually oxygen free. Mine gas can migrate to the surface where its presence can then induce significant risks: risks of explosion, suffocation or poisoning. Release of mine gas can occur through a direct path between the old workings and the surface because of the mine opening up, faults or cracks or the unintentional connection of post-mining voids to the atmosphere due to drilling or excavating work conducted close to the old mine. EECC therefore strongly objected to this application as no detailed investigation of the underground mining reservoir and the assessment of the risk of mine gases migrating to the surface had been undertaken.
Treatment of disposal and wastewater: Scottish Water has confirmed in the application that there is ‘insufficient capacity in the Elie Septic Tank to service your development’ and stated that ‘a growth project is required to increase the available capacity’. The Community Council would welcome a growth project to increase this capacity to deal with existing pressures on the system and allow for development in the village. Until critical infrastructure is in place to support further growth, EECC objects to temporary short-term fixes being put in place with no discernible date for long term solutions. We note that SEPA have lodged a similar objection (13th March 2019) to this application. EECC would be happy to support an application with the developer to Scottish Water to expedite the growth project but until we have a clear timeline in place to improve our basic infrastructure, we cannot support the growth of the village beyond its capacity.
Following a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by members of the local community, it now appears the outcome being taken forward by the Developer is that ‘you will be left with the same level of service you have today after the developments are joined to the existing system’. This I would suggest is totally unacceptable and certainly not satisfying the conditions of Planning in Principle
Of course, it is acknowledged by everyone that the existing level of service is substandard however Elie beaches have maintained their exemplary standard throughout these problems. This seems to be the ‘justification’ for the current proposal.
Fortunately, SEPA, who have had doubts all along regarding the discharge of effluent and surface water from the development, are involved in the evolution of the proposals as the ultimate consenter. They were only persuaded to remove their objection to the development when the proposed connection to the existing system was proposed. The Condition for the delay to construction until a Growth Project had been defined and a commitment to fund by SW/Developer had been enshrined in a Section 75 Agreement.
Concern centres round whether the intention of SW/Developer to increase capacity is really a ‘Growth Project’. It is also unclear how it will be achieved. There are lots of questions raised.
a) Where is the existing surface water within the combined system to be redirected and discharged?
b) How will the existing septic tank at the harbour be expanded?
c) What is the risk to bathing water quality?
SEPA has rightly queried the technical issues especially the modelling which they have asked to be redone as the data assumptions made were incorrect and the impact on bathing water was missing. As we know locally at busy times the existing system often overflows sewage into gardens in at least 3 locations in the village. SEPA has rightly flagged up that even with favourable data there is a high risk of creating ‘a visible slick or plume through the tidal cycle’
With the concerns noted above and the fact that there are currently still a number of issues in the villages relating to sewage contamination of roads, plus the Covid virus can be found in sewage, it is surprising and unacceptable that the community council has not been able to provide input into the planning process and it has required the submission of a Freedom Of Information (FOI) request to garner further information. It would be helpful therefore to become a consultee and to have sight of or access to the technical reports, specifically the outcome of the modelling following SEPA’s intervention.
The aims of the community now include the following:
Fife Council allows and enables the Community Council to be involved as consultees in the decision-making process in relation to the current housing development.
A review of the impact on the villages takes place after the first phase of the proposed housing development and any further work is determined by the outcome of the review.
Involvement and collaboration work better: Fife Council should take the opportunity to mainstream community participation across the planning application process, including those awaiting a decision.
Woodside Playpark
The local Playpark group which is a sub-group of the Elie and Earlsferry Community Council would like to see new equipment installed at the local playpark in Elie. The intention would be for the playpark group to co-design the play-park area in collaboration with the relevant team at Fife Council and be involved in the decision-making process regarding the most appropriate equipment.
As a significant portion of the funding is being sought locally, a phased implementation would be preferable so that the community can see earlier progress being made. The new park will benefit all homeowners in the village and holiday makers alike.
A review is required of the Traffic Management System in the villages with a Traffic Management plan developed in collaboration with the Community Council. This should include the introduction of a 20mph speed limit on Elie High Street and Park Place along with the placing of Speed Indicator Display equipment such as the Messagemaker Displays at the entrances to the villages to secure the roads and keep the public safe.
Speeding is a nationwide issue that causes increased accidents, noise pollution, and air pollution. Vehicle Activated Speed signs are popular traffic management solutions in reducing vehicle speeds to create safer and cleaner roads.
Messagemaker Displays offers a wide range of LED road safety signs. In this range there are 3 main types, ideal for Parish Councils, Town Councils, Industrial estates, Car Parks, and more. They can be powered by battery, solar power or 230-volt mains power and will flash up the speed of drivers approaching the village.
There are 2 preferred options which display the speed of the oncoming vehicle:
SPEED INDICATOR DEVICE (SID) – Displays the speed of any oncoming vehicle travelling over the speed limit along with a “SLOW DOWN” message.
SMILEY ACTIVATED MESSAGE (SAM) – Displays the speed of any oncoming vehicle along with a red ‘sad face’ for speeding vehicles, and a green ‘smiley face’ for vehicles travelling within the speed limit.
The villages have been asking for a number of years for this to take place.
Additional parking preferably on the outskirts of the villages is also required to deal with the influx of visitors and their cars during the holiday periods.
Angela Anderson
Chair Elie and Earlsferry Community Council
16 December 2022